Monday, 21 August 2017 21:28

10 Powerful Health Foods & Why They Are Good For You

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We all know that “health is wealth,” yet we still find eating healthy boring and a chore. That will no longer be the case after you become aware of the benefits of powerful, healthy food. Once you understand the importance of healthy food, you can easily take charge of your health.

These health foods not only provide you with energy but also benefit your body in numerous ways, including illness prevention. Easy to get your hands on, you can incorporate them into your daily diet for better health and energy.

Let’s get started.

1) Oatmeal
Oats are one of the healthiest foods you should have. Oatmeal is a vital source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

If you are aiming for weight loss, then you should make oatmeal your best friend. Free of cholesterol, it is ideal for people with high blood pressure and heart disease. Oatmeal possesses an abundance of carbohydrates and fiber and is a rich source of protein and fat. Top with Manuka honey, nuts and berries to have a deliciously nutritious breakfast.

2) Avocado
Avocado is extremely nutritious. Where other fruits are rich in protein and fiber, it is a great source of healthy fats. Potassium is adequately found in avocados, which is helpful in balancing the electrolytes in the body. Avocados also help in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

Daily intake of avocado lowers cholesterol and is extremely helpful for people who are aiming for weight loss.

3) Lemon
Having numerous health benefits, lemon is high in vitamin C. So rich in vitamins, a little over one lemon can fulfill a person’s daily requirement of vitamin C in the body.

Daily intake of lemon can eliminate kidney stones and also helps prevent diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, indigestion, and constipation.

Just a few drops of lemon on your food can help in aiding indigestion. It is also a blood purifier, so it is always a good idea to have lemon after eating.

4) Broccoli
You must know that broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, which means that it tastes incredible raw as well as cooked. High in vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber, broccoli is best known for its ability to prevent against different types of cancer.

Aiding the digestive system, broccoli also acts as a detoxifier of the body. Additionally, if you have eyesight problems, then you must start having broccoli dailyit can help improve vision.

5) Salmon
Salmon is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which makes it ideal for reducing the risk of various diseases. It is a great source of protein and helps with healing and building muscles. Salmon is also one of the best sources of vitamin B.

Our body requires vitamin B for the production of energy and inflammation control. Salmon also promotes brain and heart health. Consumption of salmon maintains healthy metabolic rate meaning that it is ideal for weight loss. It decreases belly fat by increasing the sensitivity to insulin.

6) Garlic
Garlic is best known for its cooking properties and amazing health effects. It is rich in allicin, a sulfur compound, which is extremely beneficial for health. You will be surprized to know that garlic does not have many calories. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin B6 and also helps in boosting the functionality of the immune system.

7) Spinach
Spinach possesses amazing health benefits. It helps with eyesight, blood pressure, and (as you may know from Popeye) muscular health. Additionally, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, providing abundant potassium, zinc, iron, and calcium.

8) Beans
Beans are one of the best sources of protein and fiber. They are also rich in vitamin B, iron, and magnesium. Eating beans regularly reduces the risk of heart disease. Perfect for vegetarians or people who do not eat red meat, beans can easily fulfill the requirement of high-fat protein.

9) Almonds
Almonds are rich in antioxidants, meaning that they protect your body cells from oxidative damage. The regular intake of almonds delays the process of aging. Almonds have an abundance of vitamin E, which prevents the risk of heart attack and other diseases. They also help maintain the health of hair and skin.

10) Dark chocolate
You wouldn’t expect chocolate to be included in the list of power foods, but dark chocolate is full of nutrients like iron, magnesium, copper, and fiber. Dark chocolate helps in improving blood flow and maintaining healthy blood pressure. Consumption of dark chocolate decreases the risk of heart diseases. Dark chocolate also improves the skin glow and protects your skin from UV damage. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, which help provide you with a clear and glowing complexion.

Introduce these power foods in your diet for a healthy diet and increased energy. Eat healthily and stay healthy.