Tuesday, 12 August 2014 12:33

How Do You Feel About Your Appearance?

Just 30 minutes a day can give you the confidence to take on the world... and win.
Published in Train Your Body
Fan favorite Dr.John Higgins is back on Train Your Body with his top picks for fitness apps.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 12 August 2014 12:11

Pilates 101: Build a Better Body

How tough is Pilates? Is it more of a relaxing stretch class or a tough core workout?
Published in Train Your Body
Working on your balance, as they say in Karate Kid, can help with your whole life.
Published in Train Your Body
Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle for your child.
Published in Eat Right Radio
Thursday, 07 August 2014 14:22

Kids & IBS: The Gut Solution

Help your child cope with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) through stress management, education, exercise, diet and sleep.
A man's hormones affect his virility, libido, physique and mental state. What happens when they become unbalanced?
Wednesday, 30 July 2014 11:00

The End of Back Pain

Back pain can keep you from important everyday activities and even cause you to miss out on work. What can you do to find relief?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 30 July 2014 08:52

The Healthy Benefits of Lifting Weights

Want to lose weight, feel stronger, healthier, and more vibrant? Pick up a dumbbell! While strength training is a good addition to anyone's fitness routine, recent studies show that lifting weights may have special health benefits for women. And that's particularly true for older women.
Published in RadioMD Blog
If you're pregnant or planning on it, what types of exercises you can safely do to keep in tip-top shape?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 23 July 2014 11:00

Why Your Brain Needs a Mental Break

Just as you need a physical break once in a while, it's also Important to give your brain a mental break.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 15 July 2014 12:11

Dark Chocolate May Make Walking Easier

Dark chocolate can prevent heart disease, improve vascular function and may help people with vascular disease of the legs.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 15 July 2014 12:00

The Amazing Health Benefits of Soccer

With the popularity soccer is getting all over the world, the health benefits are becoming clear.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 08 July 2014 12:11

Group Fitness Etiquette for Rookies

Learn the rules of play in the group fitness classroom so you can exercise with confidence.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 08 July 2014 12:00

50 Shades of Group Fitness

When you walk into a fitness class, do you know what all the equipment in the room is used for?
Published in Train Your Body
Thursday, 26 June 2014 09:21

7 Steps to a Healthier Life after 40

Instead of dreading life after 40, learn how you can embrace it.
Published in HER
If you're a runner, you may have had issues with shin splints or pulled hamstrings. Are they preventable?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 24 June 2014 12:00

Running for Beginners

As a beginning runner, what are the most important things to know when starting your running program?
Published in Train Your Body
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 11:45

Stuck? How to Lose Those Last 20 Pounds

What if you could lose up to 20 pounds in just four weeks without having to starve yourself or exercise three hours a day?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 11:22

The Anti-Diet with the Fit Bottomed Girls

How many diets have you been on? If you're struggling with weight, you might want to consider an "anti-diet" instead.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Do you have trouble staying motivated to work out? Learn three easy tips to get your butt in gear.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 04 June 2014 14:22

Can You Get Rid of Cellulite?

Cellulite can be a woman's worst enemy. Is there any way to get rid of those unsightly bumps and lumps?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Sunday, 01 June 2014 08:00

5 Items You Need to Work Out from Home

Working out at home is convenient and cost efficient, but you still need to know how to safely perform the proper exercises.
Published in GTL
Saturday, 31 May 2014 16:25

Running at Any Age, Injury-Free

Love to run but suffer from aches and pains? Learn how to run at your peak, eat right, and stay fit and injury-free.
So you've broken your daily habit of eating right and going to the gym...can you get back into your routine?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Can you live a healthy lifestyle with just diet OR exercise?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Losing weight can feel like a huge accomplishment. But there are certain elements that aren't so fun.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 12:22

5 Weight Exercises ALL Women Can Do

If you've ever thought that you're just not the type of person that lifts weights... well, here is some news for you.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 12:11

Buff Bride: Get in Wedding-Ready Shape

It is should to be the most exciting time of your life. But, are you worried about how you'll look in your wedding dress?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 12:00

Think You Hate Running? Think Again

You may think it's not for you, but running can help you lose weight, get in great shape and lift your spirits.
Published in Train Your Body
Thursday, 08 May 2014 14:00

Melatonin Improves Bone Health

Age-related bone loss is a serious condition. The good news is that it can be prevented in most cases.
Tuesday, 06 May 2014 12:33

Do You Have Meditation Guilt?

The truth is you don't have to be in the lotus position in a candlelit room to meditate. You can learn to meditate anywhere.
Published in Train Your Body
Do you have one minute? Then you can get in shape with just a few exercises every day.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 06 May 2014 12:11

Your In-Home Trainer: Back to the Core

Your back is, believe it or not, part of your core. Get a beautiful back right in the comfort of your very own home.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 06 May 2014 12:00

Your In-Home Trainer: Abs to the Core

Learn how to get awesome abs and a belly-baring waistline... all while in the comfort of your own home.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 29 April 2014 12:33

Perfecting Your Kettlebell Workout

Kettlebell training can make for an effective workout. However, you must always be conscious of your form in order to avoid injury.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 29 April 2014 12:22

Is Obesity Really a Disease?

Should obesity be considered a disease and therefore treated by doctors as one?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 29 April 2014 12:11

Sculpt Your Body: The Barre Method

The Barre Method is a popular fitness trend based on the elements of dance, particularly ballet.
Published in Train Your Body
Why not put some balance into your fitness routine and your life? It just may save you a few injuries.
Published in Train Your Body
Diabetes is on the rise among African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders. Why is that?
Published in Staying Well
Friday, 18 April 2014 22:36

Don't Mess with Runners

Monday is the Boston Marathon. Many folks might not have paid much attention to this day, in the past. But that all changed with the events that transpired just over a year ago. Now, this iconic marathon becomes even more so; dedicating the run and race to all those who were killed and injured.

My sister, Rachel, is going to be one among the pack. Last year after the bombings, she made it her mission to qualify and run Boston this year in memory and honor. And she did just that. See, unless you get a special "pass" or run with some sort of fundraising group, you have to qualify to run the Boston Marathon. It's the only marathon in the U.S. that requires you to do so. To make the cut, you must run the entire 26.2 miles under a specific time for your age group. Unfortunately, in my seven full marathons, I have never hit the mark. It's OK, she's faster than me. A little sibling rivalry can be healthy. In all honesty, I'm really proud of her. That's us in the picture, at the start line of the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C. in 2011. If you can't tell by our body language, it was COLD. We actually did two marathons together that year, both within 30 days.

The Boston bombings rocked us as a nation, as it should. Terrorism is some tricky, nasty stuff. But as a runner myself, it hit especially hard. Runners run for different reasons. They run races for different reasons, too. Some of us do it for health (mental and physical) or to raise money for a cause. Some do it as a healthy competition, with others or with themselves. I've mentioned before that I run for a variety of purposes, but mainly to keep my sanity. I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in memory of my best friend's brother, Mike, who was killed in Afghanistan.

Runners, in my opinion, are a special kind of people. Call us "joggers" and you might get a dirty look or a swift kick to the groin. So, when someone intentionally hurts us – and our supporters – we don't take it lightly. We take it in stride. We rise above. We stay strong. Boston Strong? Hell yeah.

In addition to being a runner, I am, as you know, a writer. So, last year when the bombings occurred, I got out my pen and I wrote a poem. And then I went for a run.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 16 April 2014 12:45

Exercise: Important for the Whole Family

A healthy lifestyle is more than just good nutrition. Kids also need a regular exercise regimen to keep them healthy and fit.
Published in Healthy Children
With summer just around the corner, it's time to fire up your fat burn and shed some pounds.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 12:33

Your In-Home Trainer: Chest & Triceps

No expensive gym membership necessary! Learn how to get those buff arms and an awesome chest right in the comfort of your very own home.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 12:22

Your In-Home Trainer: Back & Biceps

No expensive gym membership necessary! Learn how to get rockin' arms and a shapely back right in the comfort of your very own home.
Published in Train Your Body
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has some solutions that elite athletes use... and now so can you.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 12:00

Best Practices: Protecting Young Athletes

Best Practices are designed to make youth leagues safer, more enriching and more fun.
Published in Train Your Body
Monday, 14 April 2014 12:11

Simple Workouts to Do in Your Hotel Room

You don't need to head to your hotel's gym in order to get an effective workout when staying away from home.
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 26 March 2014 11:11

Many Benefits of Stand-Up & Treadmill Desks

It's a fact: sitting too much is terrible for your health. Andrea and Lisa discuss the many benefits of treadmill and stand-up desks.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Saturday, 22 March 2014 16:25

Overcoming Your Arthritis

If you suffer from arthritis, help may be on the way.
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