Thursday, 17 October 2013 14:45

How Young Blood May Cure Cancer

Transfusing cancer patients with blood from young, healthy individuals offers hope for a cure.
Thursday, 10 October 2013 14:00

Dichloroacetate: A Cure for Cancer?

A powerful anticancer drug, dichloroacetate, induces cancer cell death. The problem? It's too cheap for Big Pharma.
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 14:00

5 Steps for Reducing Your Risk of Cancer

Cancer affects almost everyone in some way. Why is the prevalence on the rise with all the fundraising efforts for "the cure"?
Published in Mindful Medicine
What impact does the environment you live in have on your chances of developing breast cancer?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 03 October 2013 14:00

Is Your Hair Dye Killing You?

Permanent and semi-permanent hair dyes contain dangerous chemicals that have been linked to serious health problems — including cancer.
Wednesday, 02 October 2013 11:00

Navigating a Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the US. Understanding lung cancer risk factors and symptoms can help you make a more informed treatment decision.
Published in Managing Cancer CTCA
Advances in breast cancer treatment have paved the way for treating many types of cancer—today, treatments are individualized to each patient's unique tumor and cancer type.
Published in Managing Cancer CTCA
Tuesday, 01 October 2013 12:22

Exercising During & After Cancer

Is it safe to work out when you have cancer? Learn which exercises are beneficial and which ones may be harmful.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 01 October 2013 12:11

Breast Cancer: Exercises to Help You Heal

Exercise may seem impossible during cancer treatment, but it could speed your recovery.
Published in Train Your Body
Monday, 30 September 2013 11:00

Advances in Prostate Cancer Treatments

For most men diagnosed with prostate cancer, there are many treatment options. How do you decide which one is best for you?.
Published in Managing Cancer CTCA
Monday, 30 September 2013 11:00

What is Orthopedic Oncology?

Orthopedic oncology specializes in the treatment of men and women with bone cancer, sarcoma or cancer that has spread to the bone from other areas of the body.
Published in Managing Cancer CTCA
Wednesday, 25 September 2013 14:45

Phytoestrogens: Helpful or Harmful?

Some estrogen found in your body is absorbed from dangerous chemicals and detrimental to health. But phytoestrogens are plant-based and may actually be beneficial.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 18 September 2013 14:33

Omega-3s & Prostate Cancer

A recent study suggested a link between omega-3s and prostate cancer. Could you be at risk? Should you stop taking fish oil?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Friday, 13 September 2013 10:33

Ovarian Cancer: The Silent Killer

Ovarian cancer is projected to kill more than 14,000 women this year. But if you don't have a family history, how do you know if you're at risk?
Wednesday, 11 September 2013 14:00

The Bitter Truth about Alternative Sweeteners

If you're avoiding sugar there are a dizzying array of other sweeteners to choose from. Which ones are good? Bad? Even downright dangerous?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 10 September 2013 14:41

Bitter Truth About Sugar: It Makes Cancer Grow

Sugar - sweet to your taste buds but perhaps toxic to your body and your proteins. Just because your taste buds approve, does not mean that the rest of your body will too. Sugar is like your awful ex who was charming at the beginning of the relationship but made your life miserable by the end. Sugar works in the same way - it can easily win your taste buds over, leaving the rest of your body to suffer with the consequences.

Previous studies have shown that a high sugar diet increases the risk of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance, but the damage does not stop there. In fact, sugar does much worse things to your proteins. Two separate studies published in August 2013 suggest that sugar is also associated with an increased risk of cancer, mortality, and lower sexual health.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Monday, 09 September 2013 12:00

Cancer is Serious Business

What if there was a potential way to fight cancer without all the horrible side effects? Wouldn't you be interested?
Published in Staying Well
Saturday, 07 September 2013 16:25

Why We Are Losing the War on Cancer

Why our nation's huge, 40-year investment in cancer research may have been badly spent.
Thursday, 05 September 2013 14:22

The Mediterranean Diet Makes Cancer Cells Mortal

New research suggests that a compound abundant in the Mediterranean diet takes away cancer cells' "superpower" to escape death.
Thursday, 05 September 2013 14:11

The Whole Food Diet for Breast Cancer Survivors

Breast cancer survivors can increase their odds of living a long, disease-free life by eating whole foods.
Even though it contradicts conventional thinking, the facts are undeniable: cancer surgery can increase the risk of metastasis.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013 11:00

Are Artificial Sweeteners Like Aspartame Safe?

Major soft drink companies such as Coca Cola use artificial sweeteners...but are they safe?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 22 August 2013 14:45

Is Blue Corn Healthy or Harmful?

Blue corn is loaded with the same type of antioxidants as blueberries and tart cherries. But, is it healthy? Or potentially harmful?
Thursday, 15 August 2013 14:22

Innovations in Prostate Cancer Treatment

High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and cryotherapy are exciting new treatment options for prostate cancer.
Thursday, 15 August 2013 14:11

New Diagnostic Tests for Prostate Cancer

Doctors who rely solely on PSA testing are initiating aggressive prostate cancer treatments just to be safe. But it is often unnecessary.
Saturday, 03 August 2013 16:25

Battling Chronic Disease

Couples can become mutually supportive to fight and prevent obesity-related diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, stroke and cancers.
The HPV vaccine could save your son or daughter's life. So why are many teens not getting it?
If you have a symptoms of low thyroid function, you may benefit from hormone replacement therapy.
Published in Staying Well
Saturday, 20 July 2013 16:25

Cancer Prevention Starts in Youth

Many of the unhealthy habits kids pick up during childhood may increase cancer risk.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013 12:00

Are CT Scans Safe for Your Children?

Computed tomography (CT) scans are increasingly used in children. But are there potential risks for your little ones?
Published in Healthy Children
20 Surprising Things That May Cause Cancer...
  • Mammography radiation
  • Chemotherapy and radiation
  • Perfumes and fragrance products
  • Cosmetics and personal care products
  • Home cleaning products, including laundry detergent, dryer sheets, etc.
  • Drinking non-organic milk or eating non-organic dairy products
  • Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids.
  • Plastic food containers - includes plastic lining inside food cans.
  • Sodium nitrite - found in most processed meats.
  • Pesticides, PCBs, chlorine and other chemicals.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Michael Douglas caused a stir when he claimed throat cancer can be caused by HPV. But can you really get cancer from a virus in this way?
Actinic keratoses (AK), is a dangerous pre-cursor to cancer. Learn how to protect yourself from falling victim.
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 10 June 2013 12:45

How Throat Cancer Can Stem From HPV

It's true what Michael Douglas revealed: You can get throat cancer from HPV.
Published in Staying Well
Saturday, 01 June 2013 16:25

Tell Me the Truth, Doctor

Can cell phones really cause brain cancer? Get to the bottom of this and other common health questions.
Diabetics prescribed the drug metformin have a significantly lower incidence of all cancers compared to the general population.
Thursday, 30 May 2013 14:33

Helping Children Cope with Cancer

Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program™ is a unique educational program that supports kids and families living with cancer.
Special guest, Lorene Benoit, presents a comprehensive natural program for understanding, preventing and working with cancer.
Asimina tribola, also known as Pawpaw, may be the next generation alternative cancer therapy.
Thursday, 30 May 2013 14:00

Is Aspirin a Cancer Prevention Drug?

Cancer is one of the most feared words in the English language. However, research is now showing that daily aspirin users have a significant reduced risk of many cancers.
Angelina Jolie revealed she had her breasts removed to reduce her risk of breast and ovarian cancers. But was that the right choice?
Published in Staying Well
There is an emotional side to treating cancer that can be equally important through diagnosis, treatment and beyond.
Thursday, 09 May 2013 14:11

Is Low-Dose Naltrexone a Miracle Drug?

Is there a new miracle drug that can help those with autoimmune diseases?
What if there was one prescription that could prevent and treat dozens of diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity?
Published in Train Your Body
Monday, 01 April 2013 12:45

Fight Cancer with Supplements & Vitamins

The vitamins and supplements that may help improve fight initial cancer development, prognosis and recovery.
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 01 April 2013 12:33

Beating Cancer with Agressive Nutrition

Aggressive nutrition can have a major effect on beating cancer.
Published in Staying Well
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