When Angelina Jolie announced that she had a preventative double mastectomy, the term "BRCA1 gene" became commonplace.
Published in HER
Thursday, 25 September 2014 14:33

Simple Steps to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

How much does diet and other lifestyle factors increase your risk of developing cancer?
Friday, 12 September 2014 10:33

You Should Get Your Prostate Checked!

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Do you know the importance of checking your prostate health?
Saturday, 06 September 2014 16:25

Your Roadmap to Wellness

Learn what functional medicine is and how it may help you reclaim your health and vitality.
Thursday, 04 September 2014 13:11

Menopause: When Can Early Onset Occur?

Here's a "hot flash" for ya: early menopause is actually quite normal.
Published in HER
Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has been shown to prevent cancer, treat depression, and ease pain.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Triclosan is found in many of your home and personal care products. But studies have found this chemical is potentially hazardous.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Many cancer treatments cause physical and mental side effects that can slow the healing process.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 13 August 2014 11:00

Integrative Cancer Care: Best of Two Worlds

Integrative cancer care is based on a model of whole-person, patient-driven medicine.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 06 August 2014 11:11

4 Tips to Avoid Phthalates

Exposure to phthalate chemicals is so rampant these days, evidence can be found in your urine, blood and even breast milk.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 31 July 2014 14:00

Why You Need CoQ10 In Your Diet

You may have heard the importance of incorporating CoQ10 into your diet, but what benefits result from doing so?
Shampoos, pesticides, drinking water, plastics, and vehicle emissions all contain cancer-causing toxins that you are exposed to on a daily basis.
Monday, 14 July 2014 12:10

What is Prehabilitation for Cancer?

With care from the time of your cancer diagnosis to the beginning of your acute treatment, prehab helps you prepare mentally, physically and emotionally.
Published in Staying Well
Tuesday, 01 July 2014 08:00

What is Prehabilitation for Cancer?

With care from the time of your cancer diagnosis to the beginning of your acute treatment, prehab helps you prepare mentally, physically and emotionally.
Published in GTL
Thursday, 19 June 2014 14:00

Can Peaches Prevent Breast Cancer?

Antioxidants from peaches can prevent the spreadof cancer cells.
Friday, 06 June 2014 10:22

Dangers of the Summer Sun

The hot summer sun can feel like such a relief after a long winter. But there are critical things to consider when it comes to the sun's rays.
Thursday, 05 June 2014 14:11

Is Your Mouth Telling You Something?

Be aware of these oral warning signs and the serious diseases they may indicate.
Thursday, 05 June 2014 14:00

Eat Nuts, Live Longer?

A recent study in Spain found that eating nuts three or more times a day decreased your risk of cancer.
Aggressive nutrition can have a major effect on beating cancer.
Published in GTL
Commercials have a way of making toxic chemicals look safe and healthy. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Brachytherapy treatment involves placing a radioactive seed with a high dose of radiation into the prostate gland.
Published in Staying Well
The risk of developing cancer in an average lifetime is about 40%. With those kinds of odds, wouldn't you like to know the secret to beating it?
Everything from toxic cleaning products to poor indoor air quality can be making you and your family sick.
Published in Naturally Savvy
You may be aware of your exposure to toxic chemicals; but what about the products to which your kids are exposed?
Published in Naturally Savvy
If you lie down after a big meal, you could bring on some nasty heartburn. But what if it's something worse?
There are over 1,000 published cases of radical remission. For every published case, however, 100 go unnoticed.
Published in Naturally Savvy
HPV is a major contributing factor to head and neck cancer, resulting in increased diagnoses in the younger population.
Thursday, 24 April 2014 14:33

Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

If you're given a zero percent chance of survival, could you still beat cancer?
Wednesday, 16 April 2014 11:33

Insomniac? You Could Be Trashing Your Health

Sleep is so essential for optimal health. Unfortunately, many individuals simply aren't getting the sleep they need on a regular basis.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 09 April 2014 14:45

Electronic Cigarettes: Benefits & Risks

According to the CDC, an estimated 42.1 million people smoke tobacco cigarettes. Are e-cigarettes any better for you?
Published in Mindful Medicine
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