Saturday, 25 May 2019 16:05

4 Unexpected Benefits of Testosterone Treatment

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Testosterone is an essential sex hormone in the human body. Levels are at their peak following puberty and slowly decrease with age. Some of this hormone's important functions include boosting your sex drive, keeping your metabolism up, building your muscles and elevating your mood.

Because testosterone is so important, even a small deficiency can result in unpleasant symptoms. Many people seek testosterone supplementation to keep their levels optimal. Testosterone treatment has many well-known benefits, such as bigger muscles and better sexual performance. Here are four additional benefits that may surprise you.
Saturday, 25 May 2019 14:47

Contact Lenses vs. Eyeglasses: Which Are Best for You?

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When it comes to vision correction, choosing between eyeglasses and contact lenses is solely a matter of your personal preferences. 

When making this decision, you’ll take into account several factors. For example, you’ll consider your budget, your lifestyle, the aesthetics of the two, as well as the comfort each of them brings. And, although generally one isn’t actually better than the other, when it comes to your individual needs, you should opt for the version that suits you better. 

Here are some of the pros and cons of each to help you decide.
Thursday, 16 May 2019 17:55

Allergy vs. Intolerance: How Is Your Food Affecting You?

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Since the cost of healthcare is one of the greatest concerns for Americans, more and more people are seeking information about their health from online resources. 

This can be a blessing and a curse. 

On the one hand, it allows people to get information for free, however, depending on the source and credibility of that information, consumers may be at risk for making the wrong conclusions. Let’s not forget how many friends and family think they are Google MDs.
Wednesday, 15 May 2019 13:28

Be a Detective: Crack the Back Pain Mystery

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When I was 23 years old, I started running a fever and it didn’t go away for over a year. Thankfully, my physician was determined to figure out what was going on inside of me and referred me to many colleagues, including infectious disease specialists and immunologists. 

Sometimes, it felt like mononucleosis, which I’d had before, but it wasn’t. I also didn’t have lupus even though some of my symptoms were similar. Later, I pushed back against a diagnosis of fibromyalgia because I already knew too many women who ended up with that “catch-all” diagnosis. 

I wanted more information.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is condition that affects the hand and wrist. 

The “carpal tunnel” is actually a narrow passageway created by the bones and ligament that run through the wrist to the hand. The median nerve that runs through this passageway can become pinched or inflamed, leading to symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the hands. 

Here are a few important facts to know about carpal tunnel syndrome.
Friday, 10 May 2019 14:17

7 All-Natural Beauty Tips for Any Skin Type

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Nature contains powerful compounds that slow down the aging process and increase your strength so you have the energy to live each day to the fullest. 

If you’ve been looking for an alternative skin care routine that doesn’t require fancy products and invasive cosmetic procedures, then this article is for you. These tips will help transform you into a timeless beauty, and they are simple tips that anybody can apply.

Despite medical advances and increasing awareness of strokes, this tragic and all-too common medical condition is frequently misunderstood. Almost a quarter of those who suffer from strokes are under the age of 65, and between 10% and 15% of those who suffer from stroke are 45 or younger. Strokes among those under the age of 49 could also be on the rise, according to some studies.

No matter how old we are, recovering from a stroke depends on education and quick thinking. I had a massive ischemic stroke myself fourteen years ago that left me in a state of profound devastation.

Life brings us so many joyful experiences. But it also gives us many challenges and hardships. No matter your age, it’s likely that you have at least a few fearful memories that stick inside of you. 

These troubling memories -- what I call “negative memory nuggets” -- are often storehouses of pain and hurt. Whether you are aware of these negative memories or not, it’s likely that they have a hold on you. In fact, the less aware you are of the memories, the greater their toxic effect will be.

We don’t usually think of the moments of our lives as an opportunity to learn something valuable about ourselves. Instead, we often take them for granted and waste them on negative, unproductive thoughts. 

Still, it is this present moment that matters the most. 

If we value the moments of our lives, we won’t want to let any moment go by without having lived it as truthfully and authentically as we can.
Tuesday, 07 May 2019 12:57

3 Steps to Overcome Anxiety and PTSD

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Anxiety is an epidemic in the United States. Some 40 million American adults suffer from an anxiety disorder every year according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA).

As a long-practicing psychiatrist, I find this statistic tragic. I know that for many, anxiety, phobias, PTSD and insomnia are hard to overcome. Between the expensive, time-consuming proposition of long-term talk therapy and the side effects of different medications, anxiety can seem like a life sentence. But it doesn’t have to be. 

There is another way; a simple, step-by-step method that puts you in the driver’s seat and gives you the tools for leaving anxiety behind for good.
Thursday, 02 May 2019 13:06

Common Running Injuries and How to Avoid Them

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Many people enjoy running and some even go for a jog almost every day. That’s not a surprise since running is a great physical activity and also an effective stress reliever.

However, no matter how rewarding this exercise is, injuries can occur if you’re not careful. Here is a list of the most common running injuries and some tips on how you can avoid them.
Thursday, 02 May 2019 13:01

Head to Toe: How to Respond to These 4 Body Breaks

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The human body is designed to function well for a variety of purposes. However, injuries can occur that can impair normal activity and can leave the individual open to further health problems. 

A break of any kind in the body is a cause for concern and a signal that you should take action to ensure proper healing. Here are a few common breaks and what you can do to repair them.
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