Tuesday, 20 April 2021 00:00

Alcohol Awareness

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Salt Sugar Fat comes an exposé of how the processed food industry exploits our evolutionary instincts, the emotions we associate with food, and legal loopholes in their pursuit of profit over public health.
Thursday, 19 March 2020 00:00

Breaking Up with Sugar

In her book, Breaking Up With Sugar, Molly Carmel discusses her own controversial relationship with sugar, including how it impacted her physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Published in HER
Tuesday, 10 March 2020 00:00

Encore Episode: Breaking Up with Sugar

Learn how to address your unhealthy relationship with food and break up with sugar for good.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 14 January 2020 00:00

Breaking Up with Sugar

Learn how to address your unhealthy relationship with food and break up with sugar for good.
Published in Mindful Medicine
While A.A. remains an effective recovery plan for many who struggle with addiction, its history has been marked by some inaccuracies.
Thursday, 17 October 2019 00:00

Encore Episode: Dr. Drew Talks Addiction

Why has opiate addiction taken such a devastating turn?
Tuesday, 08 October 2019 00:00

How to Beat Food Addiction

Learn how to tell if you're a food addict and how to start on the road to recovery.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 01 October 2019 00:00

EP 960B - Secondhand Drinking

The "secondhand effect" isn't limited to just tobacco use.
It's estimated that 130 Americans will die from an opioid overdose every day.
Addiction and recovery can be taxing on a relationship, as both parties work to balance caring for themselves and supporting each other.
Published in Rewired Radio
Many people think that someone suffering from addiction must hit rock bottom to be truly ready to get better. It's simply not true.
Published in Rewired Radio
When you’re on the road to recovery, it can be nice to have a guide who understands your unique needs.
Published in Rewired Radio
Have you ever wondered why we believe drinking a powerful poison is both "normal" and "pleasurable"?
Published in Rewired Radio
What happens if you decide to get sober and your partner still drinks? Even if your partner doesn't have an addiction problem, this dynamic can be challenging.
Published in Rewired Radio

Individuals who suffer from co-occurring mental illness and addiction often face unique obstacles to overcome in sobriety. 

Unfortunately, many symptoms of mental health conditions are similar to the symptoms of substance abuse, so co-occurring disorders can be difficult to diagnose. Furthermore, this makes it important to diagnose and treat dual diagnosis patients for both disorders simultaneously.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Monday, 27 May 2019 00:00

Encore Episode: Athletes in Recovery

For some athletes, using painkillers is the norm, but it can get out of control... and quickly.
Published in Rewired Radio
Recovery journeys are just beginning once you leave an in-patient treatment center. To fully achieve recovery, most of us need a holistic aftercare plan.
Published in Rewired Radio
Many people’s recovery journeys begin at an in-patient treatment center. But, what happens after you leave that controlled environment?
Published in Rewired Radio
An intervention is a powerful tool that can save the life of someone battling an addiction. However, interventions can also be emotionally draining and taxing for the people involved.
Published in Rewired Radio
In the quest to curb addiction, we often forget that true freedom from addiction means more than just rehabilitation, it means transformation.
Published in Rewired Radio

April is Alcohol awareness month, and its main focus is to bring attention to the alcoholism issue that is still very real in America. 

Alcoholism does not discriminate. It touches all walks of life and not only affects the alcoholic, but all those who are involved in the alcoholic’s life. Having said that, if you do know someone with a drinking issue, it is time to start considering trying to get them help and informing them you are worried about their situation. 

This is not something that is easy to do and it definitely doesn't always go well. Just always remember this: If you are trying to help someone, you are trying to save their life. It's okay if it doesn't go well as long as your intentions are good! 

Here are some tips if you plan on confronting someone you know.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Tuesday, 09 April 2019 19:38

Restore Me to Sanity

I was picked on quite a bit in school because I was short in stature. 

Looking back, I understand I was easy prey. I did not wear the same clothes, listen to the same music or follow the same "cool" trends as other kids. I was an outcast. I was different.

A year later, I found my first escape from reality: alcohol and marijuana. I would soon discover my dad's prescriptions for Phentermine and Ultracet and take them before and during classes. Occasionally, I would steal my parents booze in a flask and sneak it into school.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Twenty years into the opioid epidemic, only one in five of the 2.4 million Americans with opioid use disorder (OUD) receive treatment.
Published in Rewired Radio

My first year of sobriety was all about figuring out how to get through each day without putting a substance in my body. 

I was sober, but I was bored out of my mind. I was unhappy and I was still evoking chaos in certain aspects of my life. My mind was still swirling with anxious thoughts about the future and regrets about the past. 

I’d put the drugs down, and that’s great, but now what?

The second year of my sobriety was about cleaning up what was inside of me. It was about developing emotional sobriety.
Published in RadioMD Blog

When an individual is diagnosed with a substance use disorder and a co-existing mental health disorder, the paired disorders are referred to as co-occurring disorders, also known as dual disorders. 

Common comorbid mental health disorders include depression, anxiety, manic depression (bipolar disorder), panic disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Although the association is usually linked with a mental health disorder, the comorbidity may also include a physical health disorder (e.g., heart disease, HIV infection, or Hepatitis C) or other disorders.
Published in RadioMD Blog

I remember lying in bed one night when I was about 13 years old. Out of nowhere, the room felt like it was spinning; it felt like time was passing much faster than I could keep up with. My brain was racing like a broken hamster wheel that I couldn’t figure out how to stop. 

I had a feeling of impending doom as my body became tense and I went into a full blown panic attack. I thought I must be crazy; there was absolutely no reason for me to feel this way. 

This was my first encounter with anxiety.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Monday, 25 February 2019 00:00

Encore Episode: The Recovery Community

As we travel on our recovery journey, it becomes a big part of our identity. It’s what we are now.
Published in Rewired Radio

Addiction does not discriminate. 

Growing up, when I heard about people addicted to drugs I thought of the homeless-type person, living in a box under a bridge. Not the mom with three kids and two jobs, not the hard-working pre-med student, not the high school teacher… you get the idea. 

So, surely for me, a (mostly) happy young man who grew up in a beautiful suburb with loving parents and plenty of potential, it was quite the shock once I admitted to myself I was a drug addict at the age of 20.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Author Nicholas Bush shares how he's healed from the losses in his own life.
Monday, 28 January 2019 00:00

Encore Episode: Holistic Sobriety

Chris Bevacqua shares his insights on how food and recovery go hand-in-hand.
Published in Rewired Radio
Monday, 14 January 2019 00:00

Encore Episode: The Silent Epidemic

The silent crisis many of us are unaware of is the fact that birth parents with addiction issues are often unable to raise their own children
Published in Rewired Radio
Monday, 31 December 2018 00:00

Encore Episode: Finding your Sober Compass

When you’re on the road to recovery, it can be nice to have a guide who understands your unique needs.
Published in Rewired Radio
Monday, 10 December 2018 00:00

Encore Episode: Recover Strong

Recovery is a journey that can often feel difficult and lonely.
Published in Rewired Radio
Monday, 12 November 2018 00:00

Encore Episode: Healing through Music

Music can inspire, empower, transform, and even heal us.
Published in Rewired Radio

According to a report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, men are more apt to experiment with all types of illicit drugs; however, it also states that women are just as likely as men to become addicted and more susceptible to craving and relapse.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Many people’s recovery journeys begin at an in-patient treatment center. But, what happens after you leave that controlled environment?
Published in Rewired Radio
Monday, 15 October 2018 00:00

Holistic Sobriety

Chris Bevacqua shares his insights on how food and recovery go hand-in-hand.
Published in Rewired Radio
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