Wednesday, 22 January 2014 11:22

Are Your Cereals GMO Verified?

Popular cereals have recently become GMO free and GMO verified. Are the foods you eat non-GMO?
GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.

Many of the foods you eat, including your breakfast cereals, have GMOs in them.

Recently, Cheerios became GMO free and Grape Nuts became GMO verified, meaning that a third party verifies that everything in their product is GMO free.

GMO's include chemicals and food dyes that have been linked to cancer.

So why would you allow these chemicals in your body? Perhaps it's because you no idea. It's time to educate yourself.

Consumer advocate, Leah Segedie, joins Andrea and Lisa to discuss GMOs and how some of the popular brands that you buy regularly at the grocery store are becoming non-GMO and how you can affect change by continuing this very healthy trend.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1404ns3c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Leah Segedie, mom blogger
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @bookieboo
  • Guest Bio: Leah Segedie is an influencer, mom blogger and the leader of Mamavation, which is a large online health community for moms. Mamavation community members have lost over 2,500 lbs. and have had over 250,000 mentions on twitter. Leah Segedie also owns a blogging network called Bookieboo with over 7,000 bloggers interested in health and lifestyle topics.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH