You CAN Boost Your Confidence

Learn practical tips to gain more confidence.
Early childhood experiences and traumas impact young people’s self-esteem and confidence. Confidence is the belief in oneself and one’s ability to succeed. Knowing you are at least good at something is a huge boost.

You can learn confidence. It is developed when you know you can handle the outcome of whatever you pursue. Developing confidence in one area can overflow into other areas of life. Having a positive outlook and being able to handle unpleasant feelings set you on the path to confidence.

When disappointment hits, you must allow your body to experience the physiological effects of the unpleasant feelings. It takes about ninety seconds for your body to run out the physiological effects.

When you dwell on unpleasant feelings, your mind is trying to reach a resolution. Be mindful of what you’re thinking, feeling and observing. Insights may come that result in expressions, decisions or actions.

Listen as Dr. Joan Rosenberg joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to discuss how to develop confidence.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl383.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Joan Rosenberg, PhD
  • Book Title: 90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting Confidence, Resilience and Authenticity
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @DrJoanRosenberg
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Joan RosenbergBest-selling author, consultant, master clinician and media host, Dr. Joan Rosenberg is a cutting-edge psychologist who is known as an innovative thinker, acclaimed speaker and trainer. As a two-time TEDx speaker and member of the Association of Transformational Leaders, she has been recognized for her thought leadership and influence in personal development.

    Dr. Rosenberg has been featured in the documentaries “I Am”, “The Miracle Mindset”, “Pursuing Happiness” and “The Hidden Epidemic”. She’s been seen on CNN’s American Morning, the OWN network, and PBS, as well as appearances and radio interviews in all of the major metropolitan markets.

    A California-licensed psychologist, Dr. Rosenberg speaks on how to build confidence, emotional strength, resilience; achieving emotional, conversational and relationship mastery; integrating neuroscience and psychotherapy and suicide prevention.

    An Air Force veteran, she is a professor of graduate psychology at Pepperdine University in Los Angeles, CA.
  • Length (mins): 28:31
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC