Herbs and other natural remedies can be as effectively as prescription treatments, often without the negative side effects.
Here are four super-healers that RadioMD's Naturopathic guru, Dr. Holly, recommends you add to the all-natural section of your medicine cabinet:
- Curcumin from India: From the herb turmeric, curcumin is a superstar at dealing with pain and inflammation. We know that almost all chronic diseases – from diabetes and heart disease to arthritis and Alzheimer's disease – have something in common: unchecked, destructive inflammation. Unlike synthetic drugs, which typically work against only a single inflammation pathway, natural curcumin reduces inflammation through its effects on multiple inflammation targets.
- Comfrey from Germany: For sprains, cuts, bruises, scrapes, and all kinds of minor (and sometimes not-so-minor) trauma, comfrey is a remarkable natural intervention to relieve pain and hasten healing. Comfrey soothes pain, slows down further damage to tissues, and fast-forwards the production of cartilage, tendons, and muscles.
- Echinacea from Hungary: Echinacea is known for supporting immune health and helping to overcome colds and flu. But, there is a specialized, unique echinacea extract derived from Echinacea angustifolia that can help reduce anxiety as effectively as certain prescription medications, without the side effects. The unique compounds in this particular echinacea extract have been shown to attach to certain brain receptors, which help to instill a sense of calm and relaxation.
- Angelica Archangelica from Iceland: "The Angel's Herb" has been used as a natural remedy in Iceland for over 1100 years. Now, modern medicine is exploring the use of this historic herb to address a variety of bladder problems like overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, stress incontinence, and bed-wetting.
Listen in as Dr. Holly shares four powerful herbs from all over the world and why you should consider having these herbs handy.