Wednesday, 09 April 2014 14:22

Protein: A Cavewoman’s Best Friend

Protein improves your metabolism, strengthens your organs and lean muscle, controls your cortisol levels, and even detoxifies your system.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 26 February 2014 14:22

The REAL Benefits of Paleo Eating

Learning how to eat like your caveman ancestors might be the best thing you can do for your health and wellness.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Monday, 17 February 2014 12:22

Fire Up Your Energy with Food

You're tired ALL the time but don't know why. Can your food choices be to blame?
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 12 February 2014 11:22

Detoxification: Give Your Liver a Break

Your liver is your major detoxification organ. But, do you ever give it a break? Renowned detox expert, Dr. Sara provides useful info on cleansing your body of harmful toxins.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Juicing, cleansing, blending: you've heard it all but have no idea how to maximize these health benefits.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Can you cleanse your body with food, or does it have to come in the form of a powder that you mix up and drink?
Published in Train Your Body
Clean eating avoids processed and refined foods and bases your diet on whole foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.
Published in HER
Thursday, 05 December 2013 13:33

5 Fats You Should Eat to Lose Weight

The next time you add an avocado to any meal, even though it is high in calories, you can do it with utmost confidence.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 13 November 2013 11:22

5 Simple Keys to Eating Better

Learn the five simple keys to eating better... you might be surprised at just how easy they really are.
Published in Naturally Savvy
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