Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is condition that affects the hand and wrist. 

The “carpal tunnel” is actually a narrow passageway created by the bones and ligament that run through the wrist to the hand. The median nerve that runs through this passageway can become pinched or inflamed, leading to symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the hands. 

Here are a few important facts to know about carpal tunnel syndrome.

The human body is designed to function well for a variety of purposes. However, injuries can occur that can impair normal activity and can leave the individual open to further health problems. 

A break of any kind in the body is a cause for concern and a signal that you should take action to ensure proper healing. Here are a few common breaks and what you can do to repair them.

If you have recently experienced a drop in your weight and are worried about regaining it, there are a number of things that you can do to improve your overall health and add zest and energy to your life.

Regaining control of your well-being, in addition to your weight, may be as simple as following special simple steps to put you on the road to better health.

By using an approach that deals with both mental and physical issues, you will be better at regaining and maintaining your health.

Younger children have a very tough time expressing pain, and that is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to diagnose certain conditions at an early age. While most minor health issues are going to pass on their own, you need to keep an eye out for serious medical problems. 

Here is a quick glimpse at four conditions that all parents should be on the lookout for.

Many people experience difficulty falling asleep. This can be due to various reasons, such as medications, anxiety, depression, stress, and insomnia. 

While it can be difficult to find an effective solution, there are many helpful methods you may want to consider in order to improve your sleep quality--as well as your ability to fall asleep faster. 

The following information provides five easy ways to create the best environment for sleep, which may help to improve your situation.

Dealing with chronic pain can feel impossible. One of the best ways to survive chronic pain is to find little ways to alleviate it throughout the day. 

While you may not be able to totally obliterate your pain, there are several holistic remedies that will help you get through even the worst days.

Whether you've been hurt in an auto accident or sidelined in a sports mishap, spending a few weeks (or even months) recovering from an injury probably isn't your idea of a good time. 

Living with an injury is often frustrating, limiting, and painful, especially if the injury makes it harder to do your job or participate in your usual hobbies. The good news is, with the right care and enough time, your body has an amazing ability to bounce back from trauma. 

These four tips will help you stay positive throughout your recovery.

Low back pain is one of the most common chronic pain conditions around the world. Indeed, recent statistics suggest about 31 million Americans currently suffer from some degree of low back pain. One common question patients have is when to take their back pain seriously. 

Below, we'll go over three ways you can tell if your back pain is a sign of a more serious condition.

Nature probably didn’t intend for human beings to play sports, at least not the way humans play them. 

The variety of injuries that can happen to the fragile human body in pursuit of strenuous pleasure astonishes. Yet, humans persist. 

Here are only four of the injuries that are often incurred while playing sports and what to do about them.

I should start exercising more. I need to eat better. I don't drink enough water. I wonder if this is normal. 

Many of us have thoughts every day that tell us to take better care of ourselves, but how often do we listen to them? Health is everything, and some simple tips can help you stay on top of your own well-being and live a better life.

You're never too young to take care of your health. In your 20's, you might feel like a regular doctor or host of specialists isn't necessary. Sure, you get sick once and awhile, but it's nothing some Tylenol can't fix. 

Most young people only go to the doctor when something is really wrong with them, but preventative medicine is an important aspect of your well-being. To stay healthy and strong throughout your life, it's a good idea to find some healthcare professionals now that you can rely on for years to come.

Now that 2019 is in full swing, it’s time to take a look at where you stand regarding your health goals for the year. Statistics show that 80 percent of people fail their New Year’s resolutions by February. 

If you’ve stuck to the plan so far this year, congratulations! Keep going. But if you’ve already given up, this is your simple three-step plan to get back on track.

Health experts suggest that about 80 percent of individuals will deal with back pain at some time during their lives. Back pain can be cause by a variety of different actions, such as over-straining during work tasks or sudden moves during athletic activities. If you suffer from chronic back pain, a number of measures can help to relieve pain and allow you greater flexibility and range of motion.

Considering the ubiquity of electronic screens in the modern world, it should come as no surprise that problems with the eyes are becoming extremely common. 

Indeed, eye issues related to prolonged screen time has led the American Optometric Association to recognize Computer Vision Syndrome as a real medical disorder. 

Taking proactive steps to protect your visual health has never been more crucial. Let's go through three easy ways you can protect your eyes from the negative impacts of electronic screens both at work and at home.