Thursday, 10 October 2013 14:11

Eating Green & Healthy for $5 a Day

Go green for $5 a day (or less) with mostly organic or sustainably raised ingredients.
A common misconception is that it is quite expensive to eat organic or farm fresh foods.

That's simply untrue. You can afford to eat wonderful food that is good for your body and for our planet, at $5 a day or less with mostly organic or sustainably raised ingredients.

Linda Watson, founder of, created her wildly affordable cooking plans after being inspired by a national challenge to eat on a food-stamp budget.

She joins Dr. Mike to discuss her success with eating healthy... all while not breaking the bank.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1341ht4b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Linda Watson
  • Book Title: Wildly Affordable Organic: Eat Fabulous Food, Get Healthy, and Save the Planet --All of $5 a Day or Less
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account:
  • Guest Bio: Linda WatsonLinda Watson, the founder of, created her wildly affordable cooking plans after being inspired by a national challenge to eat on a food-stamp budget.

    She credits her background in project management helping her to not just survive but thrive on just a dollar a meal per person. Linda is a member of both the International Association of Culinary Professionals and the Project Management Institute.

    She's had a wildly varied career so far, including developing a top-secret expert system, working with Tom Clancy and Douglas Adams on computer games, and riding the dot-com wave with Today she teaches cooking through classes, e-books, and videos.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Dr. Michael Smith, MD