Thursday, 29 February 2024 02:00

Update on Melanoma

Wednesday, 31 January 2024 01:00

Skincare for Newborn Babies

Published in CHOC Childrens
Monday, 11 December 2023 02:00

Lumps and Bumps

Published in St. Joseph Hospital
Skincare is all the rage these days, with everyone from influencers to doctors posting products and routines on social media.
Published in HER
Tuesday, 09 August 2022 00:00

Skin Care for the Summer

Published in UPMC Pinnacle
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 00:00

Common Skin Lesions

Published in Memorial Hospital
Wednesday, 21 July 2021 00:00

Allergies (Skin Care)

Published in Memorial Hospital
Tuesday, 08 September 2020 00:00

Eczema: The Itch that Rashes

Published in Bryan Health Radio
A Mount Sinai research team has identified one of the mechanisms that establish the skin as a protective barrier, a breakthrough that is critical to understanding and treating common skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis.
Just because you might not be out in public doesn't mean it's time to slack on your skincare routine.
Published in HER
Tuesday, 07 January 2020 00:00

EP 974B - Truth About Soap

Learn how aggressive cleansing rituals and modern-day beauty products are negatively impacting our bodies.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019 00:00

Winter Skin Care

Published in UPMC Pinnacle
Thursday, 03 October 2019 00:00

How to Heal Skin Issues Naturally

You may be able to address your skin issues with natural solutions.
Published in Wellness for Life
Tuesday, 02 April 2019 20:10

Eczema Treatment for Kids

What is eczema? 

Atopic dermatitis, more commonly known as eczema, is a common skin condition that can plague everyone from babies to grown-ups. It can be as mild as a nuisance, or more serve with skin so dry it cracks, bleeds or gets infected. Most kids will get an itchy skin rash at some point in childhood, but about one out of every 10 kids will develop eczema.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Thursday, 31 January 2019 00:00

Wrinkles: Aging Beautifully

What causes wrinkles and how can you age beautifully?
Published in HER
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 00:00

Latest Breakthroughs in Beauty & Skincare

Learn about the newest and best breakthrough therapies in skincare and beauty.
Published in Naturally Savvy
While the body produces collagen, you can get additional benefits -- such as anti-aging effects, both inside and out -- by supplementing with collagen products.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 19 December 2018 08:00

Meet Dr. Diana Stephens

Published in Cayuga Medical Center
Tuesday, 30 October 2018 00:00

What Is Collagen & Why Do You Need It?

As you age, collagen production declines. This is when supplementation becomes crucial.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 15 August 2018 23:07

Lifestyle Tips for Fighting Adult Acne

Between 12 and 22 percent of adult women have acne, despite the common perception it’s a teenage affliction. 

However, adult acne often differs from adolescent acne, because it’s typically hormonal in nature rather than a result of clogged pores or overproduction of sebum, the oil the skin creates. 

There are a wide variety of adult acne cures on the market, from antibiotics and contraception to radiofrequency laser treatments. While all these products can help acne, there are fixes that are easier and more natural that you can try first.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 27 June 2018 21:42

Fractora Laser: Key Weapon in Fighting Acne

Less than a decade ago, the standard treatments for acne included salicylic acid, retinols and, in severe cases, antibiotics –- medications which are not without side effects and which had consumers yearning for a safer, more effective approach. 

One treatment that is producing what beauty writers are calling ‘insanely good results’ is fractora: a fractional radio-frequency microneedle device that first burst onto the scene in 2011. 

Beauty writer, Megan McIntyre, notes, “I have been fighting moderate acne since my late teens. And I have tried literally every single one of those treatments with not one of them providing a lasting result.” Her testimony is just one of many independent reviews of a treatment that takes a ‘shortcut’ to clear, smooth skin.
Published in RadioMD Blog
This skincare secret weapon may surprise you.

Who doesn’t love the summer? 

Most people enjoy being outside as soon as the weather breaks, spending long days under the hot sun. But, take heed if you head out for hours at a time. There are consequences when it comes to the amount of time your skin is exposed. 

Here are some common problems that many of us consistently experience each time summer rolls around.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Tuesday, 13 February 2018 00:00

Natural Sunscreens, Essential Oils & More

You might say, "It's winter -- I don't need sunscreen!" You'd be wrong.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Online skin "experts" are everywhere. How should you really take care of your skin?
Published in HER
Typically thought of as a "beauty protein," collagen has so many more whole-health benefits, including joint and bone health and hair preservation/regrowth.
Published in Naturally Savvy

What can be worse than the onset of an unsightly skincare emergency the day of a big event such as a wedding, reunion, business interview, or first date? 

Have you ever cancelled a first date because a cold sore erupted? How about an acne breakout the morning of your sister’s wedding or worse… your own? 

With tips and insights is board certified dermatologist, Dr. Margarita Lolis to help us handle these common emergencies within 24 hours.
Published in RadioMD Blog

There are so many acne and breakout busting treatments on the market. It’s common to get a feeling of product overload. 

Dr. Magarita Lolis -- Board-Certified Dermatologist in northern New Jersey who takes a holistic approach to treating skincare issues -- breaks down the list of common products to consider using with the benefits of each. Hopefully this menu of options will clear some confusion.
Published in RadioMD Blog

All symptoms of the body from thin, dull hair, and sallow skin, to acne breakouts, body aches and sluggish energy all point to the gut. 

Gut health is incredibly important making mindful eating an essential part of longevity and anti-aging.

If you want to feel vibrant and maintain a youthful appearance up to 15 years younger than your actual age, start weaving these key foods into your diet.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Friday, 22 September 2017 00:00

The Many Benefits of Bone Broth

Bone broth is unique in that it utilizes ingredients that are rarely used but that produce a great deal of collagen.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Tuesday, 19 September 2017 00:00

Recovery from Summer Skin Damage

Spending your summer days in the sun and water can wreak havoc on your skin, even if you're diligent about using sunscreen and other protective methods.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Monday, 11 September 2017 00:00

Beware Toxic Cosmetics

How toxic is your beauty regimen?
Published in HER
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