According to the Cleveland Clinic, over 50% of men experience erectile dysfunction!
Thursday, 08 September 2022 00:00

7 Days To Drink Less

According to data from the Nelson Corporation, alcohol sales have increased by over 50% during the pandemic.
Tuesday, 09 August 2022 00:00

Substance Abuse & Marketing Towards Teens

Drug abuse has been an issue that really all generations have had to deal with. And Gen Z is no different.
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 08 December 2020 00:00

EP 1,021B - Living with Silent Liver Disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a spectrum of disease characterized by the accumulation of lipids in liver cells not associated with the consumption of alcohol.
Thursday, 01 October 2020 00:00

7 Days To Drink Less

According to data from the Nelson Corporation, alcohol sales have increased by over 50% during this pandemic. But alcohol use has always been a public health issue. But alcohol use has always been a public health issue. Whether you want to drink less for mental or physical reasons, we're talking about how to do it today with Georgia Foster.


Alcohol-related deaths increasing in the United States. A recent study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) scientists found that nearly 1 million people died from alcohol-related causes between 1999 and 2017.
Tuesday, 01 October 2019 00:00

EP 960B - Secondhand Drinking

The "secondhand effect" isn't limited to just tobacco use.
Thursday, 22 August 2019 00:00

The Dirty Truth About Wine

There’s a dark side of the wine industry.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017 00:00

Encore Episode: Your Personal Wine Orientation

Find out how wine is made and how to pick the right wine for your tastes.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017 00:00

Alcohol: Americans Drink Too Much

Are you drinking too much?
Published in Life's Too Short
Jules Aron shares her unique skills as a New York mixologist; ones that earned her the title of “The Healthy Bartender.”
The rise in middle-age alcoholism, how to recognize it, and what to do about it with recovering alcoholic Marcella Pilla Pettorossi.
Published in Which Way is Life
Wednesday, 19 October 2016 06:00

Your Personal Wine Orientation

Find out how wine is made and how to pick the right wine for your tastes.
Wednesday, 27 July 2016 13:12

Magical World of Tiki Cocktails

Learn the origins of tiki bars and get the recipe for a delicious mai tai.
Talk to your kids about the dangers of binge drinking before they engage.
Published in Health Radio
Dr. Mike dishes about the health benefits of wine.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016 12:00

Carol Alt: Wine & Your Health

Science has touted wine's benefits, but when it comes down to it, do those benefits outweigh the health detriments?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 19 May 2016 13:33

Stop Drunk Online Shopping

Has your drunk online shopping become a problem?
Published in HER
Thursday, 21 April 2016 13:11

Dietary Vices: Your Face Will Tell on You

Your face tells the world what you've been consuming.
Published in HER
Jules Aron shares her unique skills as a New York mixologist; ones that earned her the title of “The Healthy Bartender.”
An emerging new technology promises to help prevent damage to both your DNA and liver from alcohol consumption.
Published in Naturally Savvy
How do you know if you're just having a little fun or if you've crossed the line and have a drinking problem?
Published in Health Radio
Tuesday, 15 December 2015 11:06

Popping Champagne? Health Benefits of Bubbly

With fewer calories and some amazing health benefits, why not have a glass or two of bubbly?
Published in Train Your Body
Why does heavy alcohol consumption cause "Holiday Heart Syndrome"?
Does it matter how many drinks you have in terms of breast cancer risk?
Published in HER
How does alcohol blow your diet?
Published in Train Your Body
Friday, 24 July 2015 09:00

Are You Allergic to Alcohol?

What causes an alcohol allergy?
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Monday, 22 June 2015 11:46

Dangers of Binge Drinking

Binge drinking kills more than 1,400 teens a year and contributes to thousands more deaths through alcohol-related accidents.
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 19 June 2015 11:34

Alcohol Addiction On the Rise

An astonishing 1/3 of adults in the U.S. have an alcohol disorder during their lives, and only 20 percent actually seek treatment.
Published in Health Radio
Tuesday, 17 March 2015 11:11

Health Benefits of Alcohol

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, learn the potential health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption, as well as the dangers of drinking in excess.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 12:45

Those Holiday Drink Calories Add Up Fast

Festive drinks are as much a part of holiday fun and tradition as the delicious food; but the calories can add up just as fast.
Published in Train Your Body
There's a new approach to overcoming addiction... using nutrition to help bolster the recovery process.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 14:33

Are You Self-Medicating with Alcohol?

What if drinking alcohol is not simply a social act, but rather an attempt to self-medicate for pain?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Friday, 07 November 2014 10:00

Excessive Alcohol Risk in Men

Approximately 63% of adult men reported drinking alcohol in the last 30 days.
Research suggests that 50 percent of people who have an eating disorder are also abusing alcohol or drugs.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 29 October 2014 11:00

What Addiction Truly Means & How to Overcome It

You hear the words "addiction," "rehab," and "relapse." But, what does it mean to truly be addicted to something?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 25 September 2014 13:22

Pinot or Pasta? The Drunkorexia Eating Disorder

Pasta or Pinot Grigio; would you rather save your calories for booze?
Published in HER
Wednesday, 27 August 2014 11:00

Depression: Overcoming Symptoms & Stigma

People may be thinking about depression; but are they talking about it and actually doing something about the depression epidemic?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Friday, 15 August 2014 10:45

News of the Week: Suicide & Depression

The recent tragic suicide of Robin Williams highlights the national problem of depression and suicide.
Monday, 21 July 2014 12:11

Do 12-Step Programs Really Work?

Studies have shown 12-step and abstinence treatments have low success rates.
Published in Staying Well
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