As the temperatures continue to drop outside, we find ourselves cooped up indoors, whether that be at home, at work or at the gym hiding from the painfully cold, wet weather. 

As the itch kicks in to get outdoors and get some fresh air, follow the tips below for soothing those cold, wet weather aches and pains during the long winter months.

As May turns into June and the temperature steadily increases, we start finding any reason to get outside and get moving. 

After spending the long, cold winter cooped up indoors (where we may have packed on those few extra pounds we like to call winter weight), the arrival of shorts, tank tops and bathing suits has managed to sneak up on us and is inspiring us all to knock off those pounds. 

I know I can speak for myself, and I am sure for a few of you, when I say that I am sick of looking at that wall in front of my treadmill and exercise bike and I now want to take my exercise outside!

There are many added benefits to an outdoor workout to include production of vitamin D3 when the sunlight hits one’s skin, which is important to bone health and metabolic function, decreased depression, anger, and tension due to enjoying ones workout outside and saving money on those monthly gym memberships. 

On the other hand, it is important to remember that exercising in the heat can be dangerous if you’re not prepared. Here are some tips to remember to ensure a safe workout when exercising outside this summer...