David Cole

Decorative contact lenses can make you look cool, but are they bad for your eyes?

Your Breast Health

Thursday, 16 October 2014
Eating together as a family might be more important than you think. It could have a life-long impact on your child's weight.
Do you think toddlers should be able to "play" with tablets and smart phones? Will this make them smarter?

Head Injuries: When to Seek Care

Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Head injuries can be very scary; but which symptoms are normal and which need medical care?
Are you getting the best health care at a teaching hospital?
You have a first aid kit, but is it up-to-date and do you know the best way to use it?

Is it a Cold or a Fall Allergy?

Wednesday, 08 October 2014
Allergy season is upon us. As parents you have to keep an eye on your child's symptoms.
School, homework and extra activities have our children as busy as ever.
What you do for your child's bone health now can affect their risk of osteoporosis later in life.
Each year, approximately 750,000 adolescent girls become pregnant.
The AAP recommends seasonal influenza vaccine for all children six months and older.

Lung Cancer

Monday, 03 November 2014


Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Are there strategies you can teach your child to help them NOT be the subject of the local bully?
As a parent, you will undoubtedly have days when it seems impossible to get your child to behave.
Areas of the U.S. are experiencing an outbreak of respiratory illness that has sent hundreds of children to the hospital.
Manners are a very important part of a child's life, and the sooner you start teaching them, the better.
From parties to presents, children's birthdays can be a real challenge.
Puberty, menstruation, voice changes and body development are just some of the changes all children go through.
Events in your teen's life can seem like life or death; so why don't parents get it?
Studies show that adolescents who don’t get enough sleep often suffer physical and mental health problems.
It is important for parents to evaluate their child’s symptoms and distinguish minor everyday concerns from more serious conditions.

You're Having Twins, Are You Ready?

Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Surprise! You just found out you're having twins. Are you ready?

Keeping the Beat

Thursday, 21 August 2014

The Value of Child (and Adult) Play

Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Playtime can help develop imagination, build friendships and help your child deal with stress.
Getting your children to adjust to a school sleep schedule can be a challenge.

Oral Health: 5 Ways to Avoid Cavities

Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Healthy teeth are an important part of a child’s wellness.

Ebola Virus: What You Need to Know

Wednesday, 20 August 2014
The risk of an Ebola outbreak to people in the U.S. or other areas of the world outside West Africa is extremely low.

What is an EMG?

Monday, 29 September 2014
Vaccinations are one of the most important things you can do as a parent to ensure your child's long-term health.
When your child is sick, how do you know when it's truly an emergency?

What to Expect When You Call 911

Wednesday, 13 August 2014
If you're experiencing any sort of emergency, what can you expect when you call 911 for help?
Bounce houses can be a blast; but they can also pose a real danger.
According to the AAP, there are very real benefits to reading to your baby... even as early as infancy.
Starting your child's day with a healthy breakfast and packing a healthy lunch (that your child will actually eat) can be tricky.
Parents play a vital role in preparing their children to train and condition properly.
What qualities should you be looking for in a babysitter?
When is the right time to introduce your kids to all the devices that can help (or hinder) their schooling and growth?
With your help, your child won't start the next school year needing a complete refresher.
By age 12, there are few household tasks a teenager should be expected to master.
Yelling, like spanking, is a short-term solution that ultimately causes more harm than good.
In the last two months, five American children died of hyperthermia in hot cars.
Childhood is a common time for recognizing vision problems.
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