Selected Podcast

Ep49 - Beating Prostate Cancer: Mark Saunders

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:


Foods to Fight Cancer

High Five Highlights:

  • Having had cancer and beating it, how has that changed your outlook on life? It’s given me the understanding for having gone through it, that anything is possible.
  • Why write two books on this subject? I have a lot more energy, vitality, I’m happier, and I have more of an awareness of gratitude.
  • You’ve got an inspiring story, tell me about someone or something that inspires you today? The guy that wrote the book Anti-Cancer, David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD. 
  • Do you have a favorite quote or book you can share? Tripping Over the Truth and Being Mortal.
  • Finish this sentence: “Throughout my life the most important thing I’ve learned is...” Don’t wait to let the people around you know that you love them. Make every moment count.

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