Feeling comfortable with your exercise instructor is important. But, should gender be an important part of your decision?
Published in Train Your Body
The 2015 American Fitness Index Report reports the top (and bottom) cities in terms of fitness and healthy living opportunities.
Published in Train Your Body
The 2015 American Fitness Index Report is out. How did your city fare?
Published in Train Your Body
Regular exercise can lead to weight loss, but which exercises are the best?
Published in GTL
If you're a runner, you've probably suffered from shin splint or cramps. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent them from occurring.
Published in Train Your Body
If you're a runner, you've probably suffered from shin splint or cramps. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent them from occurring.
Published in GTL
Tuesday, 12 May 2015 12:22

Run Faster, Stronger & Injury-Free

Running is an excellent workout for some of your muscles, while other muscles are just "along for the ride."
Published in Train Your Body
Widely available, health apps aim to encourage people to adopt healthy behaviors ranging from weight loss to physical activity.
Published in Train Your Body
Regular exercise can lead to weight loss, but which exercises are the best?
Published in Train Your Body
Sports activities are just one way to foster Physical Literacy in All Youth (PLAY), but it’s an important one.
Published in Train Your Body
Fewer than half of children aged 6-11 meet the U.S. Surgeon General’s recommendation for engaging in moderate physical activity most days of the week.
Published in Train Your Body
You see and hear miracle weight loss tactics touted by celebrities, but are they realistic for YOU?
Published in Train Your Body
You see and hear miracle weight loss tactics touted by celebrities, but are they realistic for YOU?
Published in GTL
Tuesday, 28 April 2015 12:22

Pros & Cons of Weight Loss Challenges

Is your work place conducting a weight loss challenge, trying to be like the biggest loser? Learn why this approach might backfire.
Published in Train Your Body
As many activities as your kids would like to be in, just how many different sports should they take on?
Published in Train Your Body
Your child has expressed interest in weight training, but is it safe?
Published in Train Your Body
Research shows that listening to music can help keep you motivated in your workouts.
Published in Train Your Body
If you haven't heard, treadmill desks are really catching on.
Published in Train Your Body
Should you be doing the same exercises you did when you were younger?
Published in Train Your Body
Should you be doing the same exercises you did when you were younger?
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You exercise, but your mate doesn't. Getting them to join you is taking up your exercise time.
Published in Train Your Body
You exercise, but your mate doesn't. Getting them to join you is taking up your exercise time.
Published in GTL
Wednesday, 08 April 2015 09:09

Limit Common Workout Injuries

For any individual who is physically active, there is a possibility of sustaining an injury.
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Not everything you've been taught about nutrition is quite right.
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Crunches, planks and sit-ups: you've tried them all, but do they actually work on that belly fat?
Published in GTL
Monday, 06 April 2015 12:40

Is Walking Really an Effective Workout?

Whether your goal is to be more active, lose weight or win a marathon, walking is a great place to start.
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Daily blueberry consumption may reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness. How many blueberries do you need to eat to get these effects?
Published in GTL
Strength training can make you stronger AND help you lose weight.
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The truth is out: a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health. How can you work enough physical activity into your day to get the benefits?
Published in GTL
Monday, 06 April 2015 12:20

Probiotics + Gut Health

Biotics means life, so pro-biotics are good germs for the health of your body.
Published in GTL
Monday, 06 April 2015 12:14

Top 10 Things You Want in Your Fridge

When you open your fridge, do you see healthy foods or junk?
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The way your freezer, your pantry and your fridge are set up is really important in terms of making good, healthy choices.
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The way your freezer, your pantry and your fridge are set up is really important in terms of making good, healthy choices.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 17 March 2015 12:22

Top 10 Things You Want in Your Fridge

When you open your fridge, do you see healthy foods or junk?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 17 March 2015 12:11

Winter Weight: How to Get It Off FAST

So you've got some extra weight from the slow winter months. Want to get rid of it fast?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 17 March 2015 12:00

Probiotics + Gut Health

Biotics means life, so pro-biotics are good germs for the health of your body.
Published in Train Your Body
Learn what trainers and instructors teach, as well as how and why they teach it.
Published in Train Your Body
From theft of towels to stealing time on machines, you won't believe some of the things that go on at the gym.
Published in Train Your Body
Strength training can make you stronger AND help you lose weight.
Published in Train Your Body
The truth is out: a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health. How can you work enough physical activity into your day to get the benefits?
Published in Train Your Body
Stepping on the scale is common among dieters, but how often should you actually weigh yourself?
Published in Train Your Body
Daily blueberry consumption may reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness. How many blueberries do you need to eat to get these effects?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 17 February 2015 12:33

Is Walking Really an Effective Workout?

Whether your goal is to be more active, lose weight or win a marathon, walking is a great place to start.
Published in Train Your Body
Whether at work or home, sitting all day is never a good idea.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 17 February 2015 12:11

The Barre Way: Just Another Toning Trend?

What is this fitness trend called The Barre method? Is it dance? A workout? Maybe both.
Published in Train Your Body
Crunches, planks and sit-ups: you've tried them all, but do they actually work on that belly fat?
Published in Train Your Body
When it comes to etiquette at the gym, which personality fits you? Are you The Slob, The Hoarder, The Cardio Junkie, The Talker/Time Burglar?
Published in Train Your Body
Personal trainer or group classes? How do you choose which workout is best for you?
Published in Train Your Body
Being physically active may contribute to your overall health and minimize or delay the effects of aging.
Published in GTL
Monday, 26 January 2015 08:00

Lifting Weights Can Improve Your Memory

Working out for as little as 20 minutes can enhance memory by about 10 percent in healthy young adults.
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