Top Dirtiest Things at Your Office Making You Sick

What are the top dirtiest items in an office that can lead to the spread of germs and the flu?
Flu season is here, and a new report shows you are more likely to get sick at work than any other place.

This is because you and your coworkers may go to work even when you're feeling sick, and germs are quickly spread in close quarters, like that of an office environment.

Where are the most germs lurking, and how can you protect yourself from getting sick?

Listen in as Dani Smith, Regional Director of Stratus Building Solutions, shares the dirtiest places in your office and how you can help protect yourself from these germs.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: health_radio/1546ml5a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Dani Smith, Regional Director of Stratus Building Solutions
  • Guest Bio: Dani Smith Dani Smith is the Regional Director of Stratus Building Solutions Phoenix, Arizona Division.

    She oversees the development and training of Stratus Franchise Owners, account sales and inspections, customer service, marketing and the day to day operations of the Stratus Phoenix Office. Smith conducts routine inspections of Stratus' commercial cleaning clients including schools, office buildings, medical offices, shopping centers, gyms, daycares and religious facilities. Smith resides in Scottsdale, AZ, with her three children.

    When she is not leading the Arizona region for Stratus, she enjoys serving in her community and alongside her church. Dani and her children participate in mission trips to Haiti in support of Chances For Children, as well as volunteer work for Feed My Starving Children and Crisis Nursery.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS