How can you protect your eyes from the sun?
Published in Health Radio
How can you protect your eyes from the sun?
Published in GTL
Wednesday, 24 June 2015 11:06

Fireworks: Tips for Safe Celebrations

The AAP recommends prohibiting public sale of all fireworks, including those by mail or the Internet.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 24 June 2015 10:40

Lightning Safety

The clever saying, "when thunder roars, go indoors" is a great way to teach your kids summer storm safety.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 16 July 2014 12:00

Kids in Hot Cars: The Dangers Are Very Real

In the last two months, five American children died of hyperthermia in hot cars.
Published in Healthy Children
According to the CDC, approximately 10 people die from unintentional drowning every day.
Lyme disease often takes the forefront when considering tick-borne illnesses, but other tick-borne diseases can be equally dangerous.
Aside from being pesky, the recent spread of mosquito-related illnesses is now posing a real threat to the U.S.
Tuesday, 10 June 2014 12:11

Recipe for Your Summer Health & Fitness

Can you actually get in great shape with a simple recipe?
Published in Train Your Body
Friday, 06 June 2014 10:33

Lawnmower Injuries on the Rise

When doing yard work, what are the best things you can do to keep your limbs safe while still getting the job done?
Friday, 06 June 2014 10:22

Dangers of the Summer Sun

The hot summer sun can feel like such a relief after a long winter. But there are critical things to consider when it comes to the sun's rays.
Wednesday, 28 May 2014 12:45

Summer Activities for Your Kids

What are your kids doing this summer? Sitting around playing video games all day? Or do you have something healthier and more fun in mind?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 19 February 2014 12:00

Choosing Your Child's Summer Camp

It's difficult to think about your kids' summer camp choices in the midst of all this cold. But being proactive can give them the best experience possible.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 14 August 2013 11:45

Not All Vitamin D is Created Equal

Vitamin D seems like one of the simpler nutrients your body needs. But, that's a myth. Find out which vitamin D you need and why.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Every year dozens of children die or are seriously injured from being left in a hot vehicle.
Friday, 02 August 2013 10:11

Dehydration Dangers

Dehydration often sneaks up on you. But it's more than just being thirsty; it can be deadly. Learn how to keep you and your loved ones healthy and hydrated.

As we've all noticed this Summer, heat waves are on the rise. But how can you beat the heat when you don’t have air conditioning?

When Summer Turns Sour

It’s the time of year you’ve all been waiting for, but then you get hit with that unbearable sticky, humid heat. It can leave you wondering if you should even dare to be outside.  On nearly every newscast, reporters and health officials are encouraging us to stay indoors. That’s great for those who can rejoice in their AC, but what about those of us who don’t have AC?

Yes, it may come as a surprise to some that people do, in fact, live without AC.

I've been lucky enough that every place that I've ever lived has had it. But, I do distinctly remember visiting my brother and his (now) wife in Milwaukee last summer, during a brutal heat wave.  

They don’t have AC, and I remember thinking to myself, "this is just awful. I will never take AC for granted again!"

But, other than nearly losing my mind a couple of times, I did learn some great tricks that allowed us live and to fall asleep, even when the thermometer rose above 100 degrees.
Published in RadioMD Blog

Last summer, we were worried about drought. Not so much this summer, as our rain dances seem to have worked, and many parts of the country have already had their fair share of storms (with more on the way).

Yet, with all the rain, moisture and flooding comes another problem: Ticks. Many news sources have reported that this year is expected to be a record breaking season for ticks. Lucky us!

If you live in an urban area, with plenty of concrete and skyscrapers, there isn’t much threat from this blood-sucking parasite. However, if you live in a more suburban or rural area, or plan on escaping the city to go camping or hiking, you'll need to be more vigilant. Ticks are usually most active from April until September and they can attach to you, your children, or your pets.

And ticks are no mere nuisance. They can be dangerous disease spreaders, especially when removed improperly.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Don't let your summer fun turn into a trip to the ER. Learn how to play it safe with fireworks while still having a blast.
Published in Healthy Children
Fireworks can be fun and magical, especially for children. But don't let your fireworks fun turn into a tragedy this summer.
Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:11

Summer Health & Beauty Tips

With summer upon us, the hot temps can take a toll on your skin and overall health. It's more  important than ever to be armed with the do's & don'ts of summer weather.
Educating yourself on sunscreen ingredients is imperative to protect your children from potentially harmful additives.
Published in Healthy Children
Bacteria and other germs may be lurking at some of your fun Summer hot spots. Learn your potential risks.
Bug bites, bee stings and certain plants like poison ivy can cause extreme irritation and are potentially dangerous.
If you or your kids will be spending long periods of time in the sun, then you better know the signs of heat stroke.
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