Tuesday, 20 October 2020 00:00

Flu Shots

Tuesday, 04 August 2020 00:00


Tuesday, 14 May 2019 00:00

EP 942B - The Return of Measles

What can we do to stop this deadly disease from hurting our most vulnerable populations?
Are childhood vaccines affecting the health of today's young people?
Published in Wellness for Life
Find out why your child needs the HPV vaccine.
Published in Healthy Children
What's the scoop on flu shots this season?
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 05 December 2017 00:00

Flu Shots: The Scoop for the Season

What's the scoop on flu shots this season?
Published in Healthy Children
Find out why your child needs the HPV vaccine.
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 14 July 2017 10:44

Do You Know Which Vaccines Teens Need?

According to a new survey conducted by the Unity Consortium, 92 percent of parents and 88 percent of teens surveyed believe it is important for all teens to be vaccinated, but the stark reality is that vaccination rates are lower than where they should be. 

For instance, less than 50 percent of male teens and 65 percent of female teens have received the first dose of the HPV vaccine series, despite it preventing certain types of cancer. 

Unfortunately, the survey showed that both parents’ and teens’ attitude towards preventive health and vaccines could impede them taking action to improve their future health prospects.

Published in RadioMD Blog
Tuesday, 06 June 2017 00:00

HPV: Getting Your Child Vaccinated

Find out why your child needs the HPV vaccine.
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 11 April 2017 00:00

EP 833 The War Against Disease

Polio, measles and other diseases are quickly prevented with just a shot; however, vaccines weren't always so accessible.
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