Tuesday, 14 July 2015 11:18

Exercise Facts & Myths

If you're not sore, does it mean you didn't get a good workout?
Published in Train Your Body
Getting started on an exercise plan might be the hardest part.
Published in Train Your Body
Who can participate in the senior games?
Published in Train Your Body
Should your fitness age be younger than your real age?
Published in Train Your Body
Friday, 26 June 2015 12:44

Nature's Secrets: A Healthier Body

Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 26 June 2015 12:22

Warm Weather Fitness Strategies

Hot weather may deter you from your normal exercise routine. Learn tips to stay fit, despite the heat.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 26 June 2015 12:11

What's Hot in Exercise Trends?

Find out what's hot (and what's not) in exercise trends.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 26 June 2015 12:00

The Hottest Exercise Trend: CrossFit

Have you heard the latest buzz in the exercise world? It’s called CrossFit. Find out if it's right for you.
Published in Wellness for Life
Is exercise the key to better sleep?
Published in Train Your Body
Is exercise the key to better sleep?
Published in GTL
What types of exercises can improve your asthma symptoms?
Published in Train Your Body
What types of exercises can improve your asthma symptoms?
Published in GTL
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 11:18

Exercises for Osteoporosis Prevention

How can exercise prevent osteoporosis?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 11:06

Gym Etiquette: Respect Personal Space

What's professional gym etiquette when it comes to personal space?
Published in Train Your Body
What happens to a muscle when you consistently work it out, day after day?
Published in Health Radio
Thursday, 11 June 2015 11:46

Workout No-Nos: Doing Too Much Too Soon

What are some of the most common injuries, and why do they happen?
Published in Health Radio
Tuesday, 09 June 2015 12:00

Busy Women’s Guide: Fitting in Fitness

For Sharecare Radio's new "Busy Women’s Guide" segment, news anchor Jovita Moore explains how she stays fit despite her busy schedule.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Why is self-care so important for a happy and healthy life?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 09 June 2015 11:06

The Secret to Lasting Fitness Motivation

What are the top three strategies for staying motivated to exercise?
Published in Train Your Body
What are the crucial self-defense moves you should know when walking or running alone?
Published in Health Radio
Communication and trust plays a huge role in successful relationships.
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 29 May 2015 10:22

Preserve Muscle During Weight Loss

One of the trickiest balances of exercise is maintaining (and growing) muscle strength while losing weight.
Feeling comfortable with your exercise instructor is important. But, should gender be an important part of your decision?
Published in Train Your Body
Regular exercise can lead to weight loss, but which exercises are the best?
Published in GTL
Regular exercise can lead to weight loss, but which exercises are the best?
Published in Train Your Body
Thursday, 30 April 2015 13:11

5 Ways to Regain Youthfulness

Certain exercise moves can help you look and feel younger.
Published in HER
With double the protein and carbohydrates of regular milk, chocolate milk should be your go-to workout drink to replenish tired muscles.
You see and hear miracle weight loss tactics touted by celebrities, but are they realistic for YOU?
Published in Train Your Body
You see and hear miracle weight loss tactics touted by celebrities, but are they realistic for YOU?
Published in GTL
Certain gyms are now playing movies in cardio rooms in order to lure in more exercisers.
Published in HER
Research shows that listening to music can help keep you motivated in your workouts.
Published in Train Your Body
If you haven't heard, treadmill desks are really catching on.
Published in Train Your Body
Should you be doing the same exercises you did when you were younger?
Published in Train Your Body
Should you be doing the same exercises you did when you were younger?
Published in GTL
You exercise, but your mate doesn't. Getting them to join you is taking up your exercise time.
Published in Train Your Body
You exercise, but your mate doesn't. Getting them to join you is taking up your exercise time.
Published in GTL
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Whether you are from Mars or Venus, learn a selection of exercises designed to meet your gender-specific needs.
Published in Train Your Body
It may not be easy, but there are ways to make a clean break on good terms.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:11

No Excuses Fitness

Donovan Green is back on the show to discuss his new book, No Excuses Fitness.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Wednesday, 08 April 2015 09:40

Walking: Best Youthful Elixir on the Planet

Feeling good may be the best elixir for looking good. Walking is a major part of that miracle medicine.
Published in GTL
Do you suffer from knee pain? The answer for relief just may surprise you.
Published in GTL
Wednesday, 08 April 2015 09:09

Limit Common Workout Injuries

For any individual who is physically active, there is a possibility of sustaining an injury.
Published in GTL
Crunches, planks and sit-ups: you've tried them all, but do they actually work on that belly fat?
Published in GTL
Monday, 06 April 2015 12:40

Is Walking Really an Effective Workout?

Whether your goal is to be more active, lose weight or win a marathon, walking is a great place to start.
Published in GTL
Strength training can make you stronger AND help you lose weight.
Published in GTL
The truth is out: a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health. How can you work enough physical activity into your day to get the benefits?
Published in GTL
By hitting up the weights, you not only shred fat, but you also tone all over your body.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Does exercising outdoors have more benefits than an indoor workout? Or, vice versa?
Busting all the myths of carbs, protein, and fat in your diet.
Published in HER
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