Friday, 08 November 2013 10:45

What's REALLY in Your Herbal Supplement?

New research suggests that herbal supplements are often not what they seem.
Friday, 08 November 2013 10:33

Transgender Patients & Healthcare

A recent study shows that many transgender and transsexual patients actually refused healthcare because they felt safer doing so.
Friday, 08 November 2013 10:22

Transgender Care in the Emergency Room

A recently published study on special needs of transgender patients reveals some disturbing statistics.
Friday, 08 November 2013 10:11

Best Treatment for Your Diabetes Type

Learn how you can best treat, or even reverse your Diabetes symptoms.
Do you know the specific differences between type-1, type-2 and gestational Diabetes?
Friday, 25 October 2013 10:45

End of Life Care: Clearing the Confusion

Dr. Dan Morhaim, author of The Better End, helps clear the confusion surrounding end of life care.
An advanced directive helps provide clear guidance to physicians when you are unable to express wishes yourself.
Friday, 25 October 2013 10:22

Halloween Safety: Costumes, Candy & Clutter

Keep your kids safe this Halloween with important (even life-saving) tips and tricks.
Winter brings with it hidden dangers, including carbon monoxide poisoning. How can you best protect yourself?
Dr. David Ross discusses ladder safety tips and how you can prepare for hidden dangers this Fall.
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 12:33

Halloween Safety Tips from the AAP

Halloween is a festive time of year, for kids and adults alike. But it is also a time when more kids end up in the emergency room. How can you keep your child safe?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 12:00

Is Your Teen Abusing Cough Medicine?

Your teen might be looking for ways to get high you hadn't even thought of... and one might just be in your medicine cabinet.
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 27 September 2013 10:33

Survival Tips in the Wilderness

If you like being outdoors, camping or hiking, you need to know some important tips for "Wilderness Medicine."
Friday, 27 September 2013 10:22

Lightning: The Real Danger

Lightning striking humans is rare, yes. But there can be residual effects, even if you're not directly struck. How can you protect yourself?
Friday, 27 September 2013 10:11

Domestic Violence: Why Do Victims Stay?

One question you may ask a victim of domestic abuse is, "Why do you stay?" The answer is much more complicated than you think.
Friday, 27 September 2013 10:00

Domestic Violence: It Can Happen to Anyone

An approximate 25% of women have been victims of domestic abuse at some point in their lifetime. Could you be one of them?
Friday, 13 September 2013 10:11

Common Sports Injuries in Young Athletes

ER doctors treat over one million sports injuries a year in young athletes. Learn how to best protect your child.
Concussions are an issue in sports... not only for the NFL and other professional teams, but also for your young athlete.
If an emergency arose, would you know how to do CPR on your child? Or perform other life-saving measures?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 11 September 2013 12:00

Is Your Family Ready for a Public Emergency?

Are you and your family prepared if ever the unthinkable happens? In the event of a disaster, could you save lives?
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 30 August 2013 10:45

Back to School Health Checklist

Notebooks and pens aren't the only things your kids need before they head off to school. Learn which health-related items are required as well.
Kids putting things in their mouths is a fairly regular occurrence. Unfortunately, it's also a very dangerous occurrence.
Bell's Palsy looks close to a stroke in symptoms, but is very different. Know the symptoms so you can get appropriate care.
Friday, 30 August 2013 10:11

Lyme Disease Outbreak Is on the Rise

Lyme disease cases are on the rise. What do you need to do to protect yourself?
Friday, 30 August 2013 10:00

Is it Safer to Live in the City?

If you thought it was safer to live in the country compared to the city – think again.
Saturday, 17 August 2013 16:25

The Value of a Human Life

Join award-winning director, Benjamin Gilmour, on a heart-stopping, white-knuckle ride through the experiences of an ambulance medic.
More and more women are dying from overdose due to prescription painkillers. Could you be at risk?
Every year dozens of children die or are seriously injured from being left in a hot vehicle.
Friday, 02 August 2013 10:11

Dehydration Dangers

Dehydration often sneaks up on you. But it's more than just being thirsty; it can be deadly. Learn how to keep you and your loved ones healthy and hydrated.
Friday, 02 August 2013 10:00

Keep Your Family Safe While Traveling

How prepared are you in regards to safety while traveling? Would you know what to do if you suffered an accident?
Fireworks can be fun and magical, especially for children. But don't let your fireworks fun turn into a tragedy this summer.
What is the best defense against tick bites and Lyme disease? We've got the 411 on tick prevention.
Friday, 21 June 2013 10:11

Saving Your Kid from a Trip to the ER

A marble up the nose means a trip to the ER. How can you prevent this and more dangerous situations from happening in the first place?
As a parent, you have certain instincts when it comes to your kid's health. But what are some of the warning signs you might be missing?
Friday, 07 June 2013 10:45

Our Nation's Mental Health Crisis

Our nation's mental health system is on the brink of disaster! Is there hope for the future?
Bacteria and other germs may be lurking at some of your fun Summer hot spots. Learn your potential risks.
It only takes a short time for someone to drown. Learn how you can stay safe while in and/or near the water.
If you or your kids will be spending long periods of time in the sun, then you better know the signs of heat stroke.
Ahhhh the smell of summer! Which also brings with it lawnmower injuries. Are your kids ready to mow the lawn by themselves?
Published in Healthy Children
Tis the season for dog parks and play parks. But remember, big or little, any dog can bite.
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 10 May 2013 10:45

Antibiotics and Cardiac Death

Could azithromycin, a popular antibiotic, be the cause of cardiac death? Learn how to protect yourself.
Friday, 10 May 2013 10:33

Is Sleeping Pill Abuse on the Rise?

Emergency departments are seeing a rise in cases involving misuse of sleeping pills. Could someone you love be at risk?
Friday, 26 April 2013 10:45

The Cinnamon Challenge is NOT Harmless

There is a scary trend that is sweeping this nation and it must be stopped!
What have we learned from military doctors that can help us in times of terror and tragedy?
Friday, 26 April 2013 10:22

Basic First Aid Preparedness

Would you be prepared to come to the aid of a severely injured vicitm if tragedy struck near you?
America's emergency response system is the best when handling some of our history's most tragic events.
Firsthand accounts of this tragic event from a Boston ER doctor.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 12:00

The Cinnamon Challenge: Not Worth the Risk

Is your teen going to try the Cinnamon Challenge? Learn how this popular dare could possibly cause severe injury or death.
Published in Healthy Children
Emergency physicians see the victims of child abuse all too often. Learn the warning signs.
Friday, 12 April 2013 10:22

Prevent the Neglect & Abuse of Children

Why would anyone deliberately hurt an innocent child? The emotionally charged topic of child abuse is discussed.
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