When planning this week's meals should you focus on lowering the carbs?
Or maybe you should start with the veggies and try to make meals around broccoli, squash or peppers.
Or should you keep an eye on the amount of sugar?
Up the protein?
With so many conflicting arguments over what you should be putting in your body, there's finally a duo cracking the code.
Dr. Jerre Paquette, PhD, and Gloria Askew, RRN, share information from their new book, Eat to Save Your Life. They explain all of the myths about the food you're eating, and how what you eat can powerfully impact your health.
Selected Podcast
Eat to Save Your Life

Dr. Jerre Paquette, Ph.D. has 46 years of experience under his belt. As far back as 1967, Paquette noticed the connection between nutrition and learning—he does not allow any type of junk food in his classrooms.
Gloria Askew, RRN, has studied nutrition for decades and has taught numerous lectures. Her experience, and frustration, began when she noticed medical professionals were treating the symptoms instead of the root of illnesses. Together they are trying to help reach out and teach others the basics of eating nutritiously.
Jerre Paquette, PhD and Gloria Askew, RRN

Gloria Askew, RRN, has studied nutrition for decades and has taught numerous lectures. Her experience, and frustration, began when she noticed medical professionals were treating the symptoms instead of the root of illnesses. Together they are trying to help reach out and teach others the basics of eating nutritiously.