Understanding Your Skin Type

Friday, 24 March 2017

When you are younger, your skin is able to maintain and renew itself easily. 

However, as you get older, it needs more help to look healthy and youthful. 

To make matters worse, external factors like pollution, the sun’s UV rays, the wind, drying heat, and poor air circulation can damage your complexion. An unhealthy diet and not drinking enough water can also wreak havoc on your skin. 

Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to rejuvenate and recharge your skin. Numerous cutting-edge skincare products and multi-functional cosmetics are available that can make a difference in the tone and texture of your complexion. 

But, before you try different products hoping to transform your skin, you must first determine your skin type. 

Keep reading to learn about the various common skin types and to understand the best ways to treat them.