
Teaching Our Boys Consent & Respect in Dating

Featuring: Dr. Gary Kirkilas
In a previous episode on sex and dating, we didn't focus as much as we could have on the boy's side of the conversation. How do we teach our sons and other young boys in our life how to respect women when it comes to dating?

Poison Prevention Week: Keeping Chemicals Away From Our Kids

Featuring: Kevin C. Osterhoudt, MD, MS
This week is Poison Prevention Week (March 21 - 27 2021) so we're talking about keeping chemicals away from our kids.

Body Image and Eating Disorders: How To Spot Them and What To Do

Featuring: Dr. Anisha Abraham, MD, MPH
Our kid's schedules are all over the place these days, that also includes their eating schedules. Some kids are stressed and not eating at all, while others are bored and home all day eating more and more.

Navigating Sexuality and Identity with Our Children

Featuring: Dr. Naveen Mehrotra
As sexuality and gender continue to expand and be more fluid, it can be hard to catch up as a parent with what our kids identify as.

#CallYourPediatrician and Keeping Confidence in Vaccines

Featuring: Dr. Anisha Abraham, MD, MPH
Even with the pandemic going on, it's still important to catch up with well visits and routine vaccines in person.

Media, Kids And How To Explain The News

Featuring: Dr. Don Shifrin
The last few years have been difficult, and for a while, it felt like every day we were presented with a new and unfathomable piece of news. And social media keeps us more engaged than ever, almost too much.

Building Resiliency for Winter Months & COVID Times

Featuring: Dr. Anisha Abraham, MD, MPH
Resiliency is so important to build in our children, but it's especially important during these winter COVID months when we're stuck indoors because of the cold and the pandemic.

Substance Abuse & Marketing Towards Teens

Featuring: Dr. Gary Kirkilas
Drug abuse has been an issue that really all generations have had to deal with. And Gen Z is no different.

Cross Cultural Kids & Identity

Featuring: Dr. Anisha Abraham, MD, MPH
Today we are diving into a new and interesting topic here on the show: cross-cultural kids.

Dating & Sex Talk With Your Teens

Featuring: Dr. Gary Kirkilas
Approaching the dating & sex talk with our kids is difficult. What age is appropriate, what words to use, and what do they actually know already from being online?! Well, Dr. Gary Kirkilas is here to help us out. He is a pediatrician in Phoenix, Arizona with a unique mobile practice, as well as a spokesperson for the AAP.
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