Thursday, 07 February 2019 00:00

A Conversation with Tracy Murray, Part 2

Tracy Murray, retired NBA player, continues his conversation with Dr. Willeumier about mental health and his own personal struggles with depression.
Published in Your Brain Health
Thursday, 31 January 2019 00:00

A Conversation with Tracy Murray, Part 1

Tracy Murray, retired professional basketball player, speaks with Dr. Willeumier about mental health and his own personal struggles with depression.
Published in Your Brain Health
Tuesday, 27 November 2018 00:00

Perinatal Mood Disorders

Published in UPMC Pinnacle
Find out how stress affects your health and how to decrease its impact.
Published in Wellness for Life
Thursday, 25 October 2018 00:00

Singing Yourself Out of Anxiety & Depression

Boost your mood by singing.
Published in HER
Tuesday, 11 September 2018 00:00

Helping in a Mental Health Emergency

Help those in need with three simple steps.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Friday, 20 April 2018 00:00

Foods That Alleviate Depression

Eat to reduce depression symptoms.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
The human brain powers every single physical and emotional sensation you experience, which is why it’s so important to make sure you keep your brain functioning at peak level.
Published in Rewired Radio
Find out how stress affects your health and how to decrease its impact.
Published in Wellness for Life
There are people who inwardly struggle with depression, at times severe depression. But, others would never guess that they were.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Tuesday, 05 December 2017 00:00

Just a Normal Tuesday

How can you help the teens in your life feel less alone?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 31 October 2017 00:00

Mental Health: More than Medications

Many factors contribute to depression.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 17 October 2017 00:00

21 Ways to a Happier Depression

How wonderful would it be to say goodbye to dreary shades of black and white and start seeing the world for the prism of color it is?
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Tuesday, 10 October 2017 00:00

How the Legal Profession Enables Addiction

With a famous last name and a successful career as a lawyer, Brian Cuban was able to hide his clinical depression and alcohol and cocaine addictions... for a while.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Friday, 06 October 2017 00:00

Healed: Wellness in the 21st Century

Health and happiness are linked absolutely: you can't have one without the other.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) has stumped medical professionals who want to help their patients live better lives. But, one new treatment may finally be effective.
Wednesday, 13 September 2017 00:00

Ep79 - Bounce Back from Tragedy: Scott Stabile

How to bounce back from tragedy and still find and show love in this world with Scott Stabile.
Published in Which Way is Life
Friday, 08 September 2017 00:00

Stress Hormones, Depression & Anxiety

Find out how stress affects your health and how to decrease its impact.
Published in Wellness for Life
Ways to work through anxiety, depression and OCD with journalist and author Allison Kugel.
Published in Which Way is Life
Friday, 28 July 2017 00:00

Brain-Gut Connection to Depression

Can probiotics improve depression and anxiety?
Published in Wellness for Life
There are people who inwardly struggle with depression, at times severe depression. But, others would never guess that they were.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Highly successful people can suffer from depression. How can you navigate that depression?
Published in HER
Monday, 26 June 2017 00:00

What Is Neurofeedback Therapy?

The human brain powers every single physical and emotional sensation you experience, which is why it’s so important to make sure you keep your brain functioning at peak level.
Published in Rewired Radio
Your gut might be the reason you're feeling depressed.
Thursday, 26 January 2017 00:00

Ep31 - Unlimit Yourself: Randy Spelling

Randy Spelling with how to be more aware and uplift your thoughts, how to unlimit yourself, and how to be fulfilled from the inside out.
Published in Which Way is Life
Tuesday, 13 December 2016 00:00

Help for Those Holiday Blues

For many people, the pressure to be merry, the ache of lost loved ones, or financial problems can turn the holiday season blue.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Thursday, 18 August 2016 12:00

Is Your Gut Making You Depressed?

Your gut might be the reason you're feeling depressed.
When you experience a trauma, there is a chemical change in your DNA. This can impact the genes of many generations that follow.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 15 July 2016 12:00

Health Impacts of Your Genetic Past

If you're experiencing unexplained fears, anxiety and depression, those emotions may be residue of trauma in your family history.
Published in Wellness for Life
Do you have the baby blues, or is it more serious than that?
Published in Health Radio
Saturday, 19 March 2016 14:25

Truth About Women & Depression

One in seven women starts her day with an antidepressant for depression, grief, panic attacks, insomnia or stress.
Wednesday, 09 March 2016 12:22

Stop Waiting to Feel Good about Yourself

Are you continually striving for perfection, but still feel disappointed when you achieve that "perfect" career, relationship, or family life?
Published in Naturally Savvy
How do the physical effects of depression relate to fitness?
What kinds of physical activity may help ease depression and cardiovascular risk?
Right now, the person next to you may be suffering from an invisible disability... and you wouldn't even know it.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Is there a difference between holiday blues and postpartum depression?
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 04 December 2015 12:00

Link Between Stress & Infertility

New research is suggesting that something as simple as yoga may improve the success rates of IVF.
Published in Wellness for Life
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