Wednesday, 13 July 2022 00:00

Rewiring Your Wardrobe

Heidi Somers was a college dropout from a small town in Alaska with no business background when started her social media presence & athleisure wear brand.
Published in Rewiring Your Life
Thursday, 18 November 2021 00:00

Plastic Surgery For Men: Yes, Guys Want It Too!

Surgical and non-invasive cosmetic procedures are very popular among females who want to tighten up or smooth something out. But what about us guys?
Our kid's schedules are all over the place these days, that also includes their eating schedules. Some kids are stressed and not eating at all, while others are bored and home all day eating more and more.
Published in Healthy Children
Developing a healthy body image and sense of self in our children is so important. And as we round out the end of summer, you might be heading to the mall or other store to pick up some new clothes for your kids for this school year.
Published in Healthy Children
Our kid's schedules are all over the place these days, that also includes their eating schedules. Some kids are stressed and not eating at all, while others are bored and home all day eating more and more.
Published in Healthy Children

Since January, we’ve been bombarded with ads urging us to slim down and “get your body in shape by summer” or “lose weight by Memorial Day.” 

While some women manage to meet their weight loss goals in time to feel confident in their swimsuit, the majority of us don’t. 

We can disguise unwanted pounds in heavy layers during winter, but in summer there’s nowhere to hide when you’re invited to that pool side BBQ. 

Why should we have to hide?
Published in RadioMD Blog

If you sometimes cringe at photos of yourself, or wish you could fit into those bargain smaller size jeans you bought in optimism, you’re not alone. 

The CDC reports that over a third of Americans are obese. In a real-world scenario, among the workplace, parks and grocery stores, over a third of the people you see are likely to be heavier than ideal. 

However, picture-perfect Facebook and Instagram accounts remind us every day of sun-kissed lean bodies. Somehow that has become the new normal. 

It’s incredibly difficult to see through other people’s carefully filtered posts and view our own bodies clearly and kindly. And yet, it’s so important that we do, because -- believe it or not -- stress can actually sabotage weight loss.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Tuesday, 03 April 2018 00:00

Enjoy Life: Be Happy, Healthy & Fit

Enjoy your life with self-acceptance. Work fitness into daily life. Enjoy food mindfully.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Tuesday, 17 October 2017 00:00

Body Image: Empowering Both Kids & Parents

Kids as young as five years old are concerned about being too fat or worried that their thighs touch. How did we get here?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Brian Cuban is a successful lawyer, activist and TV host is living with an enemy that haunted him for over 30 years: his own reflection in the mirror.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Monday, 03 July 2017 19:12

Power of Positive Body Image

Our body image directly affects the way we move through the world, but it’s not always easy to embrace our own bodies and stay positive.
Published in Rewired Radio
Tuesday, 13 June 2017 00:00

Body Image & Your Mental Health

The Twitter hashtag #theysaid recently went viral with the premise of women sharing hurtful and damaging statements said to them over the years.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Many women are perpetually unhappy with their appearance, whether it be weight, shape or signs of age. What if you could look past the details to embrace and accept your body?
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Your body may not reflect your ideal. You can still treat it with love and compassion as you form new habits.
Published in HER
Learn how you can improve body positivity for yourself and others.
Published in HER
The new Barbie embraces diversity and promotes positive body image.
Published in Health Radio
A recent study found that women are even more self-conscious when seeing plus sized models instead of the typical skinny ones.
Published in HER
It's not uncommon these days to hear a five-year-old say, "I hate my belly."
Published in Wellness for Life
Suffering with body image issues can take a toll on your mental, emotional, and physical health.
Published in HER
Thursday, 19 November 2015 13:22

Yummie: Essentials for Women of ALL Sizes

Being overweight can put a damper your confidence and also make finding clothes that fit nearly impossible.
Published in HER
Thursday, 05 November 2015 13:11

Body Shaming Trends

If you're overweight, you might even be discriminated against because of your size.
Published in HER
At a very early age, kids start wondering about their bodies.
Published in Wellness for Life
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.
Published in HER
The body dashboard is a way to fully ensure you're listening to your body's signals and addressing them in a nourishing way.
Published in Health Radio
Why does body weight dictate the way so many people experience happiness?
Published in Health Radio
Why is there a huge double standard when it comes to dad bod vs. mom bod?
Published in HER
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 11:33

Talking to Your Kids About Body Image

Our society is constantly judging people on appearance. But, what happens when it starts to infiltrate your kids' lives, even as young as the fourth grade?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 11:45

Yoga for ALL Shapes & Sizes

If you don't have the "typical" yoga student's body, you might feel intimidated to try it. Learn how one woman has created a yoga concept for ALL shapes and sizes.
Published in Naturally Savvy
A startling eight out of 10 women are not happy with the way they look.
Published in HER
Tuesday, 06 January 2015 12:00

Body Image: Why Active Women Still Struggle

Are you an active woman still struggling with your body image?
Published in Train Your Body
Not only was Renee's "new" face a plastic surgery shaming, it was also a commentary on how women are supposed to age.
Published in HER
Thursday, 30 October 2014 13:22

7 Tips for Finding the Perfect Wedding Dress

What do you need to consider before saying 'yes' to the dress?
Published in HER
Can you think yourself thin?
Published in HER
The earlier in life a woman starts dieting, the more long-term consequence it can have for her health, a study suggests.
Published in HER
Why in the world is a size 4 considered to be fat?
Published in HER
For many, the Film Festival at Cannes, France, exemplifies the glamor of an industry well known for it. Indeed, a job in film and television is perceived to be one of the glitziest careers you can have. Part of the appeal for the thousands who seem to flock to Los Angeles alone is the allure of celebrities, parties, red carpet events and award shows, the potential paychecks and, of course, being part of the creative process.

If the L.A. film community is the draw, then a trip to Cannes represents champagne wishes and caviar dreams come true. When I got the opportunity to go to the Film Festival, I immediately put myself on a strict diet (which didn’t work) and used up an embarrassing amount of my finances to "look the part." Upon my arrival, I felt like I was in a scene from a movie, with every moment being more surreal then the last.

I thought, "If this is the lifestyle, sign me up." Seriously, though, where do I sign my soul away?
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 02 July 2014 11:45

Healthy Eating & Your Kids: Stay Positive

Kids don't always make the best choices when it comes to food. So, how can you help your kids eat healthier without setting unrealistic expectations?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Dolls have alluring, yet unrealistic body shapes. What message is this sending to your child?
Published in HER
Thursday, 01 May 2014 11:00

Obesity: The Psychological Effects

Obesity can trigger psychological disorders including mental illness, depression, distorted body image and low self-esteem.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 12 February 2014 14:22

Are You Skinny-Fat?

You may be thin on the outside; but inside, you're fat. Just because you're "skinny," it does not mean you're healthy.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Monday, 06 January 2014 12:22

Loving Yourself is Better for Your Health

Learn why loving your body is the most crucial element in your overall health.
Published in Staying Well
You're back! Glad to know I didn't scare you away with Part 1 of my turmoil and trouble with ED. And if you're joining me for the first time, ED = Eating Disorder, not Erectile Dysfunction... I'll save that topic for the experts (see Part 1 of the blog here).

When I last left you, I was talking about all the ways an eating disorder can envelop you, taking you to the deepest, darkest places of your soul. It's a sickness – and it really IS a sickness, mentally and physically – that seeps into every pore of your being. It becomes the absolute most important thing in your life and does not care who (or what) is sacrificed in the process whether it's friends or family members... or husbands, marriages.

A positive? You get really good at math. In the good old days of my eating disorder, I was constantly calculating calories consumed vs. calories burned in my mind, figuring out just how many hours of exercise I would need to burn off that apple I had for dinner. To be honest, I still do this to some extent; I'm just eating a more "acceptable" amount of food.

An eating disorder never gives you a rest. It consumes every second, every minute of your day, from the moment you wake until you fall asleep. I even dream about it.
Published in RadioMD Blog

I was going to wait until "Eating Disorder Awareness Month" came around to write this blog, but the truth is we should be "aware" of eating disorders every single day.

If you've never been affected by an eating disorder, or you have never known anyone with an eating disorder, you may be thinking, "So what? What do I care? There's a whole month devoted to people who want to be skinny???" For those of us who DO suffer, most of us would probably answer: we honestly hope you don't care.

Contrary to some beliefs, eating disorders – and the physical symptoms that often follow – are NOT always a way to garner attention. In fact, many people suffering from an eating disorder would rather you just leave them and their eating habits (or in some cases, non-eating habits) alone.

My family and some of my friends (the ones I trust) have come to accept this about me. They know I will not be partaking in family or holiday dinners. I will gladly invite people out to eat, but I will not eat with them. My mom has learned to simply not set a plate for me. I'm not offended; I actually love this about her. My husband knows I will never join him in ordering at dinner. He "eats for two," as I often explain it. And I love him for it as well. The servers at our favorite restaurant know that I may take something to-go, but I will never eat in the confines of the establishment.

Weird? Yes. But bear with me a bit.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 11:11

Stop Beating Yourself Up & OWN Your Beauty

Learn how to embrace your own personal beauty and not let society's perceptions or expectations get you down.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 31 October 2013 13:45

Women: Do You Hate Your Body?

According to a study commissioned by Dove, only four percent of women around the world describe themselves as beautiful.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 02 October 2013 11:45

Body Image Survival Tips for You & Your Kids

In a day when young kids think they're "fat," you know there is a problem at hand. What can you do to change the pattern?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 17 September 2013 12:33

Exercise: Getting the Most Out of Your Diet

Which matters more: diet or exercise? Maybe its both.
Published in Train Your Body
Monday, 26 August 2013 12:00

Are You Almost Anorexic?

One in 10 teenage girls and 1 in 20 adults display symptoms of an eating disorder, but never get help. Why? And might someone you love be at risk?
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 21 August 2013 11:22

Are You on the Yoga Bandwagon? You Should Be

This hot fitness trend isn't only's extremely healthy.
Published in Naturally Savvy
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