Wednesday, 29 October 2014 14:00

5 Do-It-Yourself Cold Remedies

What are some homeopathic cold and flu remedies that won't make you feel like you're in a complete fog?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 29 October 2014 12:11

Strep is More than Just a Sore Throat

Strep throat is most common in children between the ages of five and 15, though children under five and adults can also become infected.
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 14 October 2014 12:33

At the Gym: Watch Out for Colds & Flu

You're at the gym to get and stay healthy; but you could be making yourself susceptible to colds and flu.
Published in Train Your Body
Thursday, 09 October 2014 14:00

Lesser Known Flu Fighters

Fighting the flu? Go beyond vitamins and minerals.
The flu season can begin as early as October and peak between January and March.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 08 October 2014 12:11

Is it a Cold or a Fall Allergy?

Allergy season is upon us. As parents you have to keep an eye on your child's symptoms.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 01 October 2014 12:00

Flu Season: Time to Get Your Kids Vaccinated

The AAP recommends seasonal influenza vaccine for all children six months and older.
Published in Healthy Children
Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014 11:11

Protect Yourself from Colds & Flu this Winter

Sneezing, sniffling and other symptoms of colds and flu are just around the corner. But, what if you could avoid sickness altogether?
Published in Naturally Savvy
More than 10 states and over 1,000 children ranging from the ages of 15 months to 18 years in the Midwest have been infected by a mysterious respiratory virus.
Monday, 07 July 2014 12:00

Influenza Pandemic Planning

An influenza pandemic virus spreads worldwide and infects a large amount of the human population. How can you make sure you're prepared?
Published in Staying Well
Fevers can be scary for parents. Learning what causes fevers and how to treat them will ease your anxiety.
Published in Healthy Children
Monday, 12 May 2014 12:33

Lyme Disease in Children

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 300,000 Americans contract Lyme disease each year. Some of them are kids.
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 23 April 2014 12:00

Should Your Child Be Prescribed Codeine?

Hundreds of thousands of kids are prescribed codeine each year, but is that really necessary? What might be at risk?
Published in Healthy Children
According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 16.9 million adults and 6.7 million children suffer from seasonal allergies.
Published in Staying Well
Vaccines have reduced infections like measles and whooping cough. However, not all parents vaccinate.
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 14 March 2014 10:00

Antibiotic Overuse Can Put You at Risk

Are you over-medicating yourself every time you get a simple cough? Know when you should and should not use antibiotics.
Thursday, 13 February 2014 14:33

Tips for Coping with Your Child's Asthma

An asthma attack can be truly scary, especially for a kid. Avoid feeling helpless and learn how to help your child prevent these attacks.
Wednesday, 29 January 2014 12:22

Cold & Flu Myths Busted

Feed a cold, starve a fever? Starve a cold, feed a fever? What is myth and what is truth?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 29 January 2014 12:00

Using Liquid Medicines Safely

Many children's medicines come in liquid form, for a couple reasons: they are easier to swallow than pills and they taste better. But they must be used the right way.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 29 January 2014 11:00

Natural Alternatives to OTC Cold & Flu Medicine

This has been a particularly rough season for cold and flu. Dr. Pescatore helps provide natural solutions to beating the flu.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 12:11

RSV Concerns: More than Just a Cold

RSV symptoms often mimic a common cold, but the complications can be much, much worse.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 12:11

Coughs & Colds: When To Keep Kids Home

Knowing when to keep your child home from school is one of the hardest things for parents to decide... for many reasons.
Published in Healthy Children
Monday, 09 December 2013 12:45

Foods to Help Fight the Flu

Eating right when you're body's immunity is low can help you bounce back from the flu.
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 12:00

Winter Cold Woes: Raw Noses, Chapped Lips & More

Bloody noses, chapped lips and dry skin are just some of the undesirable side effects that come with winter colds.
Published in Healthy Children
As many as 10 million antibiotic prescriptions are written each year for infections they are unlikely to help.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 13 November 2013 14:45

10 Tips to Avoid Colds & Flu

Cold and flu season is upon us. Learn tips to avoid sickness this winter.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 13 November 2013 14:22

Natural Relief for Sinus Congestion

OTC sinus remedies like pseudoephedrine and synephrine can have debilitating side effects. So, do you have other options?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 06 November 2013 12:00

Tweens & Over-the-Counter Medicine Safety

Is your pre-teen starting to want to control his or her own medications?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 16 October 2013 12:22

Pertussis Vaccine: How to Protect Your Family

Recent pertussis outbreaks may be putting your loved ones in danger. How can you protect yourself?
Published in Healthy Children
Each year the flu vaccine brings questions and concerns. Learn the newest and most up-to-date information on this year's vaccine.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 28 August 2013 12:33

When to Keep Your Child Home from School

The school year brings all sorts of colds, ailments and even lice. So, when do you give in and keep your kid home from school?
Published in Healthy Children
Runny, itchy nose and sinus headaches got you down? Black cumin seed oil could provide the relief you need.
Monday, 20 May 2013 12:11

Healing Foods: The Ultimate Medicine

Self-medicate with foods that can cure ailments from sore throat to heartburn.
Published in Staying Well
Friday, 19 April 2013 12:45

The Stages of COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. Are YOU at risk?
Published in Staying Well
Friday, 19 April 2013 12:33

How to Stop Your Chronic Cough

Learn how to get rid of your annoyingly persistent cough.
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 15 April 2013 12:22

Treating a Sinus Infection

How to tell the difference between a cold and a sinus infection.
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 20 March 2013 12:22

Is it Strep or Just a Sore Throat?

Strep Throat is especially common among school-aged children and teenagers. We can help you figure out if its strep, tonsilitis or just a sore throat.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 27 February 2013 12:11

Prevent the Spread of Norovirus

Norovirus causes about 20 million gastroenteritis cases each year in the United States. There's no vaccine to prevent infection, and no drug to treat it.
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 01 February 2013 10:22

Which Vaccinations Should Adults Consider?

A new report from the CDC finds many adults don’t have their recommended immunizations. Does this put you at risk?
Friday, 01 February 2013 10:11

Cold or Flu? Know Your Symptoms

As the discussion on the flu crisis continues, we explore the differences between cold and flu. How can you know the difference?
Friday, 01 February 2013 10:00

Protect Yourself & Your Family From the Flu

Each winter season typically suffers a serious flu outbreak. Learn what physicians are seeing inside the ER, and how to protect yourself.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 12:45

Is It a Cold or Allergies?

Is it a cold or allergies? Knowing the difference can mean much less suffering for your child.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 05 December 2012 12:22

A Dangerous Flu Season for Children

Do your children need a flu vaccine? This year, maybe more than ever...
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 12 September 2012 12:04

Reducing Your Family's Cold & Flu Risk

Listen to this very important advice for reducing your family's chances of catching colds and flu this season.
Published in Healthy Children
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