Ask an Expert: American Diabetes Association Alert Day

In honor of the American Diabetes Association’s Diabetes Alert Day, Dr. Darria  and David Marrero answer your questions about diabetes.
In honor of the American Diabetes Association’s Diabetes Alert Day, Alert Day spokesperson, Dr. David Marrero, answers your diabetes questions.

Dr. Marrero is the Director of the Diabetes Translational Research Center at Indiana University School of Medicine and has worked in diabetes education and research for more than 25 years.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 5
  • Audio File: sharecare/1513sc2e.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: David Marrero, PhD
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @AmDiabetesAssn
  • Guest Bio: David MarreroDavid Marrero, PhD, is the J.O. Ritchey Endowed Professor of Medicine and Director, Diabetes Translational Research Center, at Indiana University School of Medicine. He has worked in diabetes education and research for more than 38 years and has more than 300 publications in lay and professional journals. Dr. Marrero is the American Diabetes Association's President of Health Care & Education and was the recipient of the Association’s Outstanding Educator in Diabetes Award and the Josiah K. Lilly Distinguished Service Award in 2008. He holds a PhD, Masters of Arts and Bachelors of Arts in Social Ecology from the University of California, Irvine.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Darria Long Gillespie, MD, MBA