Wednesday, 12 November 2014 12:45

Should Teens Have Cosmetic Surgery?

From nose jobs to breast enhancements, you and your teen are talking about cosmetic surgery. Is this detrimental or helpful to your teen's self esteem?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 12:33

TV & Movie Ratings: A Helpful Guide for Parents

When you think of movie and TV ratings, parents tend to trust the letters. But has society changed so much that we are desensitized to violence and/or sex?
Published in Healthy Children
Has your teen decided what he or she would like to work toward as a career?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 12:11

The Virtual Invasion of Technology into Childhood

Is our technological age good or bad for your children's future?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 12:00

21st Century Business Plan for Parents

From toddler to teen, keeping your children on course to be successful in life requires a bit of planning and direction.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 05 November 2014 12:00

Talk, Sing & Read to Your Baby (Dads Too!)

Research has shown the importance of reading, talking and singing in infant and toddler language development.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 29 October 2014 12:45

Teaching Your Kids to Recognize Stranger Danger

If someone tells your child, "mommy's in trouble, get in my car," does your child know what to do?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 29 October 2014 12:33

Keeping Your Kids Safe on Halloween

Keeping your children safe on Halloween is up to you.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 29 October 2014 12:11

Strep is More than Just a Sore Throat

Strep throat is most common in children between the ages of five and 15, though children under five and adults can also become infected.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 29 October 2014 12:00

Treating Bronchiolitis in Young Children

Bronchiolitis is the most common cause of hospitalization among infants under one year of age.
Published in Healthy Children
Saturday, 25 October 2014 16:25

Are You Living with an Invisible Disability?

Life with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, autism, dyslexia or other "invisible disabilities" can be isolating and, too often, filled with shame and silence.
Fever, chills, appetite loss, aching bones or joints are just some of the symptoms that could be signs of cancer in your child.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 22 October 2014 12:11

Is Your Child Getting Too Much Medication?

Roughly every eight minutes a child in the U.S. experiences a medication mistake.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 22 October 2014 12:00

The Cruelty of Judging Hunger by Obesity

There is no greater sadness or travesty than stunting the human potential.
Published in Eat Right Radio
Decorative contact lenses can make you look cool, but are they bad for your eyes?
Published in Healthy Children
Malnutrition and vitamin deficiency is a huge issue all over the world, including developed countries like the U.S.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 22 October 2014 11:22

The Pizza Trap

With the accessibility of junk food, fast food and processed food, it's hard to instill good eating habits -- not just in your children, but in yourself as well.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Eating together as a family might be more important than you think. It could have a life-long impact on your child's weight.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 15 October 2014 12:33

Should Tots Have Access to Electronic Devices?

Do you think toddlers should be able to "play" with tablets and smart phones? Will this make them smarter?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 15 October 2014 12:22

Head Injuries: When to Seek Care

Head injuries can be very scary; but which symptoms are normal and which need medical care?
Published in Healthy Children
Are you getting the best health care at a teaching hospital?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 15 October 2014 12:00

Home First Aid Kits: Do You Have All You Need?

You have a first aid kit, but is it up-to-date and do you know the best way to use it?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 15 October 2014 11:45

Are You Raising a Rude Child?

Perhaps. After all, there's no real "owner's manual" when you have a kid.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 08 October 2014 12:11

Is it a Cold or a Fall Allergy?

Allergy season is upon us. As parents you have to keep an eye on your child's symptoms.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 08 October 2014 12:00

Secrets for Managing Your Child's Busy Schedule

School, homework and extra activities have our children as busy as ever.
Published in Healthy Children
Each year, approximately 750,000 adolescent girls become pregnant.
Published in Healthy Children
What you do for your child's bone health now can affect their risk of osteoporosis later in life.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 01 October 2014 12:00

Flu Season: Time to Get Your Kids Vaccinated

The AAP recommends seasonal influenza vaccine for all children six months and older.
Published in Healthy Children
Thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes can be quite scary for kids, especially if they don't understand what's going on.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Saturday, 27 September 2014 16:25

Talking About Sex with Your Teen

Talking to a teen about the birds and the bees is uncomfortable for most parents, to say the least.
Thursday, 25 September 2014 13:45

Obesity May Affect Early Puberty

Excess weight appears to be ushering in early puberty.
Published in HER
Thursday, 25 September 2014 13:11

Pregnant? Why You WANT Morning Sickness

Some researchers have theorized that morning sickness may just be nature's way of protecting the fetus from a mom ingesting toxins.
Published in HER
Staying calm and centered when caring for children can be a struggle; even more so with a child on the autism spectrum.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 17 September 2014 12:22

Bullying: Help Your Child Avoid Being a Target

Are there strategies you can teach your child to help them NOT be the subject of the local bully?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 17 September 2014 12:11

Disciplining Your Child: Is Spanking Ever Okay?

As a parent, you will undoubtedly have days when it seems impossible to get your child to behave.
Published in Healthy Children
Areas of the U.S. are experiencing an outbreak of respiratory illness that has sent hundreds of children to the hospital.
Published in Healthy Children
Once inside the alluring world of reproductive medicine, you are hooked as long as your bank account, health insurance and sanity hold out.
Published in HER
Thursday, 11 September 2014 13:11

6 Tips to Raise a Happy & Healthy Kid

Tip #1: Be consistent. If you decide to lay down a rule, you must have the self-discipline and confidence to enforce it.
Published in HER
Thursday, 11 September 2014 13:00

5 Reasons Modern Parenting Is in Crisis

It's not too late to take control of your relationship with your child to make sure you are being the best parent possible.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 12:45

Teaching Manners Goes a Long Way Towards Maturity

Manners are a very important part of a child's life, and the sooner you start teaching them, the better.
Published in Healthy Children
From parties to presents, children's birthdays can be a real challenge.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 12:22

Helping Your Child Deal with Maturing Physically

Puberty, menstruation, voice changes and body development are just some of the changes all children go through.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 12:11

Teen Drama: Why Don't My Parents Understand Me?

Events in your teen's life can seem like life or death; so why don't parents get it?
Published in Healthy Children
Studies show that adolescents who don’t get enough sleep often suffer physical and mental health problems.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 03 September 2014 11:22

Does Your Child’s School Lunch Make the Grade?

It's the never-ending parental conundrum: do you pack a lunch for your kids, or do you trust the school cafeteria?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 27 August 2014 14:33

NAET for Autism

Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) is a non-invasive treatment option based on acupuncture techniques.
Published in Mindful Medicine
It is important for parents to evaluate their child’s symptoms and distinguish minor everyday concerns from more serious conditions.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 27 August 2014 12:00

You're Having Twins, Are You Ready?

Surprise! You just found out you're having twins. Are you ready?
Published in Healthy Children
Flame retardants sound good in theory. But what are you sacrificing in exchange for that feeling of safety?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 20 August 2014 12:33

The Value of Child (and Adult) Play

Playtime can help develop imagination, build friendships and help your child deal with stress.
Published in Healthy Children
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