The grassroots plant-based nutrition movement has helped foster a growing community of whole food, plant-based eaters.

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  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt93.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Kim Campbell, Director of Culinary Education at PlantPure Wellness
  • Book Title The PlantPure Kitchen: 130 Mouthwatering, Whole Food Recipes and Tips for a Plant-Based Life
  • Guest Facebook Account
  • Guest Twitter Account @PlantPureNation
  • Guest Bio Kim-CampbellKim Campbell is the author of The PlantPure Kitchen and The PlantPure Nation Cookbook.

    Kim works with her husband, Nelson, at PlantPure Wellness, a health and wellness business promoting a whole foods plant-based lifestyle, where she is currently the head of recipe development and culinary education for the Jumpstart program.

    You can watch her educational videos, in which she covers topics such as label reading, pantry items, restaurant dining, and breakfast ideas, at

    Kim graduated from Cornell University with a bachelor’s degree in human service studies and a minor in nutrition and child development.

    She is the daughter-in-law of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, considered by many as the “science father” of the rapidly growing plant-based nutrition movement.
  • Length (mins) 23:12
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  • Host Lisa Davis
There's nothing more devastating than losing someone you love. You may feel numb, empty, and even crazy... like you'll never escape the emotional distress.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt92.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Reverend Ted Wiard, LPCC, CGC
  • Book Title Witnessing Ted: The Journey to Potential Through Grief & Loss
  • Guest Facebook Account
  • Guest Twitter Account @gwrtaos
  • Guest Bio Ted-WiardReverend Ted Wiard, LPCC, CGC, is an Author, Founder and Executive Director of Golden Willow Retreat.

    Ted, along with his wife, Marcella, created Golden Willow from a combined vision of compassion and healing towards all life. Ted is a licensed clinical therapist, certified grief counselor, an ordained minister, a New Mexico certified schoolteacher and a certified tennis professional.

    Ted’s passion for working with grief, loss, and recovery arose from his own personal losses in which he realized there were very few places to go for support and healing from loss. Working at Betty Ford Center, Ted counseled individuals and families with clinical and spiritual support through the recovery process. He has written numerous articles on the subject of emotional healing, grief, loss and the connection vs. disconnection of spirituality in loss, addiction and relapse prevention.

    Ted has co-authored the book Witnessing Ted: The Journey to Potential Though Grief & Loss, a sensitive guide on the six aspects of grief and the journey to a wiser more authentic life.

    He is sought out for speaking engagements nationally to offer his inspirational and dynamic message of hope and healing.
  • Length (mins) 21:58
  • Waiver Received Yes
  • Host Lisa Davis
Of all the vices in the world, we cannot get rid of food. So, then, the challenge becomes choosing the right foods to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy body.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt91.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Erin Macdonald, RDN
  • Book Title No Excuses! 50 Healthy Ways to ROCK Breakfast!
  • Guest Twitter Account @urockgirl
  • Guest Bio Erin-MacdonaldErin Macdonald, RDN, has been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for 23 years. She is the co-founder of U Rock Girl!, a health and wellness website for women, providing information, recipes, products, and services to nourish the mind, body, and spirit.

    Erin is the co-author of No Excuses! 50 Healthy Ways to ROCK Breakfast! This is the first published cookbook for U Rock Girl, featuring nutritious and delicious breakfast recipes that will prevent the excuse, "I can't eat breakfast because..."

    She has been in private practice (Complete Wellness, NOW!) for 15 years, specializing in Adult and Pediatric Weight Management, Sports, Cardiovascular, Wellness, Gut Health, Food Sensitivities, and recipe development.

    Erin sits on the Health Advisory Board of Clean Eating Magazine and co-writes a regular column, called “Ask the Dietitians.” In addition she writes for Oxygen Magazine and ACE Fitness. She has also been quoted in numerous magazines and online articles.

    Erin has appeared on radio, television, and DVDs discussing various hot topics regarding nutrition, weight, and wellness. She has presented many lectures focusing on weight management, heart-healthy cooking, sports nutrition, blood sugar health, and pediatric nutrition, and writes a blog on health, nutrition, fitness, wellness, and motivation on

    Passionate about cooking and recipe development, Erin teaches monthly cooking classes featuring original clean eating recipes. Cooking class information available at

    Currently, Erin is a founding member of the Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group, as well as a member of the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN), Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine (DIFM), and Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE). She has extensive experience in wellness coaching, fitness training, and cooking.

    Erin completed her post-baccalaureate in nutrition sciences from California State University, Los Angeles, and received a BA in psychology from UCLA.

    Away from work, this native Los Angelino enjoys spending time with her husband and four sons, running, hiking, boxing, teaching cooking classes, and having fun.
  • Length (mins) 24:55
  • Waiver Received Yes
  • Host Lisa Davis
Life can unfold in many different ways. Maybe you're not supposed to know all the answers.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt90.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Allison Carmen, JD
  • Book Title The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times
  • Guest Facebook Account
  • Guest Twitter Account @giftofmaybe
  • Guest Bio Allison-CarmenAllison Carmen spent many years fighting a powerful addiction. It wasn’t drugs, alcohol or fame. It was an addiction to certainty. If she didn’t know what the future would bring (and who does?), she felt anxious and afraid. This decades-long struggle followed her through college, marriage, parenthood, and a successful law career. While everything seemed fine from the outside, Allison was in a constant battle that was unwinnable, sapping her energy, attention, and spirit. Until the day she discovered the power of Maybe.

    Maybe is a simple yet powerful philosophy that has transformed Allison’s life, and the life of her many clients (now that she has ditched her legal career and has become a successful business consultant and life coach). The message is this: In the face of uncertainty, Maybe opens your mind and heart. It creates a little space for hope. It allows you to take a deep breath, stay in the present, and forge your own path.

    Today, Allison works as an author, life coach, business consultant and blogger. Allison is the author of The Gift of Maybe, a book offering hope and possibility in the face of uncertainty. She works with a vast array of people, from entrepreneurs and owners of multi-million dollar companies to artists, attorneys and parents. Due to her popular blog, and online presence, Allison has tens of thousands of international followers all who are embracing the mindset of Maybe to deal with the fast-paced, changing economic and political landscape all over the world. Allison also writes a blog for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today. She has made several television appearances and is a guest lecturer at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.

    Many things in life are beyond our control, but the mindset of Maybe presents a simple, powerful way to stay connected to what’s possible, and work to make it happen. It is just one change of perspective, but Maybe it changes everything!

    AllisonCarmen holds a BA in accounting, a JD of Law, and a Master’s of Law in taxation.

    She lives in New York City with her husband and two children.
  • Length (mins) 23:56
  • Waiver Received Yes
  • Host Lisa Davis
If you don't want to give up animal products entirely, it's important to reduce your intake.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt89.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Brian Kateman, Founder of the Reducetarian Foundation
  • Book Title The Reducetarian Solution: How the Surprisingly Simple Act of Reducing the Amount of Meat in Your Diet Can Transform Your Health and the Planet
  • Guest Facebook Account
  • Guest Twitter Account @Reducetarian
  • Guest Bio Brian-KatemanBrian Kateman coined the term “Reducetarian," a person who is deliberately reducing his or her consumption of meat, and a global movement was born.

    In his book, The Reducetarian Solution: How the Surprisingly Simple Act of Reducing the Amount of Meat in Your Diet Can Transform Your Health and the Planet, Kateman, the founder of the Reducetarian Foundation, presents more than 70 original essays from influential thinkers on how the simple act of cutting 10% or more of the meat from one’s diet can transform the life of the reader, animals, and the planet.

    The book features contributions from such luminaries as Seth Godin, Joel Fuhrman, Victoria Moran, Jeffrey Sachs, Bill McKibben, Naomi Oreskes, Peter Singer, and others.

    With over 40 vegan, vegetarian, and “less meat” recipes from bestselling cookbook author Pat Crocker, as well as tons of practical tips for reducing the meat in your diet (for example, skip eating meat with dinner if you ate it with lunch; replace your favorite egg omelet with a tofu scramble; choose a veggie burrito instead of a beef burrito; declare a meatless day of the week), The Reducetarian Solution is a life-saving (not to mention planet-saving!) book.
  • Length (mins) 18:11
  • Waiver Received Yes
  • Host Lisa Davis
Too often, people are content to live within the confines of a comfort zone.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt88.mp3
  • Featured Speaker JJ Virgin, Author
  • Book Title Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son & Life’s Hardest Lessons
  • Guest Facebook Account
  • Guest Twitter Account @jjvirgin
  • Guest Bio JJ VirginCelebrity nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin teaches clients how to lose weight and master their mindset so they can lead bigger, better lives. She is author of four NY Times bestsellers: The Virgin Diet, The Virgin Diet Cookbook, JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet, and JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook.

    Her memoir, Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son & Life’s Hardest Lessons, explores the powerful lessons in strength and positivity that she learned after her son Grant was the victim of a brutal hit-and-run accident.

    JJ hosts the popular JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show podcast and regularly writes for Huffington Post, Rodale Wellness, and other major blogs and magazines. She’s also a frequent guest on TV and radio and speaks at major events.

    In addition to her work with nutrition and fitness, JJ is also a business coach and founded the premier health entrepreneur event and community, The Mindshare Summit.

    Find articles, recipes, helpful online programs, and more at
  • Length (mins) 21:11
  • Waiver Received Yes
  • Host Lisa Davis
Being too strict in your diet can set you up for failure. Perhaps it's time to loosen up a little?

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt87.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Nealy Fischer
  • Guest Facebook Account
  • Guest Bio Nealy-FischerCelebrated wellness expert and healthy living innovator, Nealy Fischer, has helped countless people eat well, move more, and ultimately to crave a healthier lifestyle.

    Nealy strives to make it possible for everyone to master their own kitchen (and life) while forging their own path, not following a carbon copy rule book. Admittedly a reformed perfectionist, she learned her craft as a child in her mother’s kitchen, spending years applying all the rules before deciding it was far more exciting to break them. Pleasing a husband, four children, and evolving groups of guests, she writes and tests her own recipes until they pass muster with people’s diverse palates and dietary needs.

    Nealy splits her time between Hong Kong, Israel, and the United States. Her global lifestyle yields many rewards. Living on three continents provides the impetus to go-with-the-flow living and re-imagine recipes, making flexibility the main ingredient in preparing the food her family, friends, and guests crave.

    An intense study of yoga taught Nealy one must first be skilled and strong in the basics in order to bend, a mantra she passionately applies to all she does. Her blog, newsletter, YouTube cooking channel, and lifestyle videos -- some featuring her children as they forge their own paths in the kitchen -- inspire others to lead creative and healthy lives, and to take the reins in the process.

    Her mission to help others live a more craveable life has resulted in the design and execution of immersive cooking events, luxury yoga retreats, and women’s wellness empowerment programs with renowned health professionals.
  • Length (mins) 20:46
  • Waiver Received No
Your bones are made of calcium, so therefore you should load up on calcium... right? You're missing a big part of the picture and may be putting your health in danger.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt86.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
  • Book Title Atrial Fibrillation: Remineralize Your Heart
  • Guest Twitter Account @DrCarolynDean
  • Guest Bio Carolyn-DeanCarolyn Dean, MD, ND, is a medical doctor and naturopath. She is the author of 110 Kindle books and 33 health books covering a wide variety of topics, including The Magnesium Miracle and Atrial Fibrillation: Remineralize Your Heart.

    Dr. Dean is on the Medical Advisory Board of the non-profit educational site Nutritional Magnesium Association. Her magnesium outreach has won her an award from the Heart Rhythm Society in the UK for “Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm Management-2012.”

    Dr. Dean has a free online newsletter, a valuable online two-year wellness program called Completement Now! and a 2-hour call in Radio Show called Dr. Carolyn Dean Live at Mondays at 4pm PST.
  • Length (mins) 16:20
  • Waiver Received No
As hard as you try to eat whole, well-rounded meals, sometimes you only have time for a snack like an energy bar.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt85.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Camilla V. Saulsbury, Food Writer
  • Book Title Power Hungry: The Ultimate Energy Bar Cookbook
  • Guest Facebook Account
  • Guest Twitter Account @camillacooks
  • Guest Bio Camilla-Saulsbury1Camilla V. Saulsbury is a freelance food writer, recipe developer and cooking instructor. Her culinary focus is translating food and flavor trends into fresh, innovative, and delicious recipes for the home kitchen.

    Camilla has been involved in the world of food for more than 16 years, including catering specialty desserts in the San Francisco Bay Area, writing cookbooks and freelance food articles, and developing recipes for national food companies. Further, she has won several of the country’s top cooking competitions, including the $100,000 National Chicken Cook-Off, the $50,000 Build a Better Burger Contest, and the Food Network’s $25,000 Ultimate Recipe Showdown (Cookies Episode).

    Camilla’s interest in food is also academic. She holds a PhD in sociology from Indiana University with a specialization in food studies, and her doctoral dissertation was a multi-faceted study of the contemporary meanings of home cooking in American culture. Following completion of her PhD, Camilla made food writing, food research, and recipe development her primary occupations.

    She has been featured on the Food Network, Today, Good Morning America Health, QVC, Katie, and in multiple publications including the New York Times, Dr Oz’s The Good Life, Women’s Health, Runner’s World, Men’s Fitness, Southern Living, Clean Eating, Cooking Light, Food Network Magazine, and Pilates Style magazine.
  • Length (mins) 20:58
  • Waiver Received No
If you love cheese and feel like you could never get away from it, you might be surprised at the benefits of doing so.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File talk_healthy/tt84.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Neal Barnard, MD
  • Book Title The Cheese Trap: How Breaking a Surprising Addiction Will Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Get Healthy
  • Guest Facebook Account
  • Guest Twitter Account @DrNealBarnard
  • Guest Bio Neal-BarnardNeal Barnard, MD, FACC, is an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C., president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and founder of Barnard Medical Center.

    Dr. Barnard is a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the 2016 recipient of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine’s Trailblazer Award, and has led numerous research studies investigating the effects of diet on diabetes, body weight, and chronic pain, including a groundbreaking study of dietary interventions in type-2 diabetes, funded by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Barnard has authored more than 70 scientific publications as well as 18 books, including the New York Times bestsellers Power Foods for the Brain, 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart, and the USA Today bestseller, Dr. Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes.

    As president of the Physicians Committee, Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research. He hosts four PBS television programs on nutrition and health and is frequently called on by news programs to discuss issues related to nutrition and research.
  • Length (mins) 24:16
  • Waiver Received No
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