Wednesday, 12 February 2014 11:11

Top 3 Breastfeeding Challenges & Solutions

"Breast is Best," but it's not always easy. World renowned breastfeeding expert, Sara Chana Silverstein, offers solutions to common breastfeeding challenges.
Do you or someone you know have a newborn or infant? Have you had challenges breastfeeding your baby?

They say "Breast is Best"... but there can be challenges when breastfeeding your baby. In this segment, world renowned breastfeeding expert, Sara Chana Silverstein, offers solutions to the top three breastfeeding challenges.

1. Bubble Palate is a high palate in your baby's mouth that can cause scraping and irritation of the nipple. This requires time and patience, and seeking outside help to analyze the shape of your baby's mouth and even the breast.

2. Lack of milk in the breast. Nine out of 10 times this is just not true. Typically, it's simply a result of the way the baby is suckling. Get a medical history to see if there could truly be a lack of milk. If not, this can usually be cured very quickly by adjusting the baby's position.

3. Getting your baby to breastfeed quickly and efficiently. Believe it or not this can be done. Seek a lactation consultant if you have challenges with your baby fussing and losing attention during feedings.

A great resource for these and other common challenges is the popular app Breastfeeding for Boobs.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1407ns3b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Sara Chana Silverstein, IBCLC, RH
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @SaraChanaS
  • Guest Bio: Sara Chana Silverstein is an international board certified lactation consultant, classical homeopath, registered herbalist, lecturer, author, wife and mother of seven children. She appears regularly on CBS, ABC, NBC and FOX TV health segments, speaking on topics such as breastfeeding, birthing and the safe use of alternative medicine. 

    Sara Chana writes regular columns, is interviewed in national magazines and is quoted on the most popular "mommy" sites. In addition, she is a highly sought-after public speaker who is funny, provocative and wise. She teaches breastfeeding basics to pediatricians at a medical school, and lectures at workshops for midwives, doulas and nurses. In her 20 years of practice, Sara Chana has strengthened women by educating them in the natural treatment and healing of their children, and how to ask the proper questions of their doctors in order to ensure that they and their children receive the most comprehensive medical care.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH