Monday, 26 August 2024 01:00


Wednesday, 26 June 2024 01:00

Pulmonary Hypertension Explained

Published in PRISMA Health
Wednesday, 08 December 2021 00:00

Follow Up on Hypertension

Tuesday, 14 June 2016 13:00

Busting High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure.... It’s often called “the silent killer," and for a very good reason.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
What are some easy ways to reign in high blood pressure?
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Wednesday, 01 October 2014 11:11

To Salt or Not to Salt?

Many people think they need to take salt out of their diets. The key, however, is understanding the different types of salt.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 21 August 2014 14:00

Can Probiotics Lower Blood Pressure?

New research suggests probiotics may help to lower blood pressure.
Despite huge profits made by Big Pharma on anti-hypertension drugs, hypertension continues to silently kill.
Thursday, 27 February 2014 14:22

Race & Vitamin D3 Deficiency: Are You At Risk?

Low vitamin D plays a role in all age-related diseases, specifically those afflicting African Americans.
Thursday, 27 February 2014 14:11

Does Race Play a Role in Your Health?

Did you know African Americans are more likely to develop more illnesses and diseases than any other race?
Thursday, 13 February 2014 14:11

Dangerous Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency

Lack of magnesium can cause you to feel fatigued or weak and induce chronic headaches, muscle aches, digestive issues and more.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013 14:33

5 Tips to Protect Yourself from Stress

A little bit of stress is normal and actually even healthy. But too much stress can cause wear and tear on your body... often beyond repair.
Published in Mindful Medicine
The DASH diet can lower systolic pressure by as much as 11 points. So why aren’t more people with high blood pressure following it?
Wednesday, 31 July 2013 12:00

Too Much Sodium in Your Kid's Diet?

Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure - even in kids. Learn where most of the extra sodium is hidden.
Published in Healthy Children
While some people inherit high blood pressure, it can be prevented and treated through healthy lifestyle habits.
Tuesday, 21 May 2013 12:00

Working Out with High Blood Pressure

Can you exercise your high blood pressure away? Yes! But there are a few important safety tips to know before you begin.
Published in Train Your Body
What if there was one prescription that could prevent and treat dozens of diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity?
Published in Train Your Body
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