Should you consider taking a daily multivitamin?
Eating whole grain foods lowers your risk of death, especially death from cardiovascular disease.
Published in GTL
Eating whole grain foods lowers your risk of death, especially death from cardiovascular disease.
Published in Train Your Body
Wednesday, 29 October 2014 14:22

Foods that Unclog Your Arteries

According the Heart Foundation, every 33 seconds someone in the United States dies from cardiovascular disease.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Saturday, 20 September 2014 16:25

Fighting Heart Disease with Life-Changing Recipes

Heart disease remains one of the nation’s deadliest killers – and also one of the most preventable.
Friday, 12 September 2014 10:22

Fats vs. Sugars: Which Should You Avoid?

Added sugar has become so prevalent in food that it makes up 13 percent of calories consumed.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 11:45

Aged Garlic Extract Shown to Slow Heart Disease

Garlic, fresh or as an extract, has a ton of beneficial health properties.
Published in Naturally Savvy
There are five attention grabbing health consequences that could result from you not getting a good night's rest.
Published in HER
You want your doctor to know who you are as a person, not just another patient.
Published in GTL
Diet drinks are linked to a 30 percent increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Thursday, 05 June 2014 14:00

Eat Nuts, Live Longer?

A recent study in Spain found that eating nuts three or more times a day decreased your risk of cancer.
Saturday, 31 May 2014 16:25

Running at Any Age, Injury-Free

Love to run but suffer from aches and pains? Learn how to run at your peak, eat right, and stay fit and injury-free.
The reality of women on statins may be far less pretty than the pictures painted in advertisements.
Published in HER
You want your doctor to know who you are as a person, not just another patient.
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 05 March 2014 11:33

Cruciferous Vegetables: Nature's Magic

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts can boost immunity, fight heart disease and even prevent cancer. Are you getting enough?
Published in Naturally Savvy
What happens to your adrenal glands when you're constantly stressed?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 26 February 2014 11:22

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth with Stevia

Natural sweeteners such as Stevia can make a significant positive impact on your health.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 13 February 2014 14:22

More Magnesium: Soooo Many Health Benefits

Your body has over 300 enzyme systems that depend heavily on magnesium; The tricky part? Your body cannot produce magnesium on it's own
Thursday, 13 February 2014 14:11

Dangerous Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency

Lack of magnesium can cause you to feel fatigued or weak and induce chronic headaches, muscle aches, digestive issues and more.
Tuesday, 04 February 2014 12:33

Best Walks in the Most Walkable US Cities

Walking is easy and inexpensive. Learn how you can help your community get walking!
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 04 February 2014 12:22

Walking: Best Youthful Elixir on the Planet

Feeling good may be the best elixir for looking good. Walking is a major part of that miracle medicine.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 04 February 2014 12:11

Get Ready for Winter Workouts

Playing outside and getting fresh air is a great way to work out; but take heed... there are safety concerns.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 04 February 2014 12:00

Ice Skating: A Fun & Effective Workout

Ice skating may sound like a cold, hard sport. But it can be a great workout and a fun way for your family to get healthy together.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 28 January 2014 12:33

Speed Up Your Metabolism with Exercise

What is the absolute best way to get your metabolism to speed up? The answer may surprise you.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 28 January 2014 12:22

Does Spinning Make Your Legs Larger?

Does spinning make your legs look too bulky? Or is this just another nasty fitness rumor?
Published in Train Your Body
Saturday, 23 November 2013 16:25

How Harmless Are Electronic Cigarettes?

Although this new technology seems like a safer alternative to smoking tobacco, is it really just "harmless water vapor"?
Wednesday, 20 November 2013 14:33

Natural Treatment Options for Heart Disease

Every 33 seconds someone in the United States dies from cardiovascular disease. Will someone you love be next?
Published in Mindful Medicine
The popularity of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) moves it to the top of the list for fitness trends. Have you tried it yet?
Published in Train Your Body
Thursday, 22 August 2013 14:00

Is it Dangerous to Take Calcium Supplements?

Dr. Mike uncovers the truth about a study published in May 2012, suggesting calcium supplements increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Monday, 12 August 2013 12:45

How Pollution Affects Your Health

Can the heavy traffic in your commute be affecting your health? No matter where you live, the quality of the air you breathe impacts you every day.
Published in Staying Well
Saturday, 03 August 2013 16:25

Battling Chronic Disease

Couples can become mutually supportive to fight and prevent obesity-related diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, stroke and cancers.
This type of testing can be the difference between effective disease management and needless risk of sudden cardiac death.
Published in Staying Well
Low magnesium should be viewed as an independent risk factor of heart disease. Are you in danger?
Thursday, 23 May 2013 14:00

Burning Fat Without Stimulants

Research shows how a new plant extract called Fucoxanthin safely reduces body fat without stimulating your brain or heart, while lowering disease risk factors.
If you are bored with your workout, so is your body. Learn a few tips that will shake up your workout and wake up your body.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 14 May 2013 12:00

Sitting All Day Can Damage Your Health

Find out why sitting in your chair from 9-5 is risky business.
Published in Train Your Body
Friday, 10 May 2013 10:45

Antibiotics and Cardiac Death

Could azithromycin, a popular antibiotic, be the cause of cardiac death? Learn how to protect yourself.
Knowing your blood pressure is key to preventing potentially life-threatening health issues.
You know running is one of the best forms of exercise out there. By becoming a dedicated runner, you might just change your life.
Published in Train Your Body
Have you ever wanted to run a marathon? A triathlon? We help you get started in this difficult yet amazing journey.
Published in Train Your Body
Exercise is Medicine is a sustainable global initiative. Be a part of an active lifestyle and change your life.
Published in Train Your Body
What if there was one prescription that could prevent and treat dozens of diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity?
Published in Train Your Body
Yes! You can reap all the benefits of exercise for your health if you've got 20 minutes to spare. It will really make a difference.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 26 March 2013 12:22

How Much Exercise is Enough?

Instead of asking how much exercise we need, some scientists are looking into how little we can do and still get maximal health and fitness benefits. Good news!
Published in Train Your Body
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