As we've all noticed this Summer, heat waves are on the rise. But how can you beat the heat when you don’t have air conditioning?

When Summer Turns Sour

It’s the time of year you’ve all been waiting for, but then you get hit with that unbearable sticky, humid heat. It can leave you wondering if you should even dare to be outside.  On nearly every newscast, reporters and health officials are encouraging us to stay indoors. That’s great for those who can rejoice in their AC, but what about those of us who don’t have AC?

Yes, it may come as a surprise to some that people do, in fact, live without AC.

I've been lucky enough that every place that I've ever lived has had it. But, I do distinctly remember visiting my brother and his (now) wife in Milwaukee last summer, during a brutal heat wave.  

They don’t have AC, and I remember thinking to myself, "this is just awful. I will never take AC for granted again!"

But, other than nearly losing my mind a couple of times, I did learn some great tricks that allowed us live and to fall asleep, even when the thermometer rose above 100 degrees.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 11:45

DIY Products for Beautiful, Healthy Skin

Make your own skincare products using safe and affordable ingredients from home.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Monday, 15 July 2013 12:33

Learn to Cook Without the Waste

On average, North Americans discard a staggering 40% of the food we buy or grow. Learn how you can make a change.
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 10 July 2013 11:00

Easy Tips for a Green, Healthy Kitchen

Those cleaning products and other items under your kitchen sink may be doing you more harm than good.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 11:11

Natural Living Tips: Become Toxin Free

Learn how you can live virtually toxin free!
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 12 June 2013 11:11

Women Uniting for a Greener Planet

Learn about an online community of women who are empowering change for the planet.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Monday, 22 April 2013 22:08

Don’t Get Stuck Using a Nonstick Pan!

I think I was born to be a Naturopathic Doctor. 

Even at a young age, I was putting on my thinking cap and truly trying to “think things through”. You see, for a period of my childhood I was totally “into” having a parakeet as a pet. I would name them all names starting with “B” like, Bert the bird or Ben the Bird.  

The reason I had more than one (bird’s tend to live a long time) is because they kept dying. Every few months, I was dealing with a dead bird. I was devastated when I would come home from school and my bird was lying lifeless at the bottom of its cage. 

The devastation inspired my curiosity as to what the heck was happening. I started thinking about where the birds lived, what was the environment like? The bird cage (I would never cage an animal again, by the way) hung near the kitchen so I started to wonder what they might have been breathing that contributed to their demise. My inquisitive mind popped out the answer one day when my Mom was making dinner and smoke was filling the kitchen.  I asked her what kind of pans she was using to cook in. She stated proudly, “Non-stick Teflon. Easy clean up, they are the best!”

Well, they weren’t the best for my birds and they are NOT the best for us either. STOP USING THEM!! (Please.)
Published in RadioMD Blog
Friday, 19 April 2013 12:22

7 Reasons to Drink More Water

The surprising and essential reasons to chug more water for the healthiest YOU.
Published in Staying Well
Friday, 19 April 2013 12:11

Is Your Tap Water Making You Sick?

Unfiltered water contains dirt, rust, lead, chlorine, fluoride, dioxins, parasites and other contaminants than can be hazardous to your health.
Published in Staying Well

Things to Put on Your Do-Not-Buy Checklist

Bring this list to the store with you, or pull it up on your smart phone. Lets de-mystify the big chemical names and labels to know what to stay away from to protect you and your family’s health.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

The top of my do not consume list! Fructose can affect your brain and body by making you feel less hungry, and encourage over-eating. It is in almost everything sweet like soda, cookies, ice cream and more for one simple reason, it’s cheap. But this low cost to the pocketbook, may be destructive to your health. There is a reason why Mexico and Europe use cane sugar instead of high fructose corn sugar (HFCS) because of safety concerns.

Opt-Out: For non-obese and non-diabetics consider raw sugar, sucanant, or honey. For weight loss and diabetes consider using stevia. Avoid artificial sweeteners. (Read on, they made the list also)

Sodium Nitrate and Sodium Nitrite

This food preservative helps retain red coloring in processed meat products. Research demonstrates it contains carcinogens, which can accumulate in the body. Conditions and diseases they have been linked to include stomach, prostate, and breast cancers. Possible issues may include fetal deaths, miscarriages, and birth defects.

Opt-Out: Seek for nitrate or nitrite-free meat products.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Monday, 18 March 2013 12:22

The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

From hair care, skin care, stress relief, to cancer, the health benefits of coconut oil seem to be endless!
Published in Staying Well
Do you have trouble making fresh, healthy meals for your family. No time? We have some great ideas on quick and easy meals from Kirstie Alley's Organic Liaison.
Published in Staying Well
Friday, 15 February 2013 10:45

Hidden Winter Danger: Carbon Monoxide

Odorless and deadly, learn which clues you can look for to detect it, and how its presence puts your family at risk.
Wednesday, 06 February 2013 12:33

Thinking of Going Organic?

Should you spend the extra money on organic foods? It's not always worth the extra cost.
Published in Healthy Children
Monday, 03 December 2012 12:00

Best Health Apps: Round-up & Reviews

We help you sort through the apps that can make your life healthier, happier and even stronger.
Published in Staying Well
Tuesday, 27 November 2012 12:11

Eat More of These Holiday Favorite Superfoods

You'll be surprised how many of your holiday favorites are worth a second helping.
Published in Train Your Body
Monday, 24 September 2012 12:27

The Best Houseplants to Purify the Air

Plants can naturally filter hazardous chemicals from the air.
Published in Staying Well
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