Selected Podcast

Ep48 - Managing Bipolar Disorder: Gabe Howard

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • The signs of bipolar disorder.
  • What to do if you recognize these signs in yourself or a loved one.
  • What kept him from taking his own life.
  • Daily management of the disorder.
  • Find his official Bipolar shirt here.

High Five Highlights:

  • Tell us about the bipolar t-shirt? It was kind of an accident it has a bipolar emoji on it. I got a coupon from an online t-shirt company so I ordered 25. Four years later, I’ve sold a couple of thousand; people really dig it.
  • Knowing what you know now, what advice would you have for your younger self? Go to a psychiatrist.
  • In your advocacy you try to entertain and inform using humorous and inspirational stories – why humor? People are scared of mental illness and people are people; people don’t like to be bored. People like to be entertained, but they also want information. If you can entertain and drop some knowledge on them, they retain it.
  • Do you have a favorite quote or book you can share? "It is what it is."
  • Finish this sentence: “Throughout my life the most important thing I’ve learned is...”  To listen to other people.

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