Your menstrual cycle naturally causes you to increase your food intake, which can lead to a negative reaction as your weight fluctuates.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 14:22

Environmental Toxins & Your Fertility

Are the chemicals you may be exposed to keeping you from conceiving?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Learn about this new approach to women's health and wellness that addresses the empowerment of women's bodies, minds and spirits.
Published in HER
Growing older is inevitable, but aging is optional.
Published in HER
When you're going through menopause, if one hormone becomes out of sync, your whole body becomes unbalanced.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 21 January 2015 14:22

Natural Ways to Support Fertility

Roughly 10% of couples in the U.S. have trouble conceiving.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Nurse practitioner, Patty Geraghty, explains what women need to be doing in 2015 to stay on top of their health.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Thursday, 15 January 2015 13:45

5 Tips for Safe & Successful Online Dating

If you've decided to move your dating life online, what should you do in order to still feel safe?
Published in HER
Binge drinking, alcohol related ER visits, and DUI arrests among women are on the rise, yet there's still no conversation on why.
Published in HER
Friday, 09 January 2015 12:22

8 Weeks to Vibrant Health

If you suffer from PMS, mood swings, fluctuating weight and just feeling blah, then you are ready for 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health.
Published in Wellness for Life
The medical community is finally starting to recognize the importance of testosterone for women.
Success is determined by how you feel about yourself and your work. How are you measuring yourself at the end of each day?
Published in HER
Thursday, 18 December 2014 14:11

Has Your Hormone Therapy Stopped Working?

Some hormone replacement therapies can completely stop working for certain women. Why is that?
Thursday, 18 December 2014 13:33

Are Women More Prone to Anxiety?

Women are twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder than men.
Published in HER
In a recent study, those who had high cholesterol levels took longer to conceive than those who did not.
Published in HER
Thursday, 18 December 2014 13:11

HPV Vaccine: Balancing the Benefits & Risks

Roughly 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV, and approximately 14 million people become newly infected annually.
Published in HER
Thursday, 11 December 2014 13:33

How Smoking Affects Women’s Health

Did you know smoking affects women's health a little differently than men's?
Published in HER
Thursday, 04 December 2014 13:11

Pap Smears Help Prevent Cervical Cancer

More than 12,000 American women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer this year, and more than 4,000 will die of it.
Published in HER
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for thousands of years and has recently made its way to mainstream medicine.
Published in HER
"It's disgusting that people go to bed hungry in this country." -Kelly Le Brock
Published in Naturally Savvy
As many as 10 to 20% of all pregnant women in their first trimester are positive for Hashimoto's antibodies.
Published in HER
Not only was Renee's "new" face a plastic surgery shaming, it was also a commentary on how women are supposed to age.
Published in HER
Three out of four women experience a yeast infection at some point in their lives.
Published in Staying Well
"Probiotics" have become a huge buzzword in personal health. Commercials, magazines and doctors are always saying "Take your probiotics!" And you should. Probiotics are a supplement worth the hype. The average consumer has poor dietary habits, lives a stressful lifestyle and is frequently exposed to antibiotics. Both antibiotics that are prescribed for them individually and antibiotics found in many meat and dairy products. It is important that we all repopulate the healthy bacteria needed in our bodies.

Probiotics are the "good bacteria." They help support the healthy bacteria in a person's gut - as well as the healthy lactobacillus bacteria in the vagina.

Good bacteria, such as the lactobacillus species in the vaginal area, protect you against yeast and other infections. One way in which the lactobacillus bacteria (i.e. L. Acidophilus, L. Casei, etc.) do this is by the production of lactic acid, which makes the vaginal environment more acidic. This keeps yeast and bad bacteria from growing. When you take certain antibiotics, have hormonal changes, or use harsh chemicals for intimate cleansing you lose this safeguard. This is when yeast and other opportunistic infections may occur.
Published in RadioMD Blog
According to the American Hair Loss Association, women make up 40 percent of hair loss sufferers.
Friday, 07 November 2014 10:33

STDs: What Are the Silent Symptoms in Men?

More than 110 million Americans are living with an STD and 20 million new STDs occur annually.
The Female Athlete Triad is a health concern for active women and girls who are driven to excel in sports.
Published in Train Your Body
So many chronic diseases can be prevented and addressed by things completely in your power.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 22 October 2014 11:33

Bye-Bye PMS

If you're like most women, you know all too well the utter wrath of PMS. What if you could say, "bye-bye" to PMS forever?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Does this new anti-aging and beauty treatment really work?
Published in HER
Thursday, 16 October 2014 11:00

Your Breast Health

Thursday, 09 October 2014 13:33

Are You Depressed or Just Feeling Down?

Clinical depression is a mood state that goes well beyond temporarily feeling sad.
Published in HER
Tired, achy, and gaining weight? You might have hypothyroidism.
When it comes to a condition such as vaginismus, your physician needs to figure out why your muscles are spasming so tightly.
Published in HER
When Angelina Jolie announced that she had a preventative double mastectomy, the term "BRCA1 gene" became commonplace.
Published in HER
Thursday, 02 October 2014 13:22

Feminine Issues Diabetes Can Affect DOWN There

Diabetes creates a perfect storm for a female's intimate health.
Published in HER
There are a lot of benefits of feeling healthy as a mom; a job you need a lot of stamina and patience for.
Published in HER
Can you think yourself thin?
Published in HER
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