Thursday, 15 August 2013 14:00

Reviving the DASH Diet for High Blood Pressure

The DASH diet can lower systolic pressure by as much as 11 points. So why aren’t more people with high blood pressure following it?
Do you or someone you love have high blood pressure or take blood pressure medication?

High blood pressure is a silent epidemic that threatens the lives of one in every three American adults.

For those who take blood pressure medications, actual control rates vary between less than half to only two-thirds. And the effects are even worse in the elderly.

This means that the majority of those diagnosed with hypertension spend most of their day with blood pressure levels that are dangerously elevated.

You may be at risk.

It’s time to revive a dietary approach to stopping hypertension: the DASH Diet. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

In this segment of Healthy Talk, Dr. Mike explains the DASH Diet, why you should consider it, and how it may just save your life.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1333ht4a.mp3
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Internal Notes: No Guest
  • Host: Dr. Michael Smith, MD