We’ve long been conditioned by the medical establishment to treat any acute or chronic symptoms with symptom stoppers. Decades of turning to anti-inflammatory or pain medications have engrained this practice into our psyches. But after exhausting the over-the-counter medications (NSAIDs) options until our livers are screaming for some relief, surgery is the next step. 

But conventional treatments are slowly losing their attraction and efficacy as patients become more educated and search for better options. 

Today’s smart patients have a huge list of options before them when dealing with musculoskeletal problems and degenerative illnesses. Whether it’s elite athletes looking for more efficient ways to recover from injuries so they can return to their sport, or individuals with lingering back pain who need relief, or the man or woman with a degenerative condition that needs multiple types of treatments, adult stem cell therapy and activators are promising new disruptive technologies in regenerative medicine. 

They are becoming game changers for healing and regaining quality of life.