The #MeToo movement has made sexual harassment in the entertainment industry a daily topic.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr246.mp3
  • Doctors Kathleen Sharp, Journalist, Author & Filmmaker
  • Featured Speaker Kathleen Sharp, Journalist, Author & Filmmaker
  • Guest Bio Kathleen-SharpKathleen Sharp is an award-winning journalist, the author of four books, and a film producer. She’s covered the West for the Boston Globe and the New York Times and has written for The Nation, Smithsonian, Playboy, Pacific Standard and others. Her Amazon top seller, Blood Medicine: Blowing The Whistle on One of the Deadliest Prescription Drugs (Dutton), was called the “most important non-fiction book of the past 20 years.” She’s developing it as a TV series with Seismic Productions.

    Her biography of the political power couple, Mr. & Mrs. Hollywood, was just issued in paperback (Blackstone Audio). Kirkus hailed it as “lavish and extravagant” and Sharp turned her book into the film documentary, The Last Mogul (ThinkFilm), which the New York Times called, “elegantly classy.”

    She’s won a dozen investigative reporting and writing awards, including a fellowship from USC’s Annenberg School for Communication.

    She lives in Santa Barbara with her family.
  • Length Mins 26:12
Music can inspire, empower, transform, and even heal us.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr245.mp3
  • Doctors Robert Alexander, Audio Alchemist
  • Featured Speaker Robert Alexander, Audio Alchemist
  • Guest Bio Robert-AlexanderRobert Alexander is the founder and visionary behind LifeRhythms, a business that focuses on creating custom music and various services to help promote wellness, well-being and (individual and community) connectivity. As an Audio Alchemist, Robert creates custom soundscapes for coaches, healers, yoginis, hypnotherapists, Reiki masters and other practitioners for use in their offices and promotional media.

    He also creates customized products and services to help individuals with their relationship with anxiety, PTSD, addiction, depression, insomnia and other physical, mental and emotional ailments that affect everyday moods and wellbeing – many of which are diagnosed with cancer, moving through major life transitions, experiencing menopause and desiring alternative solutions for wellbeing.

    Robert is a transformational music artist and has music under the moniker “Evlov” is featured on platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play and Pandora. His music is available worldwide and has albums available for sale in physical and digital formats.
  • Length Mins 23:41
Imagine being able to boost your mood as easily as you can order dinner?

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr244.mp3
  • Doctors Lauren Wallack, Co-Founder & CEO of Mindsail
  • Featured Speaker Lauren Wallack, Co-Founder & CEO of Mindsail
  • Guest Bio Lauren-WalleckLauren Wallack, is the Co-Founder & CEO of Mindsail.

    Mindsail is a mental wellness platform to discover original programs from top experts, including clinical psychologists, best-selling authors and world-renowned speakers, across categories such as addiction, relationships, anxiety, sleep, happiness and more.
  • Length Mins 26:18
Addiction affects the body, mind, and soul — which means that a successful recovery journey must include practices that are good for our bodies, minds, and souls.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr241.mp3
  • Doctors Jeff Finlin
  • Featured Speaker Jeff Finlin
  • Guest Bio Jeff-FinlinJeff Finlin is known as an authority on yoga and recovery. His ability to mix compassion and inquiry through direct relationship with others is the core of his work. His practices and interaction combine to create a profound environment for growth and self-actualization. He combines simple everyday yoga practices with traditional recovery tools that enable the practitioner to move deeper into his or her spiritual life.

    “The word yoga means literally means "union" or "to merge." More than a set of physical postures or exercises, yoga is defining as a spiritual science and technology used to determine the nature of who you are and what you want to be. Exploring this is essential for a person in recovery.”

    Sober since 1997, Jeff has partaken in a 20-year study and practice of yoga. His teaching is centered in continued study, practice and personal relationship with students. The ability to connect one on one with his students is a pivotal part of his teaching. He prides himself on his work with beginners and people in recovery. As far as people in recovery are concerned, Jeff has made it his mission to help the afflicted gain access to the dimension of themselves that lies beyond the body and mind.

    Jeff released his book, 365 Days of Recovery Yoga, in 2017 and launched a teachable platform called “A Course For Enlightened Recovery.” He is currently working on the following up book and teaching.
  • Length Mins 28:29
Are you trying to kick-start a healthier lifestyle but feel overwhelmed with how to start?

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr240.mp3
  • Doctors Kate Mihevc Edwards, PT, DPT, OCS
  • Featured Speaker Kate Mihevc Edwards, PT, DPT, OCS
  • Guest Bio Kate-Mihevc-EdwardsDr. Kate Mihevc Edwards is a former endurance athlete. In 2015, she nearly died while training for a half Ironman triathlon and later was diagnosed with a rare, genetic heart disease (ARVC.) This forced her to give up her running and endurance exercise for good and redefine her identity.

    Kate is also an author, researcher, adjunct faculty at Emory University, national speaker, and host of The Whole You on The Lighter Side Network.

    She lives in Atlanta with her family and her Weimaraner Austin.
  • Length Mins 26:20
The digital world can sometimes feel like the wild wild west, but it’s a world most of us simply can’t stay away from.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr211.mp3
  • Doctors Jacklyn Hefter & Leanna Hefter, Founders of Social Movement
  • Featured Speaker Jacklyn Hefter & Leanna Hefter, Founders of Social Movement
  • Guest Bio Leanna-HefterJacklyn Hefter and Leanna Hefter are twins and owners of a social media company based out of Montreal and Toronto called Social Movement.

    Leanna has been involved in the events and marketing industry for over a decade.

    She has worked with athletes, reality stars and everything in between.

    Jacklyn-HefterJacklyn has extensive experience in Social Media.

    She began her career with a photography blog back in 2009. Her blog went viral, receiving over 90,000 hits within one year. This landed her a social media position at Playboy.

    After working at Playboy for two years she continued her career with a position at Micheal Kors.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 26:23
When you’re on a health and wellness journey, having a supportive and nurturing community can make all the difference in the world.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr199.mp3
  • Doctors Dawn Nickel, PhD
  • Featured Speaker Dawn Nickel, PhD
  • Guest Bio Dawn-NickelDawn Nickel, PhD, is an accomplished and versatile leader and the creator of She Recovers, the largest online community of women in recovery. Dawn started her journey of recovery from drug addiction in 1987. She is a strong advocate for the view that each woman in or seeking recovery must be supported to find the tools and pathways that will work best for her as an individual.

    In the summer of 2011, while recovering from a serious case of workaholism, Dawn decided to apply what she knew about recovery to that area of her life. On an extended leave from work, Dawn began to blog and created the She Recovers Facebook page to share her journey and to reach out to other women wanting to recover their lives and their potential. Since 2012, she has dedicated herself to creating and holding space (online and off) for women in recovery to connect with themselves, and with other like-hearted women. The Facebook page now has over 260,000 followers.

    Today, in addition to operating a full-time health and social policy research consultancy, Dawn is determined to grow She Recovers and its offerings so that more and more women can connect and heal from addictions and other life challenges.

    In 2012, Dawn’s daughter Taryn Strong joined She Recovers. Taryn is a young woman, also in recovery, and a trauma-informed yoga for recovery instructor. She Recovers currently operates a resource-inspired website and blog, runs an international yoga and recovery retreat program, designs and manufactures a line of custom recovery jewelry, and recently launched a recovery coach training program. She Recovers, will host a major event – She Recovers in NYC – in May 2017.
  • Length Mins 26:18
Does your child’s holiday wish list go on for multiple pages? Are you worried you may have to take out a loan to pay for your child’s next birthday party?

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr239.mp3
  • Doctors Michael G. Wetter, PsyD
  • Featured Speaker Michael G. Wetter, PsyD
  • Guest Bio Michael-Wetter1Dr. Michael Wetter is a Diplomate and Fellow of the American Psychotherapy Association, and has served as an Oral Examination Commissioner and Subject Matter Expert for the California State Licensing Board of Psychology.

    He is an active member of the American Psychological Association, American Academy of Psychologists, the National Alliance of Psychology Providers, and the California Psychological Association. Dr. Wetter is a nationally recognized expert in the field of Psychology, published author, and an invited speaker and guest lecturer, training other psychologists and mental health professionals.

    Dr. Wetter has served as an expert consultant on numerous television programs, as well as to publications such as the Washington Post, Boston Globe, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Men's Healthy Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Prevention Magazine, and Redbook Magazine. His research in the field of anxiety has been accepted in the United States Memorial Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., and his theories on the subject of "anxiety transmission" have been published extensively.

    In addition to his private practice, Dr. Wetter is on the clinical staff of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he has served as the Associate Director of Psychology at the Center for Weight Loss, as well as manager for General surgery, Plastic/Reconstructive surgery, and Bariatric surgery. He is a Clinical Instructor of Surgery at Cedars-Sinai, one of the only psychologists to receive such distinction.

    Dr. Wetter formerly served as the Chief of Adult Psychiatry Service for over nine years at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Hayward, California. He has worked as an adjunct professor on the undergraduate and graduate faculties of the Dominican University of California in San Rafael, Harold Washington College in Chicago, California State University at Hayward, and Las Positas College in the Livermore Valley.
  • Length Mins 26:24
When we talk about addiction, we often focus on substance abuse. In truth, there are people addicted to behaviors and habits that can cause just as much damage to their lives as drugs or alcohol.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr238.mp3
  • Doctors Catherine Townsend-Lyon
  • Featured Speaker Catherine Townsend-Lyon
  • Guest Bio Catherine-LyonRecovery Advocate and Gambling Expert, Catherine Townsend-Lyon, is the best-selling Author of her shocking debut memoir, Addicted To Dimes, Confessions of a Liar and a Cheat.

    She has fast become well known in the addiction and recovery communities. In her book, shares a raw, unedited and haunting past of gambling addiction. She lives dual diagnosed with mental health challenges, childhood trauma, and is an abuse survivor. Her life mission is helping others recover as she advocates the 'personal side' about these critical issues to Shatter Stigma, Raise Awareness, and Educate the public, and those who have been "touched" by the same.

    Another mission is to spread HOPE to others looking to recover and warn that suicide is not an option or answer for someone with a gambling addiction.

    "I'm just a regular woman who wanted to share in memoir form my personal story about a hush, hush addiction. I am not famous, rich, nor a reality star which doesn't interest me. I want to share what I've been through so the public can have more understanding of a problem and gambling addiction, and how devastating and cunning this disease is as it devastates your life and how you can recover!"
  • Length Mins 25:55
What if we could all work together to create empowered communities?

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr237.mp3
  • Doctors Cheree Ashley, RAS,CADC-CAS
  • Featured Speaker Cheree Ashley, RAS,CADC-CAS
  • Guest Bio Cheree Ashley is the owner of Bright Future Recovery, which is a residential detox facility located in Hollister, CA.

    In recovery herself, Cheree has a passion to help and guide others as well as their families through the process of addiction recovery.

    The program is designed and structured to get the addicted individual through the withdrawal process as smoothly and comfortably as possible. Doctors provide a strict medically assisted protocol to safely and comfortably detox clients.

    Bright Future Recovery provides outdoor activities when patients are feeling up to it and also provides individual and group counseling sessions.

    Cheree also travels nationwide to do interventions that help addicts and families and place them in the best suitable program for the individual.
  • Length Mins 25:45
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