Thursday, 26 March 2015 12:00

Debunking Fitness Myths

Ever hear from people that just because they exercise, they can eat anything? This is just one myth that will be debunked by Donovan Green.
For this men’s health segment, Donovan Green discusses the truth behind exercise supplements.
Published in Sharecare Radio
What are 10 ways to help burn calories without going to a gym?
When it comes to exercise, are you setting realistic goals?
Dr. Lekshmi Vaidyanathan provides tips to athletes getting ready for a major athletic event and describes what goes on behind the scenes in the medical tents.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Tuesday, 10 March 2015 11:11

Benefits of Barre

Katie Schrier, owner of Atlanta’s barre3 studio, explains the benefits of the popular new workout and what makes barre3 unique.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Exergames, games that make the user get up and move, are hardly a new phenomenon.
Published in Healthy Children
Want to pump up your fitness and/or weight loss efforts? Work out smarter, not longer.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Even though you may be stuck at work, there is a way to get in a small (yet effective) workout.
Strength training can make you stronger AND help you lose weight.
Published in Train Your Body
The truth is out: a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health. How can you work enough physical activity into your day to get the benefits?
Published in Train Your Body
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 11:45

Yoga for ALL Shapes & Sizes

If you don't have the "typical" yoga student's body, you might feel intimidated to try it. Learn how one woman has created a yoga concept for ALL shapes and sizes.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 10:22

4 Supplements to Naturally Ease Muscle Soreness

What are four supplements that can help ease your DOMs (delayed onset muscle soreness) symptoms?
Tuesday, 17 February 2015 12:33

Is Walking Really an Effective Workout?

Whether your goal is to be more active, lose weight or win a marathon, walking is a great place to start.
Published in Train Your Body
Whether at work or home, sitting all day is never a good idea.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 17 February 2015 12:11

The Barre Way: Just Another Toning Trend?

What is this fitness trend called The Barre method? Is it dance? A workout? Maybe both.
Published in Train Your Body
Crunches, planks and sit-ups: you've tried them all, but do they actually work on that belly fat?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 10 February 2015 11:22

How to Work Out Safely as You Age

Dr. Darria has brought David Buer back to the show to share some tips on how to keep your workout safe as you age.
Published in Sharecare Radio
When it comes to etiquette at the gym, which personality fits you? Are you The Slob, The Hoarder, The Cardio Junkie, The Talker/Time Burglar?
Published in Train Your Body
Personal trainer or group classes? How do you choose which workout is best for you?
Published in Train Your Body
Monday, 09 February 2015 10:22

OWNing Your Diabetes

How can you O-W-N your diabetes in three simple steps?
Wednesday, 04 February 2015 10:22

A Recipe for Good Health

What does it mean to be healthy?
Wednesday, 04 February 2015 10:11

4 Key Drivers of Health

What are four things that can boost your health?
How can you reduce chronic pain with exercise?
Research confirms that it's harder for women to reach weight goals.
Published in HER
Join Dr. Darria as she has Tammy Stokes of West Coast Workouts on to give you the scoop on how celebrities stay fit.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Being physically active may contribute to your overall health and minimize or delay the effects of aging.
Published in GTL
Monday, 26 January 2015 08:00

Lifting Weights Can Improve Your Memory

Working out for as little as 20 minutes can enhance memory by about 10 percent in healthy young adults.
Published in GTL
Angina isn't categorized as a disease, but as a symptom of a bigger health issue: coronary heart disease.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 20 January 2015 12:22

How to Limit Common Workout Injuries

For any individual who is physically active, there is a possibility of sustaining an injury.
Published in Train Your Body
Wednesday, 14 January 2015 11:22

Struggling to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions?

Did you know that only 8% of people actually stick to their New Year's resolutions throughout the entire year?
Published in Naturally Savvy
You're not feeling well. Should you work out or take the day off?
Published in Train Your Body

Brace yourselves, your gym is about to become overcrowded with newcomer chaos.

It's a new year, and with this comes new dreams, desires and goals. I'm all for positive thinking, encouragement and transforming your life into a healthier one, especially when it comes to working out. Now that it's officially a new year, many of you may have decided to make 2015 "your year" and get moving on your fitness goals. This is great; high fives all around! In fact, most gyms will see a boost in members around the New Year, since getting in shape is one of the most common resolutions.

BUT, as someone who perceives the gym as my happy place, newbies always seem to find a way to make it a more irritating and unpleasant space rather than a comforting one.

Published in RadioMD Blog
You can learn to eat nutritious foods that are good for you (but still taste amazing).
Published in Train Your Body
A 10-week health and fitness plan that will give you the tools you need to achieve your goals.
Published in Train Your Body
As you approach middle age, you may be concerned how your body will handle the stress of running. Is walking better for you?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 06 January 2015 12:00

Body Image: Why Active Women Still Struggle

Are you an active woman still struggling with your body image?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 06 January 2015 11:33

REAL Resolutions for Fitness

Almost 50% of all New Year's Resolutions have a health component, so why do we give up so quickly?
Published in Sharecare Radio
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 12:33

Getting Motivated to Work Out on Your Own

Can't afford a personal trainer? Here's how to get motivated to work out on your own.
Published in Train Your Body
Finding the best trainers and workout options can be a challenge.
Published in Train Your Body
Wednesday, 10 December 2014 14:11

Tips & Tricks to NOT Pack on Pounds this Winter

Your couch may be looking extra comfy these days... how can you resist and keep those pounds from creeping on?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 10 December 2014 11:00

Carol Alt Dishes on Her Exercise Routine

They may seem naturally toned and slim, but even supermodels have to work out.
Published in Naturally Savvy
How can you enjoy the holidays without gaining that holiday weight?
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 14:22

The Benefits of Walking

Research has shown that walking for 30 minutes a day can lower health risks and improve your overall quality of life.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Will you be falling off the New Year's Resolution wagon once again? Or overcome past failures and actually stick with your goals?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 02 December 2014 12:00

Staying Fit While You're Pregnant

Staying fit during pregnancy benefits both mama and baby. Learn how you can stay in great shape while carrying your little one.
Published in Train Your Body
Learn how your commute can actually get you healthy and help the environment as well.
Published in GTL
Monday, 01 December 2014 08:00

How to Stay Healthy in the Workplace

When you sit all day at work, how can you keep yourself healthy... especially with sneezes and sniffles all around you?
Published in GTL
How can you harness the power of your mind, and the mind/body connection, to help ease the pain in your body?
Published in Naturally Savvy
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