Sunday, 24 March 2019 16:14

3 Ways to Minimize Symptoms of Histamine Intolerance

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According to a new study in JAMA Network Open, only 10 percent of Americans have food allergies, but almost double the number believe they do. 

Many of the other half may be suffering from histamine intolerance, caused by a DAO enzyme deficiency. The symptoms seen in allergic reactions, such as a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itching, headaches, hives and digestion issues, are also seen in histamine intolerance.
Sunday, 24 March 2019 16:02

Right and Wrong Ways to Deal with Chronic Pain

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Chronic pain can bring your life to a grinding halt, and that is why many people turn to powerful painkillers. 

While those products temporarily mask your pain, they shouldn’t be used for long periods of time. If you are struggling with chronic pain, you need to come up with a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the root causes of your discomfort. 

Here are some of the right and wrong ways to handle chronic pain.

A sweet tooth can be hard to get rid of. Many people enjoy sugary foods as a fun treat, or they may turn to them for emotional reasons. 

Whatever the cause, if you are serious about kicking the habit, it can definitely be done. You just have to make a plan and be very dedicated and diligent. 

The following information provides four sustainable strategies for cutting your sugar intake that you may want to consider if you are unsure where to start.

If you want to enjoy a good life, it’s imperative to take care of your health first. That said, you must take into consideration how likely you are to suffer from a certain condition. 

One of the first steps is to look at your family history. It can show whether you have a high chance of developing a specific ailment. Conditions such as diabetes, glaucoma, hypertension, and coronary heart disease can be passed down through generations, and if your parents have them, chances are you are at risk. 

Being at risk doesn’t mean you will experience them, but it’s a sign to take the precautions to prevent them from diminishing the quality of your life.
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 11:25

4 Holistic Remedies for Chronic Pain

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Dealing with chronic pain can feel impossible. One of the best ways to survive chronic pain is to find little ways to alleviate it throughout the day. 

While you may not be able to totally obliterate your pain, there are several holistic remedies that will help you get through even the worst days.

Medical malpractice can take the form of an accident due to negligence or intentional misconduct that jeopardizes the health of a patient. 

One of the biggest challenges common in almost all of these cases is time. Depending on the nature of the malpractice, physical symptoms of the problem may not emerge for months or years afterwards. 

People who believe they did not receive adequate care should consult with a medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible. Here are four reasons why.
Thursday, 07 March 2019 16:05

Fables & Facts on Misleading Mommy Mantras

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Bringing a child into the world can be a scary endeavor, and getting the health facts straight about what to consume (or avoid) during pregnancy and after the baby is born can be daunting. Contradicting health headlines and commentary-filled social media feeds bombard expectant mothers with fears and concerns they may have never considered.

It can be difficult for new moms to navigate through the old wives tales and unsaid rules of pregnancy. However, as more information and studies are published, old theories are being discredited and giving way to new practices. To avoid confusing facts with fiction, it’s important for expectant mothers to pay attention and to seek the advice of their health providers. 

In the age of minute-to-minute digital information, I caution mothers on fables and facts when it comes to these critical issues surrounding babies, bottles and booze.

Dealing with a disability can be extremely challenging. It can also be difficult to accept your disability if you have recently been diagnosed. 

There will likely be many emotions you will have to work through and various obstacles you will need to overcome. It can take time to adjust to your life the way it is now. However, there are many steps you can take in order to successfully adapt. 

The following information provides four helpful strategies you may want to consider in order to make the adjustment period easier for you.

Whether you've been hurt in an auto accident or sidelined in a sports mishap, spending a few weeks (or even months) recovering from an injury probably isn't your idea of a good time. 

Living with an injury is often frustrating, limiting, and painful, especially if the injury makes it harder to do your job or participate in your usual hobbies. The good news is, with the right care and enough time, your body has an amazing ability to bounce back from trauma. 

These four tips will help you stay positive throughout your recovery.
Wednesday, 06 March 2019 12:06

The True Costs of Untreated ADHD in Adults

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For individuals who experience life with untreated Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the personal costs of living with the disorder can be enormous. 

Like many mental health disorders, conditions such as ADHD often go untreated due to social stigma about seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist, misunderstandings about mental health conditions, or simply self-blame for the symptoms of the disorder. 

Here are just a few of the costs of untreated ADHD in adults, and why addressing the condition can significantly improve your quality of life.

My first year of sobriety was all about figuring out how to get through each day without putting a substance in my body. 

I was sober, but I was bored out of my mind. I was unhappy and I was still evoking chaos in certain aspects of my life. My mind was still swirling with anxious thoughts about the future and regrets about the past. 

I’d put the drugs down, and that’s great, but now what?

The second year of my sobriety was about cleaning up what was inside of me. It was about developing emotional sobriety.
Friday, 01 March 2019 19:00

Tired of Insomnia? 4 Strategies for Getting Some Sleep

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Insomnia is a common problem for a variety of reasons. 

Unhealthy habits such as eating and drinking the wrong substances too close to bedtime, using too much light in the bedroom, using the bedroom for activities other than sleep or sex, and napping too close to bedtime are all common factors that lead to insomnia. 

Follow these four tips to help combat this highly inconvenient problem.
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