Why You Need Perfect Posture

Having poor posture plays a role in many injuries and can be the reason for your chronic body pains.
You've been told your whole life to sit up straight, and you might have even had a mother or teacher physically correct your slouched back. You might want to thank them instead of rolling your eyes.

Do you know why posture is so important for your health?

At a foundational level of your health, correct posture is the most important thing you can practice. Every element of your health -- including breathing, exercising, how you perform your daily functions -- depends on your posture. In fact, did you know that posture uses 90 percent of your energy value?

Unfortunately, you are naturally and constantly compromising your posture and have been since the day you were pulled out of the birth canal. Learning sit up and walk actually damaged the tendons that hold your body together, causing you to lean over and become out of alignment.

Is there anything that you can do to restore your posture?

The best way to correct your hunchback is to realign your back with professional help. By seeking professional help, you not only achieve correct posture, but you will also learn exercises specifically designed for your trouble areas; head, shoulders, back, etc.

Board Certified in Orthospinology, Dr. Russell Friedman, DC, shares why your posture is so important for your body and overall health.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 5
  • Audio File: staying_well/1410sw1e.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Russell Friedman, MD
  • Guest Bio: Russell FriedmanAfter graduating from Tulane University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Friedman entered the workforce. Not long into his career, he found himself with an inner calling to provide more.

    In 1991, he was inspired by close friend to enter Life University School of Chiropractic. He became the Orthospinology president at school and was later appointed to the Orthospinology Board. He graduated Summa Cum Laude and was Salutatorian of his class. Soon after graduation, he was introduced to NUCCA, and in 2002, he was board certified and elected to the NUCCA board, and eventually granted a lifetime appointment to the UCRF research arm of NUCCA. In 2010, he introduced his chiropractic technique QSM3 which furthers the work of his mentors.

    Today, Dr. Friedman's in-depth and practical approach to correcting the spine and infusing health with the Success Plan has made him one of the most sought after chiropractors in the southeast.

    Patients come from near and far to stop their pain and resolve their issues at the causative level. Students and doctors regularly visit to learn. Chiropractors fly in from around the country to be corrected. Doctors from the Mayo clinic in Florida, as well as local clinics, refer their patients to expedite the healing process and complement their other treatments.

    Dr. Friedman lives with his wife and two daughters on their farm in Alpharetta, Georgia, with their four dogs and three horses. In his free time, he enjoys reading, carpentry, and further developing his chiropractic craft.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Internal Notes: eWaiver
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS