Thursday, 28 January 2016 12:00

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

Learn how to maximize the strength of your mind to achieve your goals.
Did you know you can actually re-train your brain and reshape your body from the inside out?
Wednesday, 27 January 2016 10:11

Developing a Dementia Intervention Plan

What are the warning signs of dementia?
Friday, 22 January 2016 13:00

?Difference Between Your Mind & Your Brain

You might think of the mind and the brain as the same thing, but they are distinctly different and play different roles in your life.
Published in Rewired Radio
Thursday, 14 January 2016 11:46

Brain Energy: Blood Sugar & Fasting

What happens to your brain when you fast?
Published in Health Radio
How many concussions occur in the U.S. today?
Published in Health Radio
Wednesday, 16 December 2015 11:46

Sleep & Brain Health

Why is sleep quality and quantity important for your health?
Published in Health Radio
The brain has its own "eye." You may think you see with your eyes, but you actually see with your brain.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 11:34

Brain Games to Keep Your Mind Healthy

When should someone start working on brain games?
Published in Health Radio
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:22

A Diet for Your Mind

What are the top vegetables to eat in order to boost your mind and overall health?
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:11

Is Parkinson's the Symptom of Intestinal Disease?

More research is showing a strong connection between your gut and your brain.
Saturday, 05 December 2015 14:25

What Happens After Traumatic Brain Injury

More than 2 million people a year visit US emergency rooms with brain injuries.
Monday, 30 November 2015 11:34

Build Your Body & Your Brain

How can exercise boost your brain health?
Published in Health Radio
Thursday, 19 November 2015 12:00

All About Inflammation

Inflammation is everywhere... you see warnings about it on the news, in books, and hopefully at your doctor's office.
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Wednesday, 18 November 2015 10:00

How to Stay Mentally Sharp

What are ways to prevent cognitive decline?
Monday, 16 November 2015 11:18

How Music Affects Your Brain & Body

What benefits does listening to music have for your brain and body?
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 13 November 2015 11:46

Can Eating Smarter Make You Smarter?

While they won’t make you smarter, certain types of foods may help reduce cognitive decline as you age.
Published in Health Radio
In January 2003, Lynda McGuirk spent six weeks in a coma. That was the easy part.
Published in Wellness for Life
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) presents more than just brain-related challenges, including employment and personal struggles.
Published in Wellness for Life
Monday, 26 October 2015 10:00

The Brain/Eye Connection

Learn how the eyes and brain are intimately connected for depth perception, memory, and so much more.
Published in The Wizard of Eyes
If you're feeling down, depressed, anxious, or have been having memory problems and brain fog, the cause could reside in your gut.
Published in Wellness for Life
If you've suffered from a traumatic brain injury, what is your best hope for recovery?
Published in Health Radio
Saturday, 08 August 2015 16:25

Healthy Brain, Happy Life

Everyone knows exercise is good for the body, but did you know it can also make your mind fit?
If you're perpetually exposed to mold, it can shrink your brain and destroy its function.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Friday, 27 February 2015 12:44

Nature's Secrets: Brain Health

Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week: top natural approaches that support healthy brain function.
Published in Wellness for Life
Do you complain about how much you "have to" do? Ever struggled with regret? Been too scared to make major changes?
There's a new approach to overcoming addiction... using nutrition to help bolster the recovery process.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Roughly 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease annually. Do you know the early symptoms?
Published in GTL
Thursday, 02 October 2014 14:33

Early Warning Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

According to the Parkinson's Foundation, early recognition of Parkinson's warning signs can improve overall prognosis and keep the disease at bay longer.
Friday, 12 September 2014 10:00

The Headache You Can’t & Shouldn't Ignore

One of the warning signs that a brain aneurysm has ruptured is a massive, overbearing headache.
Thursday, 28 August 2014 13:00

6 Ways to Organize Your Mind

You would rather be overwhelmed than under, right? The truth is, you may be spreading yourself too thin.
Published in HER
Roughly 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease annually. Do you know the early symptoms?
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 13 August 2014 11:22

Top Ways to Boost Brain Power

By age 65, one in 10 people will have some form of dementia. When should YOU start worrying?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Saturday, 09 August 2014 16:25

A Younger, Better Brain

You may have been taking care of your body with a good diet and exercise, and that's great. But what about your brain?
When it comes to memory, do brain puzzles really help? Are you simply on information overload? And, just what do jellyfish have to do with memory?
Thursday, 12 June 2014 14:11

7 Steps to Improve Your Brain

The concept that intelligence is entirely inherited and fixed is no longer valid.
Thursday, 12 June 2014 14:00

Can Marijuana Prevent Seizures?

Recent research confirms that compounds found in marijuana calm excited brain cells, preventing seizures.
Thursday, 17 April 2014 13:33

Why Women Are More Vulnerable to Alzheimers

Alzheimer's disease is a U.S. health crisis affecting more than 5 million Americans. New figures show women are bearing the brunt of the damage.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 29 January 2014 11:11

Will Concussions Kill Contact Sports?

Have you ever had a concussion? Do you know what to look for or how to treat one? The Brain Doctor, Dr. Kerasidis, guides you through all things concussion related.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 17 October 2013 14:00

Brain Tumor Treatment Breakthrough

Treating brain cancer patients for a common viral infection significantly increases survival.
Saturday, 05 October 2013 16:25

Boost Your Brain Power

Learn how to increase your brain size, resulting in better thinking and the potential to prevent even serious memory problems.
Do you want your child to have more advanced reading skills, better memory, higher test scores and good behavior? DHA may be the answer.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Friday, 13 September 2013 10:45

Brain-Eating Amoeba: Rare but Deadly

It sounds like something out of a science fiction horror movie, but these parasites are real and almost uniformly deadly.
Thursday, 05 September 2013 14:45

High Homocysteine Can Damage Your Brain

Elevated homocysteine is now associated with cognitive decline in older adults. Might you be at risk?
Thursday, 29 August 2013 14:22

How to Start a Brain Fitness Program

Can you really exercise your brain? Yes! Learn how to effectively enhance your brain function.
Thursday, 29 August 2013 14:11

Enhancing Brain Function: What Really Works?

From brain games to fish oils, learn what really works for enhancing brain function.
Saturday, 01 June 2013 16:25

Tell Me the Truth, Doctor

Can cell phones really cause brain cancer? Get to the bottom of this and other common health questions.
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