Sylvia Anderson

Sylvia Anderson

Originally from Minnesota, Sylvia moved to California for the sun, sand and warm temperatures. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in English and Communications, both of which she has put to good use in her work with RadioMD as Senior Editor.
Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.
Earthing is the concept of healing your body (and soul) by getting closer to Mother Earth and connecting to nature.
Juicing trends have become more of the norm than a trend. But, how do you know if you're juicing with ingredients that can truly help you achieve your goals?
It's hard NOT to compare yourself to models in magazines, even if you know they've been nipped, tucked and airbrushed to Barbie status.
Whether you live in North America or somewhere in Africa, violence against women is still a very real problem.
If you're a lover of wine, you may have been shocked to hear that a recent analysis of certain wines from California showed they contained arsenic.
Osteopathy uses the musculo-skeletal system to "decode" and assess certain body ailments. Learn how it could heal your pain.
As you move through the seasons, you may do a thorough "Spring Cleaning" of your house. You can do the same for your body and health.
Your body is 70 percent water, so it's no wonder that it is one of the most necessary "nutrients" your body needs.
It might sound strange, but your food cravings often get confused with sexual desire.
Rickets was eradicated back in the early 1900s, but is now making a comeback. Why?
If you're in some sort of pain, whether that pain is physical or emotional, it can be extremely debilitating.
One out of four Americans suffers unnecessarily with chronic pain. Are you one of them?

What's Hot on Naturally Savvy?

Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Hosts of Naturally Savvy, Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis, discuss the latest in healthy and natural living.

Top Reasons to Go Paleo

Wednesday, 18 March 2015
You may have heard of the Paleo diet, but what exactly IS it? And, who is it best for?

Your Anxiety Toolkit

Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Whether you've ever had slight moments of anxiety or suffer from full-on panic attacks, dealing with anxiety can be frustrating and confusing.
Doctors and nutritionists understand how essential healthy eating habits are from the very start of a baby's life.
From coconut water and coffee-infused food products to new turmeric supplements and green juices, the Natural Products Expo showcases new healthy eating options.

What the Fork Are You Eating?

Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Despite your efforts, it can be difficult to wrap your brain around truly healthy eating when marketing tactics are so adept at fooling you with "faux" health foods.

The Anti-Candida Diet

Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Candida is an elusive syndrome that is very hard to diagnose. Learn what to look for, as well as ways to treat this oft-debilitating condition.

Carol Alt Believes in a Healthy YOU

Wednesday, 11 March 2015
"If I can make my health better, YOU can make your health better." -Carol Alt

Pre-Pregnancy Detox Plan

Wednesday, 04 March 2015
There's never a more important time to be in optimal health than prior to conception and during pregnancy.
Some people give you energy, some people zap your energy.
Tests conducted by the CDC show that over 90 percent of Americans have traces of health-damaging parabens in their bodies.
Want to pump up your fitness and/or weight loss efforts? Work out smarter, not longer.
Your body is approximately 75 percent water. Does the water you drink have any impact on your bodily systems?

Yoga for ALL Shapes & Sizes

Wednesday, 25 February 2015
If you don't have the "typical" yoga student's body, you might feel intimidated to try it. Learn how one woman has created a yoga concept for ALL shapes and sizes.

Supplement Safety: Who Can You Trust?

Wednesday, 25 February 2015
There's been some recent buzz lately about the safety of supplements - or rather, lack of safety - even in some of the popular Big Box store brands.
Have you continuously failed at your weight loss efforts? There can be many reasons for it.
If your body isn't getting the right "fuel," it can't function at peak levels.
How do you know that the information you're reading (or watching) online is accurate?
Good, restful sleep is essential to help you recuperate from the stresses and toxic exposure of your day.
If you look at anxiety and related disorders as a riddle, might you better be able to resolve them?
The stigma attached to mental health disorders can leave you suffering in silence.
If you're a vegetarian and your husband (or wife) isn't, are you doomed to eat separate meals for life?
The chemicals found in food packages can have as big of an impact on your health as your food choices.
"When you cut out carbs and eat high-fat calories, you don't get hungry." -Grant Petersen
Even though the criticism of bacon and other saturated fats isn't quite as harsh as it once was, is it really a healthier choice than jogging?
From baby food and marinades to flours and nut butters, your blender has the ability to span the breakfast-lunch-dinner-dessert spectrum.

Achieving the Success You Desire

Wednesday, 04 February 2015
"You might have to sacrifice your plan B for your plan A, even if you don't know it's your plan B at the time." -Cornell Thomas
How do you disconnect from the anxiety and stress of the external world, when you're constantly being bombarded?

Migraines: Causes & Natural Treatments

Wednesday, 04 February 2015
As many as 16-18 million people in the U.S. suffer from migraines. Is there anything you can do to ease the pain?
Nearly half of those diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, don't actually have it.
Your thoughts and what you say out loud can actually create your reality.
Sleep takes up about a third of your life (and impacts the other two-thirds). So why don't we give it the attention it deserves?
Prevention of Lyme disease is key; but what can you do if you've already contracted the disease?
Sugar seems to be everywhere. Is it really possible to eliminate it from your diet?
Can warm, comforting foods also be healthy and good?
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