Wednesday, 26 February 2014 11:33

Chewing Gum Linked to Health Concerns

Before you blow that next bubble, you might want to take a second to learn the many hazards of chewing gum.
Gum is fun to chew and helps keep your breath fresh; but could it be doing you more harm than good?

In this edition of "Healthy Steps with Dr. Ginger," Dr. Ginger gives you the 411 on gum chewing and the potential health hazards.

Chewing gum has been linked to health concerns such as TMJ (lockjaw) and severe migraines, not to mention the exposure to harmful chemicals.

You may chew gum as a quick snack or appetite suppressant. But, quite the opposite is true. Chewing gum actually stimulates the saliva and your body expects food. This can lead to bloating and intestinal issues.

Fresh breath? Perhaps, but many gums contain harmful chemicals or toxins, such as artificial sweeteners that can eventually lead to serious health risks.

Perhaps you chew gum to release stress? You will be even more stressed if you pull a filling or develop TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction), better known as lockjaw.

Nevertheless, there are some gums on the market that are healthier than others. If you must chew gum, check out natural alternatives. Some brands you may want to check out include Glee gum, Peppersmith, and Chicza. The flavor of these natural gums may not last as long, but the reward definitely outweighs the risk.

The old saying that gum stays in your digestive tract for years may be an urban legend, but the idea that chewing gum can be hazardous to your health is very much a fact.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1409ns3d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Dr. Ginger
  • Book Title: The Healing Powers of Green Juice
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @TheDrGinger
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Ginger is founder and CEO of Dr.Ginger, LLC, a wellness consulting company. Dr. Ginger, an authority on workplace wellness, is bucking the old system of "disease management" and is blazing a new trail with her "disease reversal" approach. She is known for her "30-Day Change Your Life Detox Challenges" and her book, The Healing Powers of Green Juice.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Internal Notes: Recurring Guest
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH