Wednesday, 08 November 2023 01:00

How to Quit Smoking

Published in Maimonides Health
Wednesday, 14 December 2022 00:00

Living with COPD

Published in BayCare Health System
Wednesday, 23 November 2022 00:00

Lung Cancer Screening

Published in BayCare Health System
Tuesday, 12 July 2022 00:00

Teens & Vaping

Vaping is everywhere these days, even more than traditional cigarette smoking.
Published in Healthy Children

The FDA is working to ban menthol cigarettes.


Wednesday, 16 March 2022 00:00

Rewiring Your Smoking

When we talk about addiction on this show, it's often around drugs and alcohol.
Published in Rewiring Your Life
Tuesday, 08 February 2022 00:00

EP 1082B - Tips for a Tobacco Free 2022

Along with hitting the gym more often and starting a diet, quitting smoking tops many New Year’s resolution lists.
Monday, 15 November 2021 00:00

Keys to Quit

Tuesday, 05 October 2021 00:00

Teens & Vaping

As a parent, we do our best to know what our children are doing when we can't be with them. But when it comes to vaping and e-cigarettes, they're a bit easier to hide than traditional marijuana use or cigarette smoking.

Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 13 August 2021 12:49

The Dangers of Vaping

Published in SolutionHealth
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 00:00

Teens & Vaping

As a parent, we do our best to know what our children are doing when we can't be with them. But when it comes to vaping and e-cigarettes, they're a bit easier to hide than traditional marijuana use or cigarette smoking.

Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 16 September 2020 00:00

Kids and Vaping

Published in BayCare Health System
Thursday, 21 February 2019 00:00

The Dangers of Vaping

Wednesday, 05 December 2018 08:00

Quitting Smoking for Good

Published in Oroville Hospital

Lung health and function are not easily ignored. Each day, the average human takes somewhere between 16,000 and 30,000 breaths. So many of us breathe effortlessly on a daily basis, but for others, it is a constant battle to make it through their day. 

October is the time to celebrate happy lungs and to understand issues for serious lung problems.
Published in RadioMD Blog

Do you enjoy smoking but despise the negative health effects? Do you find that vaping nicotine as a smoking alternative just isn’t cutting it for you? 

Don’t fret. Take the healthy path instead. 

These four smoking and vaping alternatives are much safer. They’re also completely natural.
Published in RadioMD Blog

On average, a person takes approximately 17,000-23,000 breaths a day. The number varies based on several factors, including a person’s lifestyle and environment. 

This statistic proves just how important the lungs are. You are constantly using them to fuel the rest of your body.

Lungs act at the first point of contact for oxygen as it enters the body. From there, oxygen is dispersed throughout the bloodstream, being carried to cells throughout the body. Each cell transfers carbon dioxide when it receives oxygen. The blood carries the carbon dioxide back to the lungs where it is removed through exhaling. This gas exchange is necessary for everyday functioning.

In order to keep this process going, it’s crucial to keep your lungs healthy. Lung-related health complications can negatively affect the oxygen flow to your cells, along with a variety of other body processes. These ailments vary from viruses and colds to chronic conditions and lifelong sickness and cancer. Certain lung conditions can be hereditary, or caused by genetics. Such conditions include asthma, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 

However, certain lung conditions are non-inheritable; that is, caused by environmental and lifestyle factors. While not always 100% preventable, these conditions can be avoided.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Thursday, 03 March 2016 12:00

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Dr. Friedman and Kim discuss disfiguring explosions from e-cigarettes, as well as cancer-causing laminate flooring.
Thursday, 17 December 2015 11:06

How to Finally Quit Smoking

What are some of the misconceptions smokers have about quitting?
Published in Health Radio
Former Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher discusses why smoking and tobacco is still such a rampant problem in the U.S.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Thursday, 12 November 2015 13:33

5 Ways to Help You Quit Smoking for Good

Quitting doesn't have to be hard, it just depends on how you decide to quit.
Published in HER
Friday, 23 October 2015 09:22

Medical Marijuana & Secondhand Smoke

Marijuana smoke doesn't contain nicotine, so why would it be harmful?
Wednesday, 14 October 2015 12:33

You Are Getting Sleepy: Hypnosis 101

What really IS hypnosis? And, can anyone fall under this "spell"?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Thursday, 24 September 2015 11:06

Are E-Cigarettes a Safe Alternative?

Why is the American Lung Association concerned with e-cigarettes?
Published in Health Radio
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.
Published in HER
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.
Published in HER
Saturday, 21 March 2015 16:25

Ready to Quit Smoking for Good?

Kicking the habit is one of the best ways to boost your health, yet just 4-7% of smokers successfully quit on any given attempt.
Monday, 26 January 2015 08:00

Sitting Too Much is as Bad as Smoking

Diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and more are all health risks of inactivity.
Published in GTL
Tuesday, 13 January 2015 12:22

Sitting Too Much is as Bad as Smoking

Diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and more are all health risks of inactivity.
Published in Train Your Body
Thursday, 11 December 2014 13:33

How Smoking Affects Women’s Health

Did you know smoking affects women's health a little differently than men's?
Published in HER
Wednesday, 15 October 2014 14:11

6 Foods to Help You Quit Smoking

Did you know that with the help of certain foods you can rid your body of nicotine faster?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Monday, 29 September 2014 12:00

How Marijuana Can Impact Your Quality of Sleep

Contrary to popular belief, marijuana can actually disrupt your sleep pattern and cause greater sleep problems to arise.
Published in Staying Well
Thursday, 28 August 2014 14:22

The Promise & Perils of eCigarettes

E-Cigarette sales are exploding while advocates and opponents are passionately debating how society should respond.
Did you know that the physical withdrawals of quitting smoking truly will go away after a few days? You can get through this.
Published in HER
HPV is a major contributing factor to head and neck cancer, resulting in increased diagnoses in the younger population.
Wednesday, 09 April 2014 14:45

Electronic Cigarettes: Benefits & Risks

According to the CDC, an estimated 42.1 million people smoke tobacco cigarettes. Are e-cigarettes any better for you?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 09 April 2014 12:00

Can E-Cigs Poison Your Children?

Can e-cigarettes poison your children? A new CDC study says such occurrences are on the rise.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 19 February 2014 12:22

Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth & Young Adults

As a nation we have made progress in reducing tobacco use among youth; however, far too many young people are still getting hooked.
Published in Healthy Children
A new study looked at states that decriminalized marijuana and found an increase in the number of children requiring medical intervention.
The epidemic of cigarette smoking has caused an enormous public health catastrophe in the U.S.
Published in HER
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