Tuesday, 11 March 2014 12:33

Awesome Fitness Apps

Fitness apps for mobile devices are a major trend right now. But how do you choose the right ones for you?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 11 March 2014 12:22

Can Social Media Help You Get Fit?

Can your time on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social sites really help you get in shape?
Published in Train Your Body
Mobile fitness devices do can count steps and track your sleep patterns. But can they truly help you reach your goals?
Published in Train Your Body
Thursday, 09 January 2014 13:11

Is Social Media Your Therapist?

People use social media as a coping mechanism and an online therapy session. Is this is a healthy form of communication, or just too much over-sharing?
Published in HER
Monday, 06 January 2014 12:45

Are You Addicted to the Internet?

One out of every eight Americans experiences signs of internet addiction, and 34 percent check their smartphones before getting out of bed.
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 12:22

Encouraging Sibling Bonds: A Guide for Parents

Do your kids constantly fight with each other? Learn how you can keep the calm in your house by encouraging sibling bonds.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 12:11

Creating a Family Media Use Plan

Could your family's media use be damaging to their health? Get them back on track with a media use plan.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 12:00

Managing Your Children's Media Use

From TV to smart phones, "24/7 media exposure" dominates the lives of U.S. children and families. What can you do to change the trend?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 23 October 2013 12:11

A Parent's Guide to Teen Parties

Having a party for your teen and want to be the "cool " parent? Don't sacrifice safety to get in your kid's good graces.
Published in Healthy Children
Don't let your children be subject to ads that may endanger their health.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 18 September 2013 12:33

How Can You Tell If Your Child is Being Bullied

Bullying Happens. Is your child being bullied? Or are they the bully?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 12 June 2013 12:22

Navigating the Web Safely

For the most part, the Internet is a rewarding place for kids and teens. But the potential risks can be devastating. Learn how to safeguard your children from danger.
Published in Healthy Children
Excessive social media use may make you prone to anxiety and depression. Learn ways to avoid this dangerous trap.
Published in Staying Well
Parents may be influenced by family, friends, and social networks when making decisions about vaccinating their children.
Published in Healthy Children
Is the "selfie" culture proof of a generation's narcissism? Or self-exploration?
Published in HER
Saturday, 29 September 2012 16:00

How to Save Your Daughter's Life

From online stalkers to psychopaths, the dangers for young women in today's world are enough to make any parent cringe.
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