Wednesday, 13 May 2015 11:33

Avoid Common Salad Mistakes

A huge salad with a ton of dressing and other unhealthy toppings can have as many calories as a rich dessert.
If you're trying to eat healthy, you might immediately go to the salad section of your favorite restaurant.

But, you need to be careful... a huge salad with a ton of dressing and other unhealthy toppings can have as many calories as a rich dessert.

This is just one of the mistakes people make, according to Registered Dietitian, Ashley Koff.

Koff says that choosing a salad while eating out is not always your best option, unless it's from a truly organic-based, whole foods establishment.

What are some other salad mistakes people make?

A big one is that your nutrient balance is out of whack, meaning you have too much of one nutrient and/or not enough of another. For instance, you can be doing an amazing job by getting your protein and greens, but if you have absolutely no carbs, by the time 3:00 hits, you won't be able to get to the candy jar or coffee shop fast enough.

The opposite can be true for protein intake. If you don't know where the fish or chicken comes from, you probably don't want to eat it. But, you don't want to skip protein altogether. It's important for building strong muscles, it helps you feel full, and keeps your energy up. If you don't trust the protein options, you can always bring your own hemp hearts, chickpeas, or a trail mix of nuts and seeds.

Remember, the quality of ingredients is what is important, as well as the number of colors you're incorporating. 

Koff also says that salads for breakfast are a great way to start out your day. In her words, "Salad is the new oatmeal."

Finally, what if salad doesn't agree with your tummy? Koff says you can make it into a smoothie, or use wilted/steamed greens and top with steamed vegetables so that it's easier on your digestive system. 

Tune in as Koff joins Andrea and Lisa to share more about salad mistakes people typical make, as well as really simple options for avoiding those mistakes in the future.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1520ns3d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Ashley Koff, RD
  • Guest Twitter Account: @ashleykoff
  • Guest Bio: Ashley-KoffAshley Koff is an internationally-renowned registered dietitian who believes better nutrition is simple and is on a mission to help anyone achieve their personal health goals by providing simple but highly effective tips and strategies. A self-described “Qualitarian,” Koff emphasizes the value of quality nutritional choices in achieving optimal health and has developed tools such as The AKA Qualitarian Nutrition Plan and The AKA Personal Shopper to help facilitate this.

    Koff is widely sought after for her knowledge and ability to translate nutrition science into practical and motivating messages and appears regularly in the National Media, has authored two books and speaks frequently on the topic of better quality choices for better health.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH